Paladin Dad Chapter 319

Untied, Gandalf and Zuo Yi had a good chat.

This tower mage is very knowledgeable. She had traveled to the Elf Empire and the Human Race Three Great Kingdoms when she was an apprentice to the mage.

He told Zuo Yi a lot of interesting anecdotes about Desolate World, including the historical grievances between the Elf, Orc and Human Race, which deepened Zuo Yi's understanding of the Desolate World.

After drinking two pots of tea, the two sides exchanged more than an hour before they ended.

Gandalf went back to his laboratory to continue working. Wu Yongjian handed Zuo Yi a tablet computer and said, "Recently, a case has been made in Shanghai and the sea is very difficult. The General Administration wants to ask you to help me find out . "

This is the most important reason why he invited Zuo Yi to come today.

Zuo Yi took the tablet, opened the confidential file of the case, and it took almost ten minutes to read it.

His mood became heavy and angry!

Just two weeks ago, a bloody case occurred in a certain community in Huhai. A single woman was killed and dismembered at home. The murderer's methods were extremely cruel and the scene was unbearable.

At that time, it was a police report from a friend of the victim. The police conducted a close investigation at the scene and did not find any traces left by the killer. The whole case was confusing.

Three days later, the same case happened in a commercial and residential building less than two hundred meters away from the neighborhood. The victim was also a young single woman, and the murderer used the same method.

Without waiting for the police to complete the investigation, the third and fourth identical cases followed one after another, and immediately caused a great shock!

Because of the involvement of mysterious elements, the Shanghai Haier Extraordinary Management Office intervened in this serial killing case. Although the Shanghai Haier Extraordinary Management Office sent a number of experienced Transcendents, it did not get any clues.

As the case is particularly serious and the killer is very likely to commit another crime, the Shanghai Overseas Management Office reported the situation to the General Administration.

The General Administration then communicated with Wu Yongjian, hoping that Zuo Yi could assist in the investigation in the past.

After seeing the photos of the scene of the crime scene, Zuo Yi immediately understood why he asked him to do it himself.

On the ground of all the scenes, people have drawn an array with blood—Different World biological summon array!

The victim's body was placed on top of the array, with the most obvious feature of blood sacrifice.

A few months ago the aftermath of the blood sacrifice incident at the Temple of Ayurveda in Lanta Province of Lenny was not flat. Now in China, and in China's largest city, there have been many related to the Different World biological summon array. The murder case can not help but cause great vigilance!

And China's relevant section has been informed that the same cases have occurred in many countries and regions, such as America, Continental, Iraq, India, and Fessen. There are hundreds of known cases!

The suspected target was first directed to the True Knowledge Council. Some people speculated that the original leak of the data of the Different World biological summon array on the intranet was also done by the True Knowledge Council. This secret organization that looks forward to the end of the World has never been justified.

However, there is no direct evidence to prove this now. It has become a top priority to catch the murderer and prevent the same case from happening again. The stability of Hu Hai's social order is extremely important.

"A few days ago, a lot of case photos were exposed on Liwang and the Internet …"

Wu Yongjian said: "Fortunately, it was controlled in time, otherwise it will definitely cause panic. The Shanghai Sea has strengthened daily patrols and monitoring, as well as security publicity."

But without catching the killer, these measures obviously do not address the symptoms.

The killer is creating panic!

After listening to Wu Yongjian's words, Zuo Yi's heart became clear.

The sacrifices and sacrifices required to inspire Different World creatures' summon array do not have to be life, soul, or precious materials, and human fear can also be used as Demon's food!

The murderer intends to arouse people's fear and panic through cruel blood sacrifice, and then please the object of sacrifice.

This object is 100% Demon!

Zuo Yi is no stranger to this method, so he is angry-the murderer has no humanity at all.

"Mr. Wu, would you please inform Huhai …"

He said to Wu Yongjian in a deep voice: "I'm going to Shanghai now!"

"Going right now?"

Wu Yongjian was surprised: "Don't worry so much, it won't be too late tomorrow morning."

"I want to go over early."

Zuo Yi got up and said, "I'll go back and talk to my family first, and then go directly to Huhai. Communication with Huhai will be left to you, and we will keep in touch."

Go early to find the killer, maybe you can save a life!

"it is good."

Wu Yongjian is also a decisive person. Now that Zuo Yi has made a decision, he simply said, "The communication is left to me, and I will call you later."


Zuo Yi nodded and immediately left the biological laboratory.

He first returned to Linjiang Old Residence, then transferred to Tianqi School via Transmission Formation and found Bao'er.


When I saw Zuo Yi who appeared at the entrance of the classroom, the little girl taking a break during the class was pleasantly surprised: "Why are you here?"

Zuo Yi held her in his arms and said, "Father is going out for a business trip. You have to listen to your aunt at home these days, you know?"


Bao'er grumbled and said, "I see."

"and also…"

Zuo Yi touched her little face: "I want to take Tyke away."


Bao'er was surprised mouth opened wide: "A'Ty is going on a business trip too?"


Zuo Yi said, "A'Ty can help, and if things go well, we will be back soon."

"okay then."

Bao'er was a little bit unhappy.

Because she and Tyke have always been inseparable, and suddenly they need to be separated for a few days.

Of course I can't bear to father.

But the little girl is a well-behaved child. She handed the dog rope to Zuo Yi: "Father."

She squatted down, rubbing Foodie Ty's head and saying, "A'Ty, you have to be obedient when traveling with father on business, can't you be mischievous?"


Tyke screamed aggrievedly: On a business trip with the Great Demon King, where would Wang dare to be mischievous!

Bao'er frowned: "I'll wait for you at home!"

Zuo Yi touched her head and said, "That father is gone, and I will call you."


Bao'er stood up and said, "Goodbye father, yeah, good luck!"

"Goodbye Baby."

Fiercely said goodbye to little girl. Zuo Yi took Tyke to leave Tianqi School and drove to Shanghai.

Wu Yongjian sent him the location coordinates of the Shanghai Overseas Extraordinary Management Office, so Zuo Yi will go directly to the Shanghai Overseas Extraordinary Management Office.
