Paladin Dad Chapter 373

Bao'er's crisp, sweet laugh echoed in Zuo Yi's ear.

He remembered that when he was a kid, one year in Hangzhou it snowed so much, and then made a snowman with mother.

Also in this yard.

The memories of childhood have been sealed in the deepest part of Zuo Yi's heart, until now they are touched and rise.

His thoughts were a little hesitant.


The little girl's call made Zuo Yi wake up.

At this time, he found that the snowman manufacturing project was basically completed, and he was almost finished!

Standing a gold staff on the side of the snowman, Zuo Yi wore a bright scarf.

There are nose and eyes left.

Bao'er is eager to take the initiative to ask: "Father, let me come!"

Zuo Yi, as she wished, reached out and hugged the little girl, so she could insert carrots into the snowman's face, and finally inlaid with two worthy obsidian stones.

This is not an ordinary obsidian, the top witchcraft material!

A big snowman was announced.

"A'Ty …"

Bao'er was very happy, proudly showing off to Foodie Ty next to him: "Is it pretty?"


Tyke: Bao'er is right!

"And hat!"

Fang Yonghe brought a plush hat over and put on the snowman, said with a smile: "I'll take a picture of you."

She stepped back, holding her phone in both hands.

"A'Ty come soon."

Bao'er greets Foodie Ty: "Aunt takes pictures of us!"

Tyke ran obediently, squatting in front of Zuo Yi, Zuo Yi hugged a little girl, and she hugged Zuo Yi's neck.

"Eggplant ~"

Ka-cha !

A photo was taken.

Bao'er shouted, "Aunt, let's take a photo together, with father!"

Fang Yonghe embarrassed: "Who will shoot?"

Bao'er hehe laughed: "A'Gu!"

A'Gu heard the sound coming out of the living room: finally it's turn to play, everyone small partner long time no see!

Ka-cha! Ka-cha!

With the shutter sound simulated by the mobile phone, one picture after another, recording the beauty of this moment!

Good times always fly fast.

In the blink of an eye, it was thirty years of the New Year.


In the distance, the roar of firecrackers came, and the metropolis lights across the river were bright.

The living room of Linjiang Zuo Residence was as warm as spring, and the charcoal fire in the fireplace was flourishing. Tyke lay comfortably in front of the stove, stretched his waist relaxedly, and twisted his nose vigorously.

In the air, the fragrance of food is diffused.

Tonight's New Year's Eve, Fang Yonghe made every effort to make a table of delicious dishes. A steaming beef hot pot was set in the middle of the table.


Fang Yonghe greeted, "Don't watch TV, come over for Chinese New Year dinner."

"Come on!"

The little girl jumped off the sofa holding the black cat and ran to the dining table: "Wow, it's so fragrant!"

"Are you hungry?"

Fang Yonghe smiled and handed her chopsticks and said lovingly, "Hurry up."


Bao'er put Memphis on the stool next to him and picked chopsticks to prepare the dishes.

Zuo Yi reminded: "Have you washed your hands?"


little girl stuck out her tongue and hurried to wash her hands.

Tyke got up from the front of the fireplace and turned his fart to Bao'er's position, ready to be fed.


Memphis raised his tail and stared down at it.


Tyke stared back immediately: what are you doing?

Meow, I'm you!

Wang, how about you again!

Meow, I'm still stingy!

Zuo Yi could not bear it: "You two!"

The black cat and white dog suddenly trembled, and both clasped their tails.

"I'm back!"

Bao'er ran back and shook his hands at Zuo Yi: "Are they clean?"


Zuo Yi rewarded a head-smasher: "You can start."

Bao'er hehe hee.

Squirrel anchovies, Longjing tea shrimp, stir-fried pork, Xihu amaranth soup, called flower chicken, shrimp burst, Katagawa …

It's all authentic Hangzhou cuisine, but Fang Yonghe also steamed a few cages of Cantonese-style dim sum, and served it with Chaoshan-style beef hot pot, which was simply unstoppable.

Bao'er eats like a squirrel.

She filled her little belly and did not forget to feed Tyke and Memphis.

Both guys like to eat beef, especially Demon Ox meat.

little girl The beef tenderloin simmered by hand, most of them are fed to them.

Tyke: Bao'er is the best in the world.

Memphis: Meow Meow!

Zuo Yi also praised: "aunt, you can be a chef at the hotel!"

Since Fang Yonghe moved to Old Residence to live, she has spent a lot of time on three meals a day, changing the flower field to nourish Bao'er, and her cooking skills have improved rapidly.

Fang Yonghe said with a smile: "Just like you."

The happiest thing for her is to watch Zuo Yi and Bao'er and gorge on the meals she made!

Zuo Yi opened a bottle of red wine to share with aunt.


He toasted and said, "I wish you all a Happy New Year and all the best!"

Fang Yonghe smiled and toasted: "The new year is getting better and better."

"And I!"

Bao'er quickly picked up the cup and said, "Well, I wish father and aunt, happiness!"

Zuo Yi and Fang Yonghe smiled at each other and said in unison: "Cheers!"


The three glasses came together.

At this moment of family reunion, leaving the old and welcoming the new, Zuo Yi couldn't help thinking of his mother. If mother is still alive and spending New Year's Eve with everyone, that would be great!

Zuo Qingyun's voice and smile appeared and disappeared in Zuo Yi's mind, and he suddenly thought of Bao'er's mysterious mother-in-law.

But I don't know where the other person is at this moment, and have you thought of little girl?

After sipping the glass of wine, Zuo Yi smiled again.

Now the most important thing is to grasp the loved ones around you!

"Come, let's have another drink."

Good wine with good dishes, delicious and intoxicating.

After eating this hearty New Year's Eve dinner, Bao'er's belly became rounded, and then there was surprise.

My aunt gave a big red envelope, and father gave one too.

Received little girl elated for New Year's money.

"Treasure tree!"

Just then, she suddenly felt something, and immediately ran out of the living room.

In the yard, I don't know when a group of Firefly Fire Insects came. These little spirits, which should not have existed in winter, flew up and down around Bao'er.

Then the butterfly flew, the dragonfly flew, the little bird flew, the coldness of midwinter quietly receded, the breath of spring permeated the entire yard, and the wildflowers in the corner quietly bloomed, as if dreaming like not out of the world.

This is Baoshu, a Chinese New Year greeting to Bao'er!
