Paladin Dad Chapter 404

For any Martial Arts Hall, the annual National Martial Arts Alliance competition is a very important major event and a must-attend event.

Because of what kind of ranking in the Martial Alliance competition, to a large extent determines the level and reputation of a Martial Arts Hall.

Last year's National Martial Arts Alliance competition was interrupted due to special reasons. It was rescheduled for late February this year. The rules and awards have undergone major changes and become more noticeable.

Tianhong Martial Arts Hall Of course it is impossible to miss this Martial Arts event, and the entry list was submitted early, including three candidates who directly participated in the Imperial Capital finals.

In addition, XNUMX students applied for the Hangzhou Division through Martial Arts Hall. They will start from the preliminary round and compete with thousands of opponents for valuable promotion places.

Today is the first day of the preliminary round of the Hangzhou Division. Both Sun Qiang and Wang Jiaojiao were drafted.

"You have been too busy recently …"

Shang Yulin said, "Neither of them dare disturb you. Are you free to watch the game today?"

Shang Yulin not at all complained. After all, Zuo Yi held a far more important position than the Chief Teacher of Martial Arts Hall. It was impossible to devote time and energy to the teaching of arts.

However, she still hopes that Zuo Yi will be present at the scene to support the Junior Brother Junior Sister.

Zuo Yi was not present, and the morale of the two was definitely different!

"That line …"

Zuo Yi said, "I'm bringing Bao'er with me, do I need a ticket?"


Shang Yulin said with a smile: "I have tickets. You come directly to the West Creek Martial Arts Stage. I'll wait for you at the door."


After ending the call with Shang Yulin, Zuo Yi exclaimed to the little girl, "Baby, will father take you to the game? Your Sister Jiaojiao and the Little Qiang big brother game."


Bao'er ran over immediately and asked with bright eyes: "What kind of competition does the elder sister and the big brother play?"

Speaking of which little girl I haven't seen Sun Qiang and Wang Jiaojiao for a while, because everyone has to go to school.

Zuo Yi touched her head: "Martial Arts competition is the sword technique you usually practice."

woof woof!

Tyke eagerly came together, raised his head and shook his tail desperately: Wang is going too!

Zuo Yi glanced at it: "Don't think about it, it can't take you there."

Pets are not allowed in Martial Arts.


Tyke lowered his head, looking sad.

Bao'er couldn't bear it. He touched his head and relieved: "A'Ty, don't be sad, I'll come back with father after watching the match between elder sister and big brother, um, bring you delicious food."

Foodie Ty immediately looked up again, "hahaha" flattering and pleased: Bao'er is the best for Wang!

Dismissing this unruly guy, Zuo Yi told Fang Yonghe, and drove Bao'er to the West Creek Martial Arts Stage.

The West Creek Martial Arts Stage is the largest Martial Arts Competition Arena in Jiangnan Province. The annual Martial Alliance competition in the Hangzhou Division is held here. In addition, the West Creek Underground Market that Zuo Yi has visited several times before is at this big martial arts stage. Below, so it is familiar.

Today 's West Creek Martial Arts Stage is extraordinarily lively. Under blue sky and white clouds, colorful flags are flying outside the venue, and huge posters of the 2020 National Martial Arts Alliance competition are hung on the walls.

In front of the main arts stage entrance, Zuo Yi took Bao'er and Shang Yulin to join.


When she saw the little girl, Shang Yulin immediately picked her up and took a sip on her face: "Do you want an elder sister?"

Bao'er laughed hehe: "I think."

Zuo Yi is curious: "Are you alone?"

"They all went in."

In addition to Sun Qiang and Wang Jiaojiao, seven other students from Martial Arts Hall were drawn in the preliminary round. Then Shang Yulin and Zhang Dahai led the team.

Zhang Dahai and the others have already come inside to prepare.

"Sun Qiang and Jiaojiao are in Hall XNUMX …"

Shang Yulin took out two tickets and handed them to Zuo Yi: "The tickets were given by the organizing committee."

"Then let's go."

The West Creek Martial Arts Stage has a total of seven arenas and 72 competition platforms, which can accommodate more than XNUMX spectators.

Sun Qiang and Wang Jiaojiao sign up for the sword technique competition. This year 's Martial Alliance competition is divided by gender, age, and event. There are men and women fighting and sword technique events. They are divided into XNUMX to XNUMX-year-olds, XNUMX There are twelve sub-items in the youth group up to the age of XNUMX and the adult group over the age of XNUMX.

Both belong to the younger sword technique group.

After passing the security check, the three people came to the fifth hall together.

At this time, there was already a vast crowd in this inner stadium. Thousands of spectators seats were full. The shouting cheering was deafening, and some people even banged the gongs and drums and shouted what "Nanyue must win" and "the first river" Slogan of the class.

Martial Arts Alliance competitions are very relaxed in terms of participation in the regional competition. As long as the amateur or Professional Rank certification, or registration application for Martial Arts Hall, you can register to participate.

Sun Qiang and Wang Jiaojiao did not have any qualifications. They used Tianhong Martial Arts Hall's ordinary declaration of quota, and most of the people who came to participate in the preliminary competition today came from various Martial Arts Halls, so this kind of "group magic dance "Scene.

Being in it makes people feel a sense of blood boiling!

Bao'er was the first time to see such a lively scene. She looked around curiously and pulled Shang Yulin to ask: "When is the elder sister Yulin, Sister Jiaojiao playing?"

Shang Yulin explained: "Your Sister Jiaojiao is in Game XNUMX and Little Qiang big brother is in Game XNUMX."

The little girl blinked and asked Zuo Yi again, "Father, will Sister Jiaojiao win?"

Zuo Yi and Shang Yulin were laughed at the same time.

Zuo Yi scratched her little nose and said, "Father is not a fortune teller, how can you calculate the winning or losing?"

Huh, bad father!

Bao'er wrinkled his nose and said confidently, "I believe Sister Jiaojiao will definitely win!"

Zuo Yi asked with a smile: "Why?"

Bao'er as it should be by rights replied, "Because Sister Jiaojiao learned from you."

Father is the most powerful, so Sister Jiaojiao must be very difficult to deal with, how can she lose to others?

(⊙o⊙) …

Zuo Yi is very blush with shame. I knew that little girl was so confident in herself, so I should have taught more to Wang Jiaojiao before, otherwise, if she lost the game, wouldn't she let her down?

Seriously, Zuo Yi didn't really have much confidence. After all, Wang Jiaojiao learned martial arts with him for half a year, mainly based on basic training, and had very little actual combat experience. The opponents who encountered hard points had eight-nine to make street.

However, Wang Jiaojiao's innate talent is still good. Both Knight Body Refining Method and Giant Dragon Breathing Method have been introduced. The basic sword technique can be mastered, but it is not entirely impossible to win.

I hope she can get upset!
