Paladin Dad Chapter 317


With a low quake, the invisible waves of naked eye diffused towards Zuo Yi and moved towards all around.

In the area covered by this powerful Extraordinary wave, the air has a large area of ​​distortion, which instantly makes the surrounding World seem to be blocked by a thick layer of frosted glass, making the original scene dimly obscure!

The only thing that clearly exists in Zuo Yi's sight is Wu Yongjian, which is only ten meters away from him!

This represents the success of the sub-aircraft fighter, which pulled Zuo Yi and the locked target into the sub-space at the same time.


Although it possesses a higher level of field power, the combat effectiveness of the Asian air combat weapon also surpassed Zuo Yi's expectations. The space cage it created was quite stable and sturdy, and its coverage was large enough.

In fact, with the strength of Zuo Yi, it is easy to expand the battle space tenfold, but now it is just a test with Wu Yongjian, so there is no need to waste much effort.


Wu Yongjian immediately raised his right hand and opened his five fingers, pointing at Zuo Yi, said solemnly: "I'm going to shoot."

His tone barely fell, and he spit forward with a palm of his hand, an invisible force condensed and formed instantly, and moved towards Zuo Yi with a thunderbolt.

Deliberate hammer!

Motivation is the most powerful Extraordinary ability that Wu Yongjian has.

As an A-Rank Extraordinary powerhouse, his accomplishments in mind control have already reached the level of achieved perfection. This memory of the destructive power of the hammer is impossible to defend even the armor of heavy tanks!

The shot is a big move. It is not that Wu Yongjian wants to give Zuo Yi some color, but he knows that his strength is not as good as Zuo Yi. Using ordinary mental skills is a waste of time and disrespect for powerhouse.


In the blink of an eye, the powerful hammers of horror of thought condensed with horror might reach Zuo Yi's body, and the thunderous thunder roared in the oscillating air.

Ordinary Transcendent Don't say that being hit by a mind hammer, it is difficult to bear the roar of the hammer, so the hammer can produce a double impact.

In the face of the attack from Wu Yongjian, Zuo Yi could not escape but raised his fist to face it.


Along with the deafening bang, Nuo Yi's hammer was broken and killed by Zuo Yi's fist, and his body did not even shake.

"it is good!"

Seeing Zuo Yi casually blocking his big move, a flash of excited expression flashed in Wu Yongjian's eyes.

His hands waved again and again, as if he was playing an ambush on ten sides, ten commanding heavy phantoms, suddenly inspiring thousands of thoughts and waves moving towards Zuo Yi shot out!

As a top-level existence in the World, under normal circumstances, A-Rank Transcendent rarely encounters a positive conflict. Even if it is a point-to-point comparison, everyone will hide their strength and retain their hole cards.

As the chief executive officer of the Jiangnan Extraordinary Management Office, Wu Yongjian hasn't gone all out to fight for many years. At most, he played in the martial arts stage of the Intranet and had to hide his identity.

But such a virtual battle would be insignificant in improving his strength.

Today, taking the opportunity to test the Asian Air Combat, in the face of Zuo Yi's unpredictable strength, Wu Yongjian can finally come up with his full strength and play the game with pleasure.

The joy in his heart is beyond description!

If it is said that the slamming hammer is a slamming slam, then the slamming blade is a carpet-type covering blow. He has inspired his slamming to the extreme, and the fire density produced has reached an amazing level.

This skill, which was originally used to deal with group targets, locks Zuo Yi for single-player casting, and its lethality is only stronger than the smashing hammer!

However, the storm of Nian blade storm still failed to shake Zuo Yi in half. He just raised his arms and crossed in front of him. All the Nian Li wave blades that hit him seemed to hit an invisible iron wall. Broken and annihilated before approaching.

Battle Qi Shield Wall!

Wu Yongjian 's Nian Libo strike lasted a full five seconds, and he did not break the iron wall and copper wall!

His face became extremely dignified, and he stomped forward, waving his sword to move towards Zuo Yi.

An extremely powerful Nian Libo blade was formed, which instantly cut off the air barrier and silently cut the Battle Qi shield wall under the cloth of Zuo Yi.


The force condensed by this Nian Libo blade is several times stronger than the previous ones, but it also collapsed in front of the Battle Qi shield wall, and it was just an inch forward and it was unsustainable.

Wu Yongjian's face suddenly lost two points, he took a deep breath, and reluctantly gave up the idea of ​​continuing to attack.

Too far away!

I feel that even if I am ten times stronger, I can hardly look at the opponent's back.

This sense of powerlessness is difficult to describe in words. The original happiness disappeared and even began to doubt life.


Just then, Zuo Yi suddenly said, "Be careful."

He stood up and punched Wu Yongjian.

Although Wu Yongjian's mood was very frustrated, this did not prevent the A-Rank Transcendent from making a correct response. He gathered his mind right away and put up a 9-Layer mental shield in front of himself.

Wu Yongjian has tested it. His fully condensed 9-Layer mental shield can withstand the attacks of high-energy Armor-Piercing shells.

Therefore, Wu Yongjian is quite confident about the defensive ability of the multiple mental shields.

Pu! pu! pu!

However, under the strikes of Zuo Yi's fist, the Shield of Thought with a strong defensive ability seemed to be shattered in layers, and instantly hit his eyes, strong punches assaults the senses!

How can it be!

Wu Yongjian was shocked, and it was too late to dodge, and he closed his eyes subconsciously.

But Zuo Yi's fist not at all hit him, and paused three inches away from him!

Calm and calm.

Wu Yongjian re-opened his eyes and watched Zuo Yi withdraw his fist. There was a rejoicing of avoiding a catastrophe.

He had no doubt that Zuo Yi this fist could kill himself on the spot.


The Jiangnan Extraordinary Management Office chief executive lamented: "The gap is too big."

Despite a few moves, in fact he failed to block Zuo Yi's move.

And how strong is Zuo Yi's strength, Wu Yongjian still can't see through to this day, it can only be said that he is much stronger than himself.

The waves of the Yangtze River pushed back!

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "This air combat weapon is good."

He wouldn't say anything like "you let me win it", because it's a nonsense with his eyes open, which is against Honesty Faith.

So let's get off the topic.

The Asian air combat weapon is really good, even from the perspective of Zuo Yi, it is also a very delicate equipment.

As soon as his mind moved, the sub-air combat weapon worn on his arm immediately stopped operating, and the space cage disappeared instantly.

Zuo Yi and Wu Yongjian are out of the sub-space at the same time!
