Paladin Dad Chapter 279



Zuo Yi looked at the little girl in bed in doubt, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I'm so full."

Bao'er muttered, and her eyelids started to fight.

"Who told you to eat that many."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Don't you drink up all the bone soup? Is your stomach going up?"

In the evening, the little girl ate a lot. In addition to the beef bone soup and tenderloin, there were vegetables and rice cakes, dried tofu and the like. It was mainly Fang Yonghe who spoiled her so much that she glutted.

If it was before, it would definitely cause problems, but now she has an Extraordinary physique and it doesn't matter if you eat more.

The growth of the destiny witch requires a long process, and it is undoubtedly important to supplement enough "nutrition" during the period.

" ~"

Bao'er said coquettishly, "The beef is delicious, and the bone soup is delicious."

Little miser.

Zuo Yi pinched her little nose lovingly and said, "Go to sleep, digest it first, and then make it for you."

The tenderloin of the tauren is basically prepared for her!

"Thank you father."

Bao'er closed his eyes and raised his arms: "Hug."

Zuo Yi smiled and lowered her head, letting the little girl hug her neck and kiss her face intimately.

I only feel joy and peace.

After a while, Zuo Yi found that she had fallen asleep and slept soundly.

"good night."

Zuo Yi whispered softly, he cautiously lowered Bao'er's hands, and kissed her face again.

Then quietly left the room.

He came to the study.

Sitting at the desk, reaching out to turn on the lamp, Zuo Yi took a piece of horn from the space ring.

This is cut from the root of a horn of a troll troll. It is about one finger thick, slightly larger than the palm of his hand, and has an obsidian-like color and texture.

If you look closely under the light, you can find that the cuticle contains countless fine golden sands.

These dark golden sands are Abyss Ugin, a special metal unique to the Abyss plane.

The Demon in the Abyss plane like to swallow the udon ore. The udon that will not be digested will be enriched in their horns and minions, which will greatly enhance the hardness and toughness of these parts, and increase the affinity for spell.

The horn of the tauren is one of its most powerful weapons. The gold content can be imagined. This horn is placed in Sadya World and has a very high value.

Zuo Yi now takes it out and makes Bao'er a horn comb.

He then took out the Meteorite Dagger and started cutting the horns.

Meteorite Dagger is extremely sharp, but Zuo Yi has to inject Battle Qi to cut this hard material, so he pays special attention to avoid accidentally wasting materials.

When the horns were gradually formed in the hands, Zuo Yi's heart was thinking whether one day, he would use this comb to comb the long hair for the little girl who grew up, and then put on red for her Hijab.

It's a little sad to think about it.

At the same time, Shang Yulin just woke up.

Her eyes opened, and the scene in front of her made her a little embarrassed, because this was not her boudoir at all.

A strange bed in a strange room, and a strange pajamas on her body!

But Shang Yulin remembered it quickly.

After awakening to break through, she felt particularly comfortable, and then drank most of the bottles of red wine.

Originally, according to Shang Yulin's wine volume, this wine was nothing at all, but he was drunk. Fang Yonghe helped him to go upstairs to rest, and because he was sticky and uncomfortable, he took a shower.

Bathrobes and pajamas were provided by Fang Yonghe, who stayed with her to take care of her and did not leave until she fell asleep.

What a shame!

Shang Yulin covered his hot face.

She got up and wanted to call mother, but couldn't find her clothes and bag, so she slipped out of the room wearing slippers.

The corridor outside was quiet without lights, the door of the next room was hidden, and the light was transmitted through the door gap.

Shang Yulin hesitated, walked over and gently opened the door.

Then I saw Zuo Yi, who was sitting in front of the desk carving a horn comb.

The soft rays of light of the table lamp illuminated Zuo Yi's side face. His expression was focused and serious, with a gentle sadness in his eyes, making Shang Yulin's inexplicable heart tremor.

Can't help it.

"Are you awake?"

Realizing the appearance of Shang Yulin, Zuo Yi turned around and said with a faint smile: "You'll sleep here at night, I've called Master's Wife."

Shang Yulin pretty face Yihong asked, "You haven't slept yet?"

"Get this right and sleep."

Zuo Yi shook the 5% comb of horns in his hand and asked, "How do you feel?"


Shang Yulin quickly understood what Zuo Yi meant, and nodded said, "Very good, strong!"

She couldn't help clenching her fists. The muscles in her arms tightened instantly, and she felt very strong.

She has never been stronger.

This is Transcendent!


Zuo Yi put down the dagger and horn comb and thought about it and said, "Come here and sit down. I was going to tell you tomorrow, just now."

He stretched out a stool.

Shang Yulin doubted him, and immediately sat down in front of Zuo Yi, a well-dressed student.

Zuo Yi smiled, suddenly raised her hand and waved in front of her eyes.

The next moment, dozens of pigeon-sized star clusters emerged out of thin air, emitting soft rays of light around Shang Yulin


Such a magical scene made Shang Yulin open his eyes wide and whisper softly.

"As Transcendent …"

Zuo Yi said earnestly and seriously: "In the Extraordinary system that I guided you into, you are already a real Knight and possess the strength far beyond ordinary people."

"But Knight is just the beginning of Extraordinary. If you choose to continue on this road, it is best to choose one or more Virtue as your Faith. Virtue Faith can help you get more and more power. It also helps you not get lost on the way. "

"Of course you can give up your choice."

"Do not!"

Shang Yulin subconsciously rejected Zuo Yi's final proposal, and she couldn't help asking: "How should I choose?"

"Very simple."

Zuo Yi pointed at the star cluster around her and said, "A star here represents a Virtue. As long as you accept it and accept it, you can get its Faith and become your source of strength!"

This is the most orthodox Knight inheritance from Sadya World and the choice Zuo Yi has faced.

At that time, Zuo Yi chose Order, Honor, Heroism, Trust, Staunchness, Uprightness, Honesty, and Mercy Eight Virtues Faith in one breath, and paid an unimaginable price for others.

But also made him today.

Now it's Shang Yulin's turn to choose.
