Paladin Dad Chapter 384

Night fell slowly, and darkness enveloped the forest.

A round of blood moon rose into the air, and the light red moonlight quietly sprinkled on the Mountain and Sea, and the entire world was stained with blood light!

Zuo Yi looked up at the night sky and found no signs of stars.

This once again confirmed his original guess.

I don't see a star on a clear night, which means that this is a small world independent of the plane. As for the size of the space, it needs further exploration.

Goblin villages set off piles of bonfires. The goblins held long wooden spoons and shared dinner in front of the bonfires. They used homemade clay pots to cook food, and added wild herbs and plant roots collected. Stewed with bones and meat.

It sounds pretty good. In fact, these pots used as cooking pots all emit a sour smell. How many corrupt materials put in heaven knows are completely dark.

It's just that the goblins are used to it.

But there are some goblin dinners that are too strong. They found Cai Xiangming and other donkey friends, so they got Demon Ox jerky rewarded by Zuo Yi. Now they boil beef soup elated.

Demon Ox's dried meat is too hard. These goblins worked hard to cut a few slices of meat and almost bite the teeth, so the soup became the best choice.

The fragrant beef soup also made other goblins envious and jealous and hateful-there is no harm without contrast.

Five donkey friends who avoided a catastrophe fell into a hungry distress after crying with a headache.

They were teleported to different positions by the light gate, and their experiences were different. Although they were lucky to be saved, the equipment and supplies they carried were either lost or destroyed under the erosion of the laws of the world. Even the clothes they wore were gone. It's all covered with goblin's hide.

Fortunately, Zuo Yi, who communicated with the old goblin priest, noticed the embarrassment of the donkey friends, took a soup pot, a few bottles of mineral spring water from the space ring, and added five barrels of Kang Master to them, letting them eat instant noodles.

After an expansion of the space ring of Zuo Yi, the storage capacity increased greatly, so he stored a lot of living materials, including food and drinking water, etc. in case of need-anyway, it was empty.

The shelf life of the water stored in the space ring will be very long, and under the protection of the space ring, it will not be affected by the World Law. Now it comes in handy.

A few donkey friends overjoyed, and quickly started to boil boiled noodles, and soon made the noodles.

They all eat beef noodles inside, and they feel that the braised beef noodles that they usually want to spit when they smell the taste are so delicious!

"What do you want to do?"

"I'm going to kill you!"

"go to hell!"

At this time, several goblins next to each other suddenly hit.

A goblin clung to a clay pot, desperately pouring hot beef soup into his mouth, regardless of the fist that his companion fell on himself and his head, a greedy look of eating a puffer fish!

The old goblin priest was furious when he saw this, holding a bone stick and roaring loudly, "Stop it for me!"

The goblins in awe of the priests stopped fighting, only the guy holding the clay pot was still drinking soup, biting the slice of meat into his mouth and chewing it a few times before swallowing.

It's too fragrant, it's too fragrant!

The greed for Demon Ox's flesh caused it to ignore the old priest's orders and not realize that his body was expanding.

The knotted muscles bulged high under the rough outer skin, and the veins were creeping like earthworms. This goblin skeleton made a dense sound of stir-fried beans, and both eyes were bulging to protrude from the eyes. Outside.

It looks terrible, and makes the surrounding companions subconsciously back away, feeling inexplicable fear!

courting death!

Zuo Yi couldn't help shook the head.

At a glance, he saw what was happening to the goblin, and immediately he got up and walked over, flying up and kicking the opponent.


The body swelled a large circle of goblin, as if kicked by Zuo Yi into the sky like a kite with a broken line, and then burst into the air under the bath of red moonlight, and flew into the sky and flew into the forest.

Became the nourishing earth!

It's not Zuo Yi's brutal killing, but this goblin drank too much Demon Ox broth, and swallowed a piece of meat with a powerful Energy alone, resulting in an unbearable body. Self-destruction was an inevitable end.

The tauren is a Legendary-level Demon. Its flesh and blood belongs to the item of great nourishment, and only Legendary-level Magic Beasts such as Tyke can be used for meals.

Zuo Yi kicked this dead goblin out to prevent everyone from being hit.

And witnessing the end of his companions, the goblins shivered in awe, to the extreme of him.

"You make them notice …"

"Don't drink too much broth at a time," Zuo Yi said to the old goblin priest.

This goblin tribe was conquered, and previously helped Zuo Yi find a few missing donkey friends. In order to make the goblins play a better role, he took out Demon Ox jerky as a reward-cultivate stronger cannon fodder.

The guy who Self-destruction was just a mouse.

The old goblin priest was nodded, like, "Do your will!"

After solving the problem of the goblin, Zuo Yi turned back and looked towards Cai Xiangming and five other donkey friends, saying, "You finish your meal and rest early. Tomorrow I will let them look for the way back. If they find it, I will send you back to Earth."

Cai Xiangming and the others just dumbstruck, I woke up to hear Zuo Yi's words, can't help but look at each other in shock.

Cai Xiangming swallowed the noodles in his mouth, cautiously asked, "Mr. Zuo, isn't this Earth?"

It's completely nonsense!

Zuo Yi nodded, said: "Another World, don't think too much about it, I can definitely take you back."

He has experienced a lot of Plane World, and has a wealth of experience in Nature, which is not a lie to comfort each other.


Cai Xiangming courageously asked: "What about Meng Licheng and Shao Yong?"

Meng Licheng and Shao Yong are two donkey friends who have not been found. He is worried that Zuo Yi will give up searching.

"And the goblin is searching outside."

Zuo Yi explained: "I will continue to look for it tomorrow, so rest assured."

Seven donkey friends found five in only one afternoon, indicating that they were not far from the teleportation when they came in, otherwise there was no such simple thing.

The other two haven't been found so far. It may be an accident or they have run too far.

Then Zuo Yi can't help it.

Speaking of which Cai Xiangming and the others were really fortunate. At first, he accidentally crossed Sadya World, and the item materials carried on him disappeared in a short period of time, and the start was worse than Deye.

Cai Xiangming is not a person who doesn't know what to do, and sincerely said, "Mr. Zuo, thank you!"

Zuo Yi waved his hand: "You're welcome, rest early and everything will be fine."
