Paladin Dad Chapter 407

"Pippi …"

Bao'er blinked his eyes and asked curiously, "Are they all your friends?"

So many parrots, she has never seen it before!

"Yeah yeah!"

Pippi nodded: "All friends, friends."

Zuo Yi sneered.

This bitch parrot is so bad that he can't speak truthfully, so he coaxed the naive little girl.

The parrots around ten-eight-nine are its younger brothers, and the harem group!

Zuo Yi didn't know where these parrots came from, anyway, since the treasure tree began to thrive, the number of little bird beasts appearing in the surrounding woods was increasing, and it was normal for more guys to escape from the cage.

Zuo Yi didn't know how Pippi "conquered" them, but if you look at the situation just now, you can see the clues. I didn't expect this guy to lay the country here.

No wonder I have rarely seen it at home recently.


Bao'er said, "I'm going to plant a tree with father. Will you come with me?"

"Well, how are you!"

Pippi spread his wings and flew up, circled inside the tree house, and shouted, "Plant a tree!"

"Plant a tree!"

Its younger brothers responded in unison with the suspected Harem Regiment, and they even called out.

Bao'er opened his arms to Zuo Yi: "father."

Zuo Yi slightly smiled, leaning over and holding her in her arms, suddenly leaping out of the window.

As people were in the air, he opened wings of light.

"Hida ~"

Taking Zuo Yi to fly in the air is exactly one of little girl's favorite games. Although Zuo Yi jumps straight down without any damage, as long as she is happy, she doesn't care to consume a little light.

Waving his wings to fly around the huge treasure tree, Zuo Yi chose a relatively open position to land.

He put Bao'er on the ground, looked around and said, "It's okay here, just plant here."


Bao'er pulled out a small wooden box from his clothes pocket and opened it, with four kernels in it.

Each core is the size of a dove egg, tan and yellowish brown, looks similar to a chestnut, and is covered with countless tiny white spots.

Two kernels were left over during lunch, and two were accumulated by the little girl.

Holding the core box, Bao'er looked left and right, a little hesitant.

Zuo Yi asked, "Baby, would you like father to help you grow it together?"

"No need for father."

Bao'er confidently said, "I can do it alone!"

Having said that, she raised her little hand and stroked the treasure tree standing not far away.

The growth height of lone trees and forests is close to 100 meters, and it is growing fast. Its huge canopy covers thousands of square meters of land, and countless new trees are derived from aerial roots.

Without the shadow of array, its existence would have been the focus of people's attention.

Around the treasure tree, there are also trees and greenery. Although the footsteps of spring have just arrived, it is already full of spring.

The crown shook gently, as if a gentle response, and a verdant tree vine stretched out in front of Bao'er.

Handed a staff like a green cane.

Bao'er took this beautiful green rattan stick and ordered it on the ground: "Get out, I want to plant a tree!"

The ground covered with fallen leaves really cracked a gap!


The little girl was very satisfied and handed the core box to Zuo Yi: "Father, help me get it."

Zuo Yi picked up the box, watched her take a kernel out of the box and put it in the gap, then said, "Close it."

The ground seam was closed again immediately.

Bao'er asked, "Father, do you have water? Seeds need water to germinate."


Zuo Yi immediately took out a bottle of mineral spring water and opened the bottle cap.

This is not the mineral spring water of ordinary, which is mixed with a little dilution of Fountain of Life water. Although the content is very small, it has a different effect.

"Thank you father."

Bao'er held the water bottle and cautiously poured some water to the place where the seeds were planted.

She returned the mineral spring water bottle to Zuo Yi. She wrapped her arms around the green cane, pressed her fists against her chest, closed her eyes, and murmured, "Seeds, germinate!"

The canopy overhead opened quietly, and the bright sun shone down, falling on Zuo Yi and Bao'er's body, and also sprinkled the place where the seeds had just been planted.

Zuo Yi gazed at her own Baby. At this moment, the little girl was bathed in golden sunlight, as if she was a little Tian from a fairy tale, innocent, beautiful, kind, lovely, innocent …

All the good things in World are focused on her!


With a very light and crackling sound, it seemed that something had broken, and then the soil arched, and a tender green sprout broke through the ground, stubbornly poked his head out from the ground, and announced his arrival to the entire world. .


Zuo Yi did not expect that the fruit from the trial space was successfully planted at one time. Since the seedling gave birth to a new life, it will no longer be rejected by World Consciousness.

Can really grow up!


At this moment, Bao'er opened her eyes and saw the saplings just growing on the ground, and she expressed her expression of joy.



Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Father, you succeed!"

He believes that if it is himself who repeats the steps just now, then this fruit tree should not expect to have a chance to take the lead.

"Let's do it again!"

Bao'er hurriedly prepared the same way, planted the other three kernels, and spurred them to grow into saplings.

All four stones germinated, showing a strong life force.

I just want to eat the fruit they produce, I'm afraid it will take a long, long time.

"Treasure tree."

Bao'er said to Dashu: "You will take care of them in the future."

The leaves are shaking.


Zuo Yi thought of one thing: "I don't know the name of this kind of fruit tree, then Baby, please give them a name."


little girl meditated and said, "The sun, call it Sun Tree and Sun Fruit."

Zuo Yi was startled: "Why the name?"

"Because the name is good!"

The world is big, Bao'er is the biggest, and of course Zuo Yi won't have any opinion, so the name is set.

dīng líng líng ~

Just then, Zuo Yi's phone suddenly rang.

It was Wu Yongjian who called Zuo Yi. He asked him to meet for some time and had important matters to discuss.

So Zuo Yi took Bao'er home first, then returned to the city via Transmission Formation, and met Wu Yongjian at the tea shop opposite Tianhong Martial Arts Hall.
