Paladin Dad Chapter 356

It took a long time to drink two cups of coffee milk tea in a row before Lu Han calmed down his mood.

It's not that he is ignorant and weird, but that Zuo Yi's alpha-level news has brought him too much shock. Even if he is psychologically prepared in advance, he still cannot be overwhelmed by emotions. Without a lost self-control on the spot, it is already nervous.

In shock, Lu Han would like to ask Zuo Yi, what exactly did he experience, in just three or four years, from an ordinary person to the most powerful Transcendent?

Or did Zuo Yi finish the Extraordinary awakening very early, but it was hidden too well, the ability was unknown to outsiders, and the sword has been sharpened for ten years?

Lu Han was really curious.

But reason made him swallow the words he had just rushed to his throat, without asking.

Everyone has their own secrets. A powerful Transcendent must have a lot of secrets. No matter how good Lu Han's relationship with Zuo Yi is, he can't take the liberty to ask these secrets.

Zuo Yi has already answered the most important question, so don't ask too much.

Lu Han thought about it and asked, "What are your plans for the future?"

Unconsciously, he used honorific titles.

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Lao Lu, no matter if I am Alpha or not, we are friends. Friends do not need to be so polite. As for the future plans, I must first complete the current work, the future Let's talk about it in the future. "

Pause, he added: "I have no intention of seeking higher power and status in the system, because I don't need it."

"I understand."

Lu Han exhaled a long breath, and the tight heart string relaxed a lot.

The significance of Alpha in World means that the pressure on most people is huge, and he is no exception.

And Zuo Yi's sincere and modest attitude made Lu Han relieved and relieved. "Yes, there is one more thing I want to ask you, which is the sparkling wine you gave me last time, um, is there still? "

Zuo Yi wondered, "Run out of the last one?"

At that time, Zuo Yi killed the bull head trolls from Ayurol Summon, and cut and collected a lot of materials on this Abyss Demon, including an amazingly large bullwhip.

Zuo Yi baked it into a dry product with Flame Battle Qi, cut it into pieces, and stored it as a gift.

One piece was for Lu Han to drink.

As for the effectiveness of this thing, it cannot be described in detail, who knows who uses it anyway.

Normally, a slice can be soaked at least hundreds of times and should not be used up so quickly.

"Stop mentioning …"

Lu Han said depressedly, "It was taken away."

It turned out that he entertained friends a few days ago, and when he was drunk at three points, he took out a glass of wine for friends.

As a result, a few friends came to the door the next day, without all the intimidation and lure of a gentleman. The Lu Han Tiger could not stand the wolves and could only bear it.

"I don't know if you have more? I pay a high price, it doesn't matter if it's gone."

Zuo Yi laughed. I found a few slices from the space ring and passed them directly: "What is not expensive, I still have a lot of this stuff, you can use it."

He couldn't remember how many pieces were cut out, and he was too lazy to count them in stacks. One or two thousand pieces must be there.

Zuo Yi didn't need it at all, and he didn't need to sell this stuff to sell money, and it wouldn't matter if he gave Lu Han a few pieces.


Lu Han was overjoyed, and he was picked up by Supreme Treasure.

After he got it, he realized that he had lost self-control, and he couldn't help but blushed: "cough cough!"

Zuo Yi smiled.

The two talked for a while, and then Lu Han left.

He needs to identify Zuo Yi as Alpha and report it to the Extraordinary Management Office executives as quickly as possible.

Zuo Yi came to Tianhong Martial Arts Hall.

"Teacher Zuo!"

More than XNUMX students bowed together saluted, lining up a neat queue waiting for Zuo Yi's arrival.

These students are very young. They are wearing the new uniform Martial Arts uniforms, staring at Zuo Yi's bright eyes, their loud voices are like spring thunder, their blood is full of vitality and vitality.

"good afternoon."

Zuo Yi nodded: "Everyone dissolves and rests, and starts testing here in half an hour!"

He said to Shang Yulin, "Lend it to your office."

While at Cape yesterday, Zuo Yi informed Shang Yulin that an important test will be conducted on the students this afternoon.

A total of XNUMX people participated in the test, which were selected from the first and second students.

Their common characteristics are that they are motivated to develop in Martial Arts, have certain innate talent and ability, and study hard and earnestly, and make rapid progress.

Zuo Yi intends to focus on training these students and teach them more and stronger skills. When the new Martial Arts Hall is completed, he will lead the new students as a core member.

One of the best characters, Zuo Yi will lead him into the Extraordinary field!

In Zuo Yi's plan, the new Tianhong Martial Arts Hall will be used to carry his Martial Arts conviction, spread his Martial Arts will, and teach tens, hundreds, even thousands of outstanding martial artists.

Then maybe one day, with the promotion and guidance of Zuo Yi, Earth will usher in a great era of everyone like a dragon!

And a thousand-mile journey begins with the first step, these elite students are very important to the Hongwu plan, so they must stand the test.

In Shang Yulin's office, Zuo Yi took out a basketball-sized Crystal Ball.

The raw material of this Crystal Ball is taken from Abyss, a precious gem called "Magic Crystal", and then ground by the Master Craftsman, and then refined by the Tower Wizard, which can be used to store Wizard's magic power, and The power of darkness and light.

At Sadya World, a Magic Crystal Ball sells for over XNUMX Gold Coin of Law!

Zuo Yi supported the Crystal Ball with a right hand, and continuously focused on the power of light transformed by Power of Faith.

The transparent Crystal Ball seemed to be like a never-satisfied puppet, greedily absorbing the power injected by Zuo Yi. Until ten minutes later, a complicated rune appeared in its core.

Zuo Yi stopped the power of light.

This magic Crystal Ball is considered a successful transformation. He has a special ability at the cost of consuming a lot of Power of Faith.

Then Zuo Yi took out a large piece of bone from the troll troll, cut it into a bracket with Meteorite Dagger, inlaid the Crystal Ball, and finally engraved four runes on the four sides of the skeleton.

The troll troll's skeleton is the top grade material for making rune equipment!

Just half an hour, Zuo Yi returned to the Yanwu Hall outside with this newly released rune equipment.

One hundred and twenty-seven elite students are already waiting.
