Paladin Dad Chapter 402

The atmosphere in the mountain shed seemed to freeze.

Everyone present, Fan Haichao, Shen Deping, Chen Qi … all clearly felt the coercion from Zuo Yi.

This kind of pressure is invisible and invisible, but it is extremely powerful. It makes people feel the trembling and fear from the heart. The whole person is unable to move even a little bit like a petrified Magic, and stops breathing. .

Some of the weak and willed people almost kneeled!

Fan Shaoyu, who was the first to bear it, was even more embarrassed, his face turned pale in an instant, he voluntarily stepped back, and hit a steel pillar supporting the greenhouse.

He barely supported himself without falling, but his lips trembled, his legs trembled, and his expression and appearance were trembling.

If it weren't for the pride and self-esteem of Fan Hailiu's son who is supporting Fan Shaoyu, I'm afraid at this moment he can't help asking Zuo Yi for mercy.

Still, his unbearable performance fell on everyone's eyes.

Against the coercion of the powerhouse, the spirit is higher than the strength. Fan Shaoyu Kong has an A-Rank realm, but there is no strong will to match it, so he exposed the essence of his Gold Jade on the spot!

Zuo Yi shook the head, contempt is overflowing.

Zuo Yi once met Qin Wuyang, who was named the undefeated Alpha powerhouse. I believe that Fan Hailiu, one of the seven heroes, is also a true hero.

However, the two Alpha's sons proved very well what a tiger father and a dog are!

The heroes are old and no one succeeds. By extension, is the same situation prevailing in China and even the entire Extraordinary World?

Suddenly Zuo Yi came up with a subtle idea: did the trial space emerge for this?

If that's the case, it would be so interesting!

He dissipated coercion.

Everyone let out a long relaxed breath at the same time, as if pulled back from the edge of Life and Death.

Fan Shaoyu's handsome white face rose to purple red. As an arrogant son, he has grown up touted and praised from birth to the present. Everyone admires everyone and admires everyone. Why has he ever encountered such a shame!

And still in sight!

The extreme sense of shame immediately destroyed Fan Shaoyu's intellect. He raised his right hand sternly, pointed his fingers at Zuo Yi, and suddenly dazzled with silver rays of light.


A powerful big hand grabbed Fan Shaoyu's wrist and cut off his ability transmission at the same time. The light ball that had just condensed into a ball annihilated silently.

It was Fan Haichao who took the shot to stop Fan Shaoyu!

"Third Uncle !"

Fan Shaoyu struggled a bit, but as a result, he could not break away from the restraint of Fan Haichao, and his eyes became red now.

"calm down!"

Fan Haichao Shen shouted: "Don't humiliate Fan Family, don't humiliate you Father!"

This remark was very serious, and coupled with the fierce expression of the Fan's main character, Fan Shaoyu was suddenly deterred.

He had never seen Third Uncle who regarded himself as his son, and would be so harsh on him!

Fan Haichao looked at Fan Shaoyu with an aggressive face, secretly sighed in his heart.

Everyone usually praises Fan Shaoyu. He is very satisfied with this nephew who grew up with him since childhood. He is always proud and proud of Fan Shaoyu.

Fan Shaoyu did not live up to his expectations, not only became one of China's youngest A-Rank powerhouse, but also accomplished the family's test tasks outstandingly.

Everyone believes that Fan Shaoyu will succeed his father in the future and become the leader of the World in China!

However, Fan Haichao now knows that his nephew is not as good and outstanding as he imagined. Facing the real test, he reveals his weakness.

I can only say that I know now, it's not too late!

Fan Haichao released Fan Shaoyu and said to Zuo Yi, "Chief Zuo, please forgive Shaoyu for being rude and offensive. He was just impulsive. I apologize to you on his behalf."

After that, he bowed to Zuo Yi and saluted.

This scene fell in the eyes of others, and everyone really couldn't believe it.

What was the momentum of Fan Haichao who led the crowd before, and how unambiguous he was to Zuo Yi, but how long has it passed now, his attitude has made a XNUMX-degree turn!

Before and after, Christine, this word is on the body of the fan valve master, it is incredible.

However, if you think about it, others feel reasonable.

Because Zuo Yi has just revealed the strong momentum of an alpha-level powerhouse, and Fan Valve's main force is caught in the new World Life and Death. It is unknown, and Fan Haichao is not Fan Hailiu.

Old foxes such as Fan Haichao have the potential energy to flex and stretch at the time of trial, and the city government is far from being able to compare with the young impulse Fan Shaoyu. See power is far from good and apologize to Zuo Yi to ease the tension between the two parties, which is entirely reasonable.

In fact, they didn't know how much pressure Fan Haichao had just suffered!

Zuo Yi did not directly target him, but his power was suppressed to death, it felt like he was deprived of all the armed forces and became an ordinary person. Life and Death was completely beyond his control.

Fan Haichao has never felt this way.

He had doubted whether Zuo Yi's strength truly reached the Alpha level, and he had come to test it when he came.

And the result of the temptation was by no means what Fan Haichao wanted!

Zuo Yi said lightly, "Although your apology is not sincere, I accept it. Goodbye."

If Fan Haichao hadn't responded fast enough just now, Zuo Yi would definitely give Fan Shaoyu an unforgettable lesson.

Others are in awe of Fan Valve, and awe of Fan Hailiu, but there is no pressure on him at all.

"Left Chief …"

With Fan Haichao's old spicy, he could not help revealing an awkward expression: "Our two thousand children of the Fan Family are now trapped in the trial space. Is there any way to save them back?"

Fan Haichao did not want to ask Zuo Yi, but had to ask.

The advance troops of the two thousand dragon guards are the core battle strength of Fan Valve. Two A-Ranks and ten B-Rank Transcendents are an invaluable force. If all of them are lost, the loss will be unimaginable!

If anyone can save this elite, I am afraid it is only Zuo Yi.

"No way."

Zuo Yi told the truth: "The entry channel has been closed. The only thing you can do is wait."

Although the full power of Zuo Yi broke out, it was able to forcibly break the barrier of space, but it will definitely cause a devastating blow to this trial space. Do n't even try to live in it

"If you're lucky, there might be a few people who can survive by the time the transmission channel is restored."

Zuo Yi's answer made Fan Haichao like a falling ice cave, which made him feel cool from head to toe.

Suddenly, the lord of the fan valve felt extremely regretful, regretting that he despised Zuo Yi, and regretting his seeking instant benefit…

Fan Haichao, deeply regretted, did not notice Zuo Yi leaving the greenhouse.
