Paladin Dad Chapter 349

Hearing Zuo Yi admitting himself to be Transcendent, Wang Young Master revealed an envious expression.

As a super rich second-born born with a golden spoon, his life is a smooth journey, and he still sits on the high-speed rail. Whatever he wants, no matter money, beauty, or even power.

But now is the era of Extraordinary, and he is an ordinary person.

Since ancient times, the birth of Transcendent is invisible, no matter whether it is poor or rich, whether healthy or sick, whether it is a young child with teeth, or an old man with white hair, it may suddenly wake up .

Extraordinary awakening has nothing to do with people's wealth, intelligence, and magical powers. It's like a two-dollar lottery. Some people won't win the prize in their lifetime. Some people won 10 million if they bought one. There is no reason to say. of.

Wang Young Master is in the circle that belongs to him. He has long known about the existence of Transcendent, and has seen and met some Transcendent.

Although he doesn't think he will lose to anyone, in fact, he has a natural sense of inferiority when facing Transcendent with special ability.

So he is very eager to become a Transcendent himself.

"Brother Zuo …"

Wang Young Master couldn't help asking: "I heard that there is a life-awakening medicine now. After injection, there is a certain probability that it will become Transcendent. Do you think this medicine is reliable?"

He knows some inside information, but after all, he is not a member of World, and in the eyes of the real Extraordinary powerhouse, the rich second generation like him is nothing at all, so the information he can understand is quite limited.

Of course, as a family of Wang Young Master, it is not too difficult to get life awakening medicine.

But he was even more frustrated.

Wang Young Master's luck was really good, he asked the right person.

Zuo Yi has a fairly good understanding of the life awakening medicine. To know the type I life awakening medicine produced by the Jiangnan Extraordinary Management Office biological laboratory, the raw materials also come from the spoils of war he captured.

"If you ask type XNUMX life awakening medicine, then I suggest you don't try it first."

Zuo Yi replied without hesitation: "The currently improved Type II is under study and I believe that once successful, it will greatly increase the success rate of Extraordinary Awakening."


Wang Young Master couldn't help but get excited: "Brother Zuo, how can I get a new life awakening medicine?"

He does not lack channels and resources, but there is a real Buddha in front of him. Isn't it a fool not to worship?

"How about this."

Zuo Yi thought for a while and said, "I'll help you pay attention and wait until the successful development of Type II before informing you."

He was only willing to help Wang Young Master when he took out his yacht to help find killer whale swarms.

In addition, the character of this super rich second-generation is pretty good, otherwise Zuo Yi wouldn't bother to ignore the kind of goods with nostrils and no one in his eyes!

Wang Young Master immediately burst into a smile: "Thank you, thank you Brother Zuo."

Zuo Yi smiled: "It's just a small matter. You're welcome."

While speaking, the yacht launched a search operation around the Sea Territory.

Zuo Yi opened the special map software in the mobile phone, and used satellite navigation to determine the location of the yacht first, and then discussed with the captain to formulate a simple search plan based on the chart.

But after two or three hours of searching, nothing was found after searching the blockbuster Sea Territory.

During the period, killer whales were tired following the yacht, and they stopped to recover and ate dozens of pounds of octopus meat.

If this situation continues, I am afraid it will be difficult to find a target until dark.

Zuo Yi looked at the time, and said, "Stop first, I'll go look for it."

Wang Young Master suddenly froze: "Brother Zuo, where are you looking?"

Zuo Yi pointed to heaven and smiled without saying a word.

The yacht stopped searching and chose the appropriate area for anchoring.

Zuo Yi touched Bao'er's head and said, "You and Tyke are playing here, father is going to find Yaya's family."

Yaya is the name that Bao'er gave to the killer whale, because the latter screamed, and it was still a Girl.


Bao'er hugged Tyke and said expectantly, "I'm waiting for you with A'Ty and Yaya."

Zuo Yi slightly smiled, soaring up and leaping, the whole person "hit" the sky like a shotgun shell.

In order to avoid being too shocking, he did not cast wings of light this time, but flew with the help of Battle Qi.

Compared to Bright Wings, flying directly with Battle Qi is slow and expensive, which is not the best choice, but for now searching for Sea Territory is enough.

Wang Young Master startled!

He thought he had overestimated Zuo Yi, but Zuo Yi's ability was far beyond his imagination.

This fuck is totally Superman!

Student Wang has a urge to hug his thighs–the Transcendents he met before are not so bullish!

Zuo Yi flew into the air of several hundred meters, and started searching condescendingly.

Killer whales, like whales and dolphins, are not fish. They cannot swim underwater for a long time. They have to rise to the surface to breathe. The movement caused by the dozens of killer whales gathered together is quite large. Easy to find.

The key is to find where they are.

Zuo Yi blessed himself with "Eagle Eye" skills, and his vision has been doubled. The area of ​​Sea Territory that can be searched at one time is very large. With his high-speed flight capability, it only took less than half an hour to discover!

After locking the target, Zuo Yi dived down at a high speed, and quickly approached a group of killer whales that were roaring on the sea.

However, he was surprised to find that the group of killer whales was fighting fiercely with a large octopus. The large octopus was bitten and bitten by the killer whales, and several killer whales were entangled with the tentacles of the octopus.

Zuo Yi recognized at a glance that this big octopus was the one who had been injured by himself.

He rushed into the sea without thinking, punching hard on the head of the big octopus!

I had this guy break his wrist for survival, and this time Zuo Yi couldn't spare it.


How powerful Zuo Yi's power is, although this big octopus possesses the power of Extraordinary, but under his Iron Fist, it is basically impossible to withstand a single blow. The huge head and chin burst suddenly, and the gusty ink polluted a lot of seawater. .

Startled the killer whales!

Get it!

After killing this big octopus, Zuo Yi made a circle around the body, cut five tentacles into a space ring, and left the rest to the killer whale group.

He broke the water and returned to the air, took out his cell phone, connected the yacht with a satellite line, and sent the longitude and latitude coordinates over.

After more than half an hour, the yacht rushed to join Zuo Yi and brought the killer whale named "Yaya" by Bao'er.
