Paladin Dad Chapter 324

This aunt Yun is not an ordinary character. Although she has no blood relationship with Duan Yaqi, she grew up watching Duan Yaqi and treated her as her own daughter. She has very deep feelings.

Although Aunt Yun does not believe that a talented person and a gentle and elegant Shen Yuanpeng will be a murderer, what if?

Zuo Yi claims to be Jiangnan Extraordinary Management Office's Chief Advisor, and has shown his credentials. Since Liang Weizhi has not questioned, the authenticity is beyond doubt.

As a Transcendent, Aunt Yun knows very well what the Extraordinary Management Office is doing. If there is no evidence, Zuo Yi dares to break into Duanshi Manor directly to do something like this?

As the so-called knowing, knowing, and not knowing, who can guarantee that Shen Yuanpeng is 100% innocent?

Therefore, based on the idea of ​​not being afraid of XNUMX, she was very decisive to take Duan Yaqi away from the wedding table.

It can prove that Shen Yuanpeng's innocent Nature is the best, and she is not afraid of the other party's blame.

"Yuan Peng!"

Duan Yaqi couldn't help but be anxious, watching Shen Yuanpeng's disappointment on the wedding stage, and she burst into tears.

Shen Yuanpeng did not confess himself, or shouted out his anger and dissatisfaction. He just stood there alone and was indignant, making people look at him with pity-poor groom!

Seeing her daughter so sad, Duan Minghui was very angry and glared at Zuo Yi and asked, "What evidence do you have to prove that Yuan Peng is a murderer? If I can't get it out, I won't allow you to take him away for investigation!"

Shen Yuanpeng is a child of the Huhai Shen Family. The Shen Family is not a wealthy family, but a scholarly home.

Shen Yuanpeng is a single child of the Shen Family. He has been extremely intelligent since he was a child. At the age of XNUMX, he entered Beijing National University as a champion in the Shanghai and Shanghai college entrance examinations and obtained a degree from Court Academecian.

Shen Yuanpeng, who is only XNUMX years old, is already an Associate Professor at Huhai University and has a bright future.

In addition to his outstanding talents, Shen Yuanpeng's appearance is also excellent.

Duan Minghui loves his daughter very much. He wants to give Duan Yaqi a good marriage, not as a tool for marriage. He carefully selected Shen Yuanpeng as his son-in-law.

It is rare that Duan Yaqi fell in love with Shen Yuanpeng at first sight. The two met and fell in love today. From the outsiders' perspective, they are a very good match. In addition to Shen Yuanpeng's family history is not good, other impeccable.

I never thought that the perfect ending would have encountered such an accident. Even if it turned out that Shen Yuanpeng was innocent, the face of the Duan Family was also fiercely shaved off, becoming a joke in the sea circle of Shanghai!

"Do you want evidence?"

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Okay, then I'll show you the evidence."

The most direct evidence that he locked Shen Yuanpeng as the true murderer came from Tyke's sense of smell.

As a Legendary-level Magic Beast, Tyke was born with powerful innate talents. The earliest were giants, bites and devours. Now he has evolved the fourth and fifth innate talent abilities.

One of them is soul smell!

It can sniff the soul soul energy left by the living and the dead. The soul soul energy is completely different from the smell of ordinary. It cannot be washed away in any conventional way, and will only slowly annihilate with the passage of time.

And the more intense the human emotion, the stronger the soul soul energy left behind.

Zuo Yi asked Tyke to use the soul smell at the scene of the crime. It sniffed two people leaving spiritual soul energy, one of which belonged to the living and one belonged to the dead.

The deceased is of course the victimized woman, and the living must be the murderer!

Then chasing the soul energy of the murderer, Zuo Yi and Tyke chased all the way here.

Just using Tyke's Extraordinary smell as evidence, obviously can not convince Duan Minghui and the others.

In fact, Zuo Yi can completely arrest people directly, and there is no need to talk nonsense with the other party, but he also represents Jiangnan Extraordinary Management Office and China Extraordinary Management Office, and his behavior must not be too simple and rude.

And he has the means.

"Evil Detection!"

Zuo Yi suddenly raised his right hand, pointed at the emperor on the wedding table, and whispered Kungu Language.

Words and expressions follow, once the golden pillar of light breaks through the void dropping from the sky in an instant, covering Shen Yuanpeng!

Shen Yuanpeng's body immediately revealed a circle of black rays of light, and the body was wrapped with countless dark red bloodshots.

Dozens of twisted gray shadows uttered a silent mourning around the groom, desperately trying to pounce on him, but blocked by an invisible barrier.

Under holy light, Shen Yuanpeng's original shape was revealed, the original handsome face became distorted, his eyes were red to reveal the bloodthirsty expression, and black tattoos appeared on the forehead, cheeks, neck and hands.

The most shocking thing is that there are two horns raised on his forehead!

Seeing such a weird scene, the guests were all upset. Those guests closest to the wedding table stepped backwards, all frightened by the appearance of Shen Yuanpeng at the moment.

This is simply the devil in legendary!

Duan Yaqi, who was protected by Aunt Yun, was dumbfounded, her eyes were full of unbelievable expression.

She couldn't imagine how her sweetheart would look like this.

Zuo Yi was also a little surprised.

Shen Yuanpeng was demonized. He apparently successfully used the Different World creature summon array to successfully demo the Demon, and obtained the power given by the Demon. Therefore, he was exposed to such a face under Evil Detection.

And his degree of enchantment is already deep, must be the result of multiple blood sacrifice!


At this moment, Shen Yuanpeng had realized that his true colors had been exposed, and his acting skills could no longer be effective. Evil Thought made a series of fierce howls, his eyes looked towards Duan Yaqi not far away.

Although he is quite confident in his strength, he knows that if he does not have enough chips, he will hard to avoid calamity today.

Aunt Yun was startled, and immediately took Duan Yaqi back.

"Don't run!"

Shen Yuanpeng roared, leaped to his height, and volleyed towards Duan Yaqi.


As a result, before he fell, an overwhelming force broke through the air and fiercely strikes on him.

The whole person of Shen Yuanpeng seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer and fell on the ground like a meteor. He even hit a human-shaped pit that was half a meter deep. The bones in his whole body did not know how many.

He passed out, completely without the ability to resist.

Zuo Yi immediately landed next to Dakeng, and he took out the shaking phone in his pocket with ease.

"Zuo Yi, are you in the Duan Family?"

It was Wu Yongjian who called him, who had apparently just received the news that Zuo Yi broke into the Duan Family wedding scene.


Zuo Yi said, "I have caught the murderer in the Shanghai-sea serial blood sacrifice case …"

He looked down at Shen Yuanpeng in the pit: "Well, it's still alive."
