Paladin Dad Chapter 288

Tianhong Martial Arts Hall, the first Sword Room.

The morning sun shines through the glass windows in the clean and tidy room, and the dust is not surprised.

Shang Yulin, in a gray Martial Arts suit, holding a cross sword, respectfully salutes Zuo Yi, who is standing opposite.

Zuo Yi bowed slightly in return.

When Shang Yulin stood up again, her eyes suddenly looked sharp and sharp, and the whole person looked like the long sword with the sheath in her hand, revealing a strong momentum!


The next second, she pierced the cross sword straight, and the sword edge pointed to the key of Zuo Yi's throat three meters away.

From static to moving, Shang Yulin suddenly broke out at an extremely fast speed, not even a blink of an eye. The sword tip was only half a foot away from Zuo Yi's throat, and was about to penetrate his key point.

Not only that, the sword tip also reveals a three-inch-long silver white sword glow!


But in the sword glow and the stab of the sword's tip is a wide blade that appears to appear out of thin air, the latter completely motionlessly blocked the attack from Shang Yulin.

And the power of anti-shock makes the trembling trembling of the silver light's awesome cross sword body!

Without a hit, Shang Yulin, who was approaching Zuo Yi, immediately changed his direction and immediately turned to the left position. The cross sword followed a dazzling trajectory, cutting Zuo Yi's waist.

However, the epee held by Zuo Yi dropped one step ahead of time and just hit the cross sword away.


The sound of metal impact was endless. With Zuo Yi standing on the spot without moving footsteps as the target, Shang Yulin launched a storm-like attack. Within a short time, the word light inside the Sword Room shone with the word energy. !!

The same battle has been staged dozens of times in this Sword Room, but today's discussion is the first battle between Shang Yulin and Zuo Yi after breaking the limit to become Transcendent.

Her speed, strength, and responsiveness far exceeded those of the past. The same sword trick was shown in her hands, and the power increased by unknown times.

But there is still no defense that can shake Zuo Yi's wall.

After a fierce onslaught, fine beads of sweat oozed from Shang Yulin's forehead.

That night breaking through the Extraordinary till now, she is making rapid progress in all day, and her self-confidence in fighting is increasing day by day. However, Zuo Yi still feels as if she is as tall as a mountain.

Change to someone else and maybe give up, but Shang Yulin's fighting will become more and more high, the speed and strength of sword out are faster and stronger, and the sword momentum is more light, fast, sharp and sharp.

In addition to that elegant beauty, she played vividly and thoroughly the essence of the Faston Court Cross Sword!

"it is good!"

Suddenly Zuo Yi praised him, striding forward, and even a sword was hit by Shang Yulin, who was caught off guard.


Shang Yulin was knocked out without a doubt.

But she was in dire straits, and she turned back in the air and landed firmly on the floor.

He still clasped the cross long sword with both hands.

It was just sticky hair, sweat on her face, and irresistible gasping that made her a little bit embarrassed.


Zuo Yi said with a slight smile: "Your progress is very fast. After a while, I can teach you a new sword technique."

The Faston Court Cross-Shaped Sword Technique he taught to Shang Yulin is basic level, and there is more High Level content later.

Shang Yulin's training progress on this set of Sword Art has greatly exceeded his expectations!

Now that Shang Yulin 's Extraordinary level has stabilized at E-Rank Peak, it wo n't be long before she can break through D-Rank. With the addition of Faston Court Cross-Shaped Sword Technique, she can even play the D-Rank 's battle strength. .

It is worth looking forward to!

Shang Yulin put away the cross sword in his hand and wiped his sweat with a happy smile.

She can also clearly feel her progress, and her belief in pursuing stronger power has become stronger!


At this time, someone knocked on the door and entered the Sword Room: "You two take a break and drink a bowl of mung bean soup."

It was Fang Yonghe.

Now Fang Yonghe has completely restored her health and youth. Due to the changing effect of Fountain of Life water on physique, she looks less than thirty and re-emerges from the inside out.

And she is already the head of finance and logistics at Tianhong Martial Arts Hall. Without her helping Shang Yulin get rid of the trivial and complicated routine affairs, it would be impossible for Shang Yulin to free up more time and energy to work hard.

Shang Yulin has made rapid progress in recent times, and Fang Yonghe also contributed.

"Thank you aunt."

Shang Yulin sweetly smiled, immediately put down the cross sword to pick up the soup pot and soup bowl brought by Fang Yonghe.

She called Fang Yonghe aunt like Zuo Yi.

"you are welcome."

Fang Yonghe handed Shang Yulin a clean towel and said lovingly, "Don't be too tired."

Although I haven't known Shang Yulin for a long time, Fang Yonghe likes this beautiful and kind girl in my heart. The two work well together and work well together.

Unfortunately, Zuo Yi and Shang Yulin do not call, otherwise they will be able to kiss and kiss each other.

Shang Yulin first poured a bowl of Tremella Mung Bean Soup for Zuo Yi.

Zuo Yi was not polite, took a breath and drunk cleanly, saying, "aunt, Yulin, I left beforehand."

Today, he will go to the Extraordinary Management Office to meet Wu Yongjian.

Leaving Martial Arts Hall, Zuo Yi drove to Hangzhou General Police Station.

What Zuo Yi did not expect was that when he came to Wu Yongjian's office, there was another person besides the chief executive of the Extraordinary Management Office.

"Director Lu!"

Zuo Yi was surprised: "When did you come back?"

The counterparty is Director Lu Han of Jiangnan Extraordinary Management Office Investigation Department, the star of Zhang Jingyao!

There is no need to repeat the relationship between Zuo Yi and Lu Han, but more than a month ago, Lu Han had left the Jiangnan Extraordinary Management Office to go to the Desolate World. It was said that it would take a long time to return.

To this end, he temporarily entrusted Zhang Jingyao to Zuo Yi for care.

Turns out now!

"I just came back last night."

Lu Han said with a smile: "I didn't bother you because it was too late."

"Welcome back."

Zuo Yi shook hands vigorously with him and asked curiously, "Can the World Stone start again?"

Earth's Transcendent to and from Desolate World must rely on World Stone. Previously, the opening interval of World Stone was very long, ranging from three to five months, to half a year.

"It was open a few days ago."

Wu Yongjian replied for Lu Han: "Xia Chaolian is working on it. It is said that it is likely to be opened frequently in a short period of time in the future, presumably related to the emergence of Emperor Liujiang."

Zuo Yi nodded-This speculation is undoubtedly accurate.

This also means that Earth's conquest and pioneering process of the Desolate World will be greatly accelerated.

Earth, in turn, faces more dangers!

Because unless you have the crushing power, it is very high to conquer another World and encounter backlash.

But no matter what, Lu Han's return is safe.
