Paladin Dad Chapter 310

Looking at Sun Qiang who covered head and sneaked away like a rat, Shang Yulin couldn't help laughing.

She curiously asked Zuo Yi: "If the young junior brother's final exam really fails, then you really want to clean up the sect?"

"of course it's true."

Zuo Yi doesn't tell the truth: "I don't need a muscle-minded empty apprentice."

In Sadya World, Knight and Wizard belong to the aristocratic class. Many Knights are cultivated from an early age. In addition to their daily martial skill exercises, their daily courses also include the learning and mastery of various knowledge.

An illiterate Knight is hard to imagine in Sadya World. Although Knight does not need to be as knowledgeable as Wizard, comprehensive knowledge is far more than ordinary people.

Only those who serve as cannon fodder need not learn a lot of knowledge, the simpler the brain, the easier it is to control.

If Sun Qiang becomes such a product, it is definitely a shame for Zuo Yi!

Shang Yulin said with a smile: "Then he must go back to sleep at night."

"Do not hit the house for three days …"

Zuo Yi said, "Leave him alone, let's go."

He left Tianhong Martial Arts Hall with Shang Yulin and drove to Linjiang City.

Today's Linjiang City is no longer the calm of the past. The neighbourhood neighbours are gathered together in small groups, and the topics are not separated from demolition, compensation, resettlement, etc. Some excitement, some confusion, and some expression grave.

Outside the town, large bulldozers knocked down factories, rubbish was quickly loaded on large trucks, and dust was flying in a busy scene.

"Our new Martial Arts Hall will be built here in the future …"

Zuo Yi showed a rendering to Shang Yulin: "After the completion, it can accommodate at least XNUMX students!"

After the Jiangnan Linjiang Ancient Town Protection and Tourism Development Company was incorporated, Wang Yongqiang took out the overall demolition and reconstruction plan of Linjiang City and reported it to the relevant section for approval.

The process went very smoothly. He took over the booth left by the former Jiangnan New City corporation, started new negotiations with Linjiang City, and worked out a two-step plan.

The first step is to fully purchase all the factory land outside the town, first to plan and construct the external environment, and at the same time to negotiate with the residents in the town.

After the purchase agreement was reached with the factory owner, the first demolition work began immediately, and the infrastructure of Martial Arts Hall can be carried out in January next year. The completion is expected to be completed as soon as mid-2021.

Staring at this beautiful rendering, Shang Yulin overwhelmed by emotions, she never dreamed that Tianhong would have such a magnificent new Martial Arts Hall.

She can't imagine the scene of XNUMX students practicing martial arts sword in Martial Arts Hall at the same time. I believe that that day will come, then Shang He's spirit in heaven will be very comforting.

Zuo Yi gave her more than just a rendering, but an infinitely beautiful and splendid future.

A tissue was passed to her.

"Thank you."

Shang Yulin took it shyly and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes. He asked aside the question and asked, "Will the town over here move?"

The situation inside Linjiang City is much more complicated than the factory outside. Linjiang Ancient Town Development Company has provided the villagers with three options of monetary compensation, off-site resettlement and original site resettlement. The conditions are better than the original Jiangnan New City corporation.

The signing work is now proceeding in an orderly manner. Of course, there must be a lot of obstacles and difficulties, but with sufficient funds, most of the problems can be properly solved.

Moreover, Zuo Yi did not intend to demolish the entire town to build high-rise buildings. He wanted to preserve the original features of the ancient town to the greatest extent, so even if he encountered a few nail households in daylight robbery, it was okay to give up. There is no need to play with the coercive method of losing Faith values.

After seeing the demolition site, Zuo Yi stayed at Shang Yulin for dinner at Old Residence and talked with her a lot.

Time rushed and a few days passed.

On Saturday night, Zuo Yi took Bao'er to the West Creek Underground Market.

Tonight, Jiabao will hold a year-end auction on the West Market third floor. There are a lot of priceless and unique rare treasures on auction. Zuo Yi got an invitation from Yan Dong and came over to have a fun.

His Escaping Death Golden Medal will also reappear at this auction!

There is still some time before the auction starts, so Zuo Yi is not in a hurry, holding Bao'er's little hand to find leaks in the Taobao stall on the first floor.

The West Market's stall area is much more lively than ever. The biggest change is that among the customers who come and go, the number of Transcendents has surged, and there are a lot of Transcendents in the stall owners.

As if overnight, Transcendent sprung up like a bamboo shoot, and raised the level of the stall area a lot.

What's more interesting is that many stall owners are selling Extraordinary materials, that is, skins, teeth, bones, tendons, claws, and other materials collected and divided from Extraordinary creatures. People looked dazzled.

The stall owners were all eager to sell their "treasure" to passersby.

"Extraordinary tiger bones, strong wine, and last two!"

"Come and have a look, the real Extraordinary Spike is very effective in repelling evil spirits!"

"Extraordinary horns were cut from a 3,000 jin buffalo head two days ago. Absolutely rare!"

"Extraordinary Rare Item, know how!"

No matter what the thing is, the "Extraordinary" prefix is ​​added, as if it can't be sold without these two words. People listen to it as if the Extraordinary creatures have flooded into disaster, and there are so many materials on it.

In fact, 99.99% of the goods in it are flickers.

Although there are a lot of Extraordinary creatures now, hunting Extraordinary creatures is not easy. At present, most of them are hunted and killed by the Extraordinary Management Office and the Super League.

And the captured Extraordinary creatures, the Extraordinary Management Office and the Super Union will not be enough for their own use. How can they fall into the stall?

Of course, there are a few people who are looking for wealth. They took the Extraordinary detector and went into the old forest in the mountains to take a chance. Fortunately, they hunted one or two Extraordinary creatures. As long as they let the wind out, there were a lot of buyers, and there was no need to sip.

As for the 0.01% genuine product on the floor, you need to have two Golden Fire Eyes to identify it.

Zuo Yi has no interest in these so-called Extraordinary materials, but there are also some interesting gadgets in the stall area. When Bao'er likes it, he will bargain and buy it to make her happy.

If you're lucky enough, maybe you can get one or two real treasures and enjoy the fun of picking up leaks.
