Paladin Dad Chapter 370

The crystal cup held in Qin Wuyang's hand is small in size and very delicately made.

The mouth of the cup is sealed, and a cup of mercury-like metal liquid is stored in the cup. Under light shaking, thousands of bright rays of light immediately shine.

Empty silver!

Zuo Yi absolutely did not expect that Qin Wuyang actually gave himself a cup of silver.

Last time in the Zangzhen Pavilion of the night market in the God Temple in Huhai City, he accidentally picked up a big leak and got almost 1000 grams of empty silver from a meteorite, thinking that it was a lucky thing.

The invaluable mass of empty silver has been incorporated into his space ring by Zuo Yi, which has greatly expanded the storage capacity.

It turned out to be another round now!

Although Qin Wuyang's empty silver is obviously less than Zuo Yi's own leak detection, but this is one of the rarest and precious materials in the Big Multiverse. Even a large nail can make the tower tower Wizard crazy!

Does Earth, or the plane on which Earth is located, produce ample silver?

This is a remarkable discovery and a source of disaster!

If Sadya's Wizards knew that there was a large amount of empty silver in Earth, they would definitely invade the plane at any cost.

Zuo Yi couldn't help asking: "President Qin, where did this come from?"

Qin Wuyang replied: "It was extracted from the meteorite."

Although they all come from meteorite, the process of getting the empty silver from Zuo Yi is different. The empty silver of Qin Wuyang was discovered by the weapon forging division of Xia Chaolian Super Armed Forces.

All Earth's Technology creations are unavailable in Wild Desolate World, including those cold weapons that are forged with alloys. Transcendents suffered a lot of hardship and paid a high price for the development of the Early Stage of Wild Desolate World. .

Later, it was discovered that sword weapons made of metal extracted from meteorite can be used normally when they get Wild Desolate World, so several major Extraordinary forces bought a large number of meteorite to make weapons, which were used to fight in Wild Desolate World.

Just because the Earth Transcendents who entered Different World reached an agreement with the Wild Human Race and were supported by all aspects of the latter's resources, the costly meteorite weapon quickly dropped out of the arena of history.

Qin Wuyang's Kongming Silver was discovered by Xia Chaolian's Super Armament during smelting of meteorite. Xia Chaolian's laboratory has studied it for a long time, but has never been able to study the use of Kongming Silver, and finally sealed it. thing.

It wasn't until Zuo Yi released the news on Liwang that the sky-high acquisition of Kongming Silver allowed it to see it again!

Knowing the origin of this mass of empty silver, Zuo Yi asked without hesitation: "President Qin, what do you want?"

There aren't too many treasures like Kongming Yin. If you encounter them, you can't miss them. Zuo Yi is not afraid of Qin Wuyang daylight robbery, as long as the other party has the sincerity to sell.

Qin Wuyang said with a smile: "Just give me some tea."

Kongmingyin originally belonged to Xia Chaolian. Qin Wuyang used his points to redeem it for Zuo Yi.

With his identity and status, basically what is required is nothing, no foreign object at all.

In contrast, the friendship of a young Alpha is the most precious!

Qin Wuyang is already very old, and no one succeeds him. If he falls one day, how long will the Qin Valve of the sky be able to maintain the scenery and glory?

Qin Wuyang has a very clear understanding of this.

In particular, his second son Qin Junhao, who did not succeed or fail, was almost in conflict with Zuo Yi for a woman, which was really stupid and completely failed his expectations.

Qin Wuyang has to resolve this feast for Qin Junhao.

This is one of the important reasons why he deigned to visit Zuo Yi.

In addition, Qin Wuyang really wants to see this Alpha, who is under XNUMX!

Now, if you can exchange Zuo Yi's favor with a ball of material that is not useful, it should not be too cost-effective.


Zuo Yi groaned and said, "President Qin, please wait a moment."

He got up and left the living room, and returned a few minutes later.

Then Zuo Yi put one big and one small two boxes in front of Qin Wuyang.

He first opened the big sandalwood box, and the golden rays of light that burst into it almost flashed Ye Yingxue's eyes.

Zuo Yi said, "President Qin, this is fifty Escaping Death Golden Medal."

Qin Wuyang choked.

Ye Yingxue somewhat absent-minded.

Although she was born in a big family and she is an innate talent, she is still a very powerful Transcendent, but the fifty pieces of Escaping Death Golden Medal are still very powerful.

Escaping Death Golden Medal is undoubtedly the Rare Item of the world's hottest enough to scald one's hands, let alone Transcendent, even if many powerful people who are ordinary people want to get a piece, it can save lives at critical moments!

A piece of Escaping Death Golden Medal sells for as much as $ XNUMX million or $ XNUMX million. This box of Escaping Death Golden Medal is worth more than $ XNUMX billion!

Zuo Yi opened the small box again.

Inside the small box is a smaller box and a mini crystal bottle.

Zuo Yi pointed to a small box made of Dragon Blood Wood and said: "There are two or two ancient tea leaves in it. If you take one slice a day, you can extend your life by about XNUMX years."

Twenty years extension!

Qin Wuyang is thrilling again!

Although he is one of Earth's most powerful Transcendents, he can't escape the nature law of life, illness, and death, and it is not far from the end of life.

For an old man with amazing power, wealth and strength, I am afraid there is nothing more precious than "life"!

There is a near-public secret in World, that is, the Earth 's seven Extraordinary forces have opened up territory in the Desolate World at any cost. In addition to the endless resources of Different World, there is the existence of the Desolate World Immortal legendary.

No one wants to get eternal life, but no one expects real eternal life, and can get the treasure or means of prolonging life, it is already worth the effort.

That's why Zuo Yi's words make Qin Wuyang so lost self-control, because he is the one who most desires to extend his life!

To be honest, Qin Wuyang couldn't believe what Zuo Yi said.

You know, in the Desolate World, the things that extend life also belong to the treasure in the legendary. Everyone knows that there is, but no one has seen it.

But he just tasted the taste of ancient tea, but he believed in Zuo Yi.

This is so precious!

Twenty years, there can be more than twenty years, which is enough for Qin Wuyang to cultivate a new generation of Qin Family!

Qin Junhao, who is not on the wall, can only breed pigs with peace of mind.

Does Zuo Yi have any more teas that can prolong life?

With Qin Wuyang's heart and willpower, he couldn't help gazing at this small wooden box, and he felt a little greedy.

But after all, he was not an ordinary person. He took a deep breath and immediately took out those bad ideas.

Zuo Yi smiled and pointed his finger at the mini crystal bottle.
