Paladin Dad Chapter 277

"Wu Bobo, Lu Uncle, elder sister Yulin, Sister Qin Qin …"

When Bao'er finished her homework and ran downstairs to meet the guests sitting in the yard, she immediately greeted her politely.

"Bao'er good!" "Bao'er good!" "Good Little Junior Sister!"

Everyone, hehe haha, enjoyed it, making little girl look forward to it.

Why hasn't dinner come yet? It's almost dark!

"I'm coming!"

Zuo Yi appeared in the yard, and his image amused everyone: "Chef!"

A set of white brand new chef uniforms is worn on the body, with a tall chef hat on his head, a cold light sparkling kitchen knife held in the right hand, a full kitchen god model!

Bao'er liked: "Father is so handsome!"

Zuo Yi gave his baby a big smile.

Fang Yonghe pushed a dining car over, and there was a pot of just-boiled beef bone soup on the cart.

This pot of soup is the source of the strong aroma.

Although the soup pot was still covered with a lid, but Wu Shanjian could not be seen, even Wu Yongjian could not help but swallowed saliva and said.

Fang Yonghe greeted the guests and opened the lid.

The ingredients of this pot of soup are Zuo Yi's beef bones cut into more than ten sections with Scarlet Dragon Sword. According to his requirements, Fang Yonghe has been boiled in a large pot for four to five hours from noon to now.

The main boil is the beef bone marrow in the bones. There is no seasoning except salt. The bone soup filtered out by gauze is thick milk white, and it smells mouth-watering just by smelling it.

Fang Yonghe used a large spoon to divide the bone soup one after another into everyone's small buffet hot pot as the soup base of the hot pot.

Wang Jiaojiao couldn't wait to sip a spoonful of thick soup into his mouth. Although he was burnt so much that it was contorts one's face in agony, his expression was intoxicated: "It's so delicious!"

It's more than delicious. A bite of bone soup enters the abdomen.

Lips and teeth are fragrant, and the aftertaste is endless!

Wang Jiaojiao's forehead was exuding fine sweat, and he couldn't help but scoop another spoonful.

"Drink slowly."

Zuo Yi reminded: "You can't drink too much or you will have a nosebleed."

Wang Jiaojiao Although she has studied Knight Body Refining Method and Giant Dragon Breathing Method, she is physically better than her peers, but she is not Transcendent after all, so she cannot drink too much Demon Ox bone soup.

Even Zuo Yi uses only a little bit of ingredients.

Wu Yongjian and Lu Guang have no problem drinking more.

Lu Guang also praised it after he tasted it, and he couldn't help asking: "Adviser Zuo, what kind of soup is this?"

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "It's troublesome to explain, but it's a good thing."

"Then I will not ask."

Lu Guang said with a big smile heartily: "Thank you for asking me to drink such a good soup."

"There is better."

Zuo Yi opened the locker under the dining car and took out a piece of fresh meat about ten centimeters square.

He placed the piece of meat on a cutting board, cut a piece of thin cicada-shaped meat horizontally with a kitchen knife, placed it evenly on a plate, and gave it to Shang Yulin, who was closest to him.

Zuo Yi instructed: "Single slice for one person, put it in the boiling soup and eat it."

One person per person?

Shang Yulin took the plate in doubt, clipped a slice himself, and then handed it to Wang Jiaojiao next to him.

Including Bao'er, one person is just right.

Shang Yulin put the meat in the small hot pot in front of him with chopsticks, and simmered in the bone soup just boiled. The color of the meat pieces became white instantly, but did not shrink.

She remembered Zuo Yi's account and immediately raised chopsticks and immediately smelled a strange fragrance.

Hurry up and eat in your belly!

Smelling this scent, Shang Yulin's mind seemed to have a devil's voice before desperately urging, strongly stimulating her mouth, letting her drool secretly secrete.

She involuntarily put the piece of meat in her mouth.

As a result, the piece of meat melted at the entrance and turned into a hot gravy flowing down the throat into the stomach.

The next second, the taste buds on Shang Yulin's tongue exploded!

She could not use words to describe this deliciousness. The genes derived from the ancient human's love for meat seemed to be awakened in an instant.

Mrs. Wife is delicious!

Shang Yulin was so touched that she almost cried, and she deeply understood the truth of the phrase "Only love and food cannot be disappointed"!

The others felt basically the same.

The yard became quiet and everyone was thinking about it.


Still Bao'er's crisp voice broke the silence: "I still want to eat meat, it's so delicious!"

Zuo Yi slightly smiled, took the empty plate and cut a few more.

He wasn't surprised by everyone's response, because this piece of meat was part of a beef tenderloin.

There is a muscle on the inside of the spine of the tauren, which is less than ten meters long, only one slap wide, and the weight is only a few tens of kilograms, but it is the tenderest and most delicious meat on the tauren!

Most unusually, this tenderloin does not require any special processing and can be eaten by ordinary people.

When Zuo Yi ate this kind of beef loin for the first time, he almost swallowed his tongue.

And using beef bone broth to stir-fry the meat, can completely stimulate the tenderness of tenderloin!

"Mr. Wu can take three more tablets. Luge and Yulin can only take one more …"

After cutting the meat, Zuo Yi said, "Well, Bao'er can eat another slice."


Everyone else was dumbfounded.

They were like Zhu Bajie who had just eaten the ginseng fruit, looking forward to another one, but they were told that they were gone, and the loss and disappointment in their hearts could be imagined!

Zuo Yi explained: "You can't eat anymore. Just order some vegetables and it's delicious."

Wang Jiaojiao glared at him hopefully that he would show compassion.

However, Zuo Yi was heart-bound.

Wu Yongjian and the others just smiled and felt like they made a billion!

And when Shang Yulin ate the second slice of beef tenderloin, he felt that his stomach was like a burning flame, but without the burning pain, a hot stream of flames rushed to the limbs and bones in a moment, strength The filling is extreme.

She couldn't help but stand up, the joints in her body suddenly made a crisp trembling sound, a pretty face was red and bleeding, and sweat kept flowing.


Shang Yulin opened his mouth, but it was speechless.

At this time, Zuo Yi handed her a long sword.

Shang Yulin took it over without thinking, breathing away from the dining table, and practicing the Faston Court Cross-Shaped Sword Technique on the spot under the Camphor Tree!

Sword light flashes, the screaming of the wind, see everyone as a stunner.

Wu Yongjian opened his eyes in surprise, because Shang Yulin at this moment was clearly experiencing the process of Extraordinary awakening!

Most importantly, her awakening was extraordinary!
