Paladin Dad Chapter 313

(⊙o⊙)! (⊙o⊙)! (⊙o⊙)! (⊙o⊙)!

The onlookers of the stall area were all dumbfounded! !!

Such a large ruby ​​was actually swallowed by a small puppy. Afraid to choke?

And even if you do n't die, you have to break your stomach!

Where do they know that Foodie Ty's stomach is a black hole, with a sloppy attribute, how much will not support it.

Swallowing this invaluable magic crystal, he licked his lips with satisfaction, shaking his head to Bao'er.

Earn it, earn it, and Bao'er will bring him here every day.

Simply elated!

Foodie Ty thought beautifully, and the eyes of First Prince Orde in the Kingdom of Salees were almost glaring.

This magic crystal contains the terrible fire attribute Energy. According to the Master of the Tower, once its internal balance is destroyed, the power of the explosion is enough to destroy half of the city, which is comparable to the power of the curse!

This puppy even swallowed it directly, and it was safe and sound, and it subverted the common sense he mastered.

It also made Orde's awe of Zuo Yi deepen again.

With such a powerful magic pet, how does the Master possess terrifying power?

Orde dared not think about it.

He led a Selez delegation to China, and although he was amazed by the prosperity and strength of Earth's modern civilization, he slightly despised Earth's Extraordinary strength.

With such a huge population, the proportion of Transcendent is pitifully small. Most of them are cowardly civilians. One ordinary slave in the Kingdom of Selles can fight ten!

And there are very few top Transcendents.

But now he dare not have any contempt ideas any more, casually encountered a powerhouse like Zuo Yi, who knows how many similar or even stronger levels exist on this planet?

Ord didn't know it was a wonderful misunderstanding, he was completely convinced.

"So be it."

Zuo Yi not at all embarrassed this group of Different World visitors and said, "You can go."

"Many thanks Sir for being generous."

Ord's ordinary words are very good, and even understand idioms, obviously he has studied hard.

He firmly grasped Brat, who was arrogant, and left with the members of the delegation, and specifically instructed the security personnel not to preach for themselves and the others as before, and kept a low profile of Humility a lot.

And the middle-aged man of Hongdi Division was completely aggressive, and with the scornful eyes of many passers-by, he followed the team slackly.

The Order in the stall area returned to normal, and the lively passers-by disappeared, but this matter will undoubtedly be a legendary in the West Market, and in the years to come, various versions of the story will be derived, which will become endless chats. topic.

dīng líng líng ~

Zuo Yi was about to take Bao'er to continue sweeping the booth, his cell phone suddenly rang.

It was Yan Dong who called Zuo Yi. The Patriarch of the Yan Family invited Zuo Yi to meet.

Zuo Yi saw that the time was almost there, so he led the little girl to the VIP room on the third floor of the West Market.

"Left Chief …"

Upon seeing Zuo Yi, Yan Donglai asked with concern: "I just heard someone say that you are in conflict with the people of the Selles Kingdom delegation, are you all right now?"


Zuo Yi said with a smile: "It's resolved."

"That's good."

Yan Dong came and exhaled a long breath: "This group of people are uneasy. All eyes seem to grow on the forehead. I don't wait for them. I let them toss and arbitrarily. I didn't expect to mess with you . "

For the sudden visit of the Different World visitors from the Kingdom of Selles delegation, Yan Dong was actually unhappy because the presence of the other party disrupted some of his plans and arrangements, making him a bit anxious.

Because of the upset in his heart, he did not accompany him personally, but arranged for personnel to follow.

As a result, the major event almost broke out.

Then, Yan Donglai couldn't help but look at Tyke held by Bao'er.

A puppy almost caused a murder!

Of course, Yan Donglai couldn't ignore the existence of the little girl: "This is your daughter? It's so pretty."

Zuo Yi touched Bao'er's head and said, "It's good to be called Uncle Yan."

Bao'er obediently: "Uncle Yan is good."


Yan Dong came to reveal Uncle's father's kind smile and asked, "What's your name, how old is this year?"

This routine little girl is very familiar: "My name is Zuo Bao'er, Bao of Baby, daughter. I am four years old this year!"

"So cute."

Yan Dong came laughing and said, "Wait for Uncle to give you a gift."

He didn't know that Zuo Yi brought Bao'er tonight, so he didn't prepare in advance, but in his status, as long as he ordered, Nature would have someone properly prepared.

"Thank you Uncle Yan."

"you are welcome…"

Yan Donglai said to Zuo Yi again, "Chief Zuo, let me introduce you. This is my nephew Gu Shaoyang."

In fact, when Zuo Yi and Bao'er just came in, he saw Gu Shaoyang at the side of Yandong.

But Gu Shaoyang did not recognize him.

After all, ten years have passed.

Yan Donglai went on to introduce Zuo Yi: "Shaoyang, this is Zuo Yi Zuo Zuo I told you."

"Hello Chief Zuo."

Gu Shaoyang immediately reached out to Zuo Yi: "I'm glad to meet you!"

Zuo Yi smiled and shook hands with him and said, "Long time no see."


Gu Shaoyang froze for a moment.

He doesn't remember seeing Zuo Yi once, but Zuo Yi's phrase "long time no see" evoked his memories and made his eyes change from blank to surprise: "It's you!"

Zuo Yi hehehe.

Zuo Yi had a relationship with Gu Shaoyang, but Gu Shaoyang was in a period of rebellion ten years ago. He was not very appreciative of Zuo Yi's boyfriend, and the situation was not very pleasant.

Ten years later, Gu Shaoyang is no longer Long Aotian.

Zuo Yi is not Zuo Yi back then!

Yan Donglai was surprised: "Chief Zuo, Shaoyang, do you know?"

Zuo Yi casually said: "I saw it many years ago."

Yan Dong came laughed: "That's fate, come on, let's sit down and talk!"

He is the and the others, how can he not see Gu Shaoyang's embarrassment, and he must make a round to mediate the atmosphere.

In fact, Zuo Yi doesn't have anything to do with Gu Shaoyang.

Everyone sat down kindly.

"Left, left chief …"

Gu Shaoyang recovered his calmness. He took a complex look at Bao'er next to Zuo Yi and said, "Speaking of which I really have to thank you. Without your Escaping Death Golden Medal, I died in Daxing that day. It's in the mountains. "

Speaking of which he was still worried.

"you are welcome."

Zuo Yi waved his hand and said, "I bought it with real money."

At this point, only listening to Yandong's cough, he immediately knew that the real meat part was coming.
