Paladin Dad Chapter 427

Central Pacific.

In the vast ocean, a silver-grey destroyer was sailing westward through the wind and waves.

This destroyer, 207, belongs to the America's Third Fleet, which is conducting ocean patrol missions.

Behind it was a supply ship.


There was a sudden electronic tweet in the bridge command cabin. A crew member sitting in front of the console said in surprise: "Report to the captain, the long-range radar found that a high-altitude target was approaching us at high speed. Thirteen thousand five hundred and seventy feet, faster than Mach 70! "


The captain, who was chatting with his subordinates, startedled and quickly asked, "Is the target hostile?"

The speed of Mach 3 is equivalent to more than 2.7 kilometers per hour, and the speed of America's most advanced fighter is only Mach XNUMX per hour. Only reconnaissance aircraft can reach such speed.

The crew responsible for monitoring the radar replied, "It is currently impossible to judge, but the target is small."

The captain expression grave looked at the radar scan graphics and data displayed on the monitor, and gave a clear command: "Ready for air defense combat, this is not an exercise!"

The 207 destroyer immediately sounded an air defense alert, and all the crew quickly entered the combat state.

But at this time, the target scanned by the destroyer's long-range air defense radar suddenly increased its speed, suddenly increased from Mach 3 to Mach 4, and flew over the destroyer, and immediately left the radar's detection range.

The destroyer commander quickly reported the situation to America's Naval Pacific Command.

At this moment, Zuo Yi had left the destroyer 207 far behind.

He just felt the radar scan from the destroyer, so he flew away quickly, unintentionally tangling with the other party.

Zuo Yi's goal is very clear, that is, the secret base of the true knowledge council on Galle Island!

In order to reach his destination as soon as possible, he did not hesitate to burn the Power of Faith stimulate the wings of light, increasing his flight speed several times higher than the speed of sound.

After flying for more than two hours over the Pacific Ocean, Zuo Yi is still a long way from the target location.

But compared to ordinary civil airliners, his speed is already astonishingly fast.

When Zuo Yi finally flew to Galle Island, it was already more than XNUMXpm China time.

And because of jet lag, the area of ​​Galle Island at this time is being shrouded in darkness.

According to the information provided by the Coast Guard, Zuo Yi used the satellite positioning system to find out where the secret base of the True Knowledge Council was located.

This is a sea fishing port called "Gray Gull", from which the submarine sneak attack Zuo Yi set sail.

However, looking down from the heights, it is impossible to see any military bases here. Hundreds of houses and buildings extend from the harbour to the mountains behind. The lights are like the stars in the sky, quiet and serene.

There are many fishing boats moored in the bay. The environment here is quite backward. Although it has not been affected by the fighting in Galle Island, it is far from comparable to the ordinary fishing port in China.

Zuo Yi quietly landed in a street inside the fishing port.

The stone-paved road is old and narrow. Houses made of stone barriers on both sides are basically two- or three-story, which are basically shabby and lack repairs.

Most of the streetlights were broken, only a few were still on, and the dim light fell on the long streets, making people feel like they were in the XNUMXs and XNUMXs.

Several drunken sailors supported each other while walking, holding bottles of wine in their hands, joking with jokes in their mouths, and bursting into laughter from time to time.

Zuo Yi stood under a street light, pulled out a lighter and lit himself a cigarette.

After smoking a cigarette, he greeted the sailor coming across.

"Hey man."

Zuo Yi greeted in English, "Where is the herring bar?"

Extraordinary Management Office and the Defense Forces interrogated members of the True Knowledge Council overnight, and unearthed a large amount of information, including a lot of information about the secret base of the island of Galle.

The Herring Bar is one of the council's strongholds in Grey Gull Port, with a secret base entrance!

Several sailors with a smell of alcohol and fish stopped and one of them, a burly and bearded man, waved his hand and shouted rudely, "Yellow-skinned monkey, get out of the way!"

Zuo Yi's face sank instantly.

"and many more!"

Another tall sailor stared at red eyes, staring at Zuo Yi's eyes as if he found a new continent. He pulled the corners of his mouth and showed a stingy smile: "Yellow-skinned monkey, take all your money Come out, otherwise … "

The rich world of Chinese people is famous, especially the few poor people abroad. There were many Chinese merchants in Galle Island before because of the war.

He saw Zuo Yi like a fat sheep that could be slaughtered, and pulled out the revolver inserted in his waist: "I beat you …"


The tall sailor's words weren't finished yet, his head burst like a watermelon, and red and white fragments splashed out.

Most of it splattered on the faces and bodies of several companions around.

The sailors were completely awake.

They all trembled, including the beards, and one of them even wet the crotch on the spot, and some liquid continued to drip from the trouser tube.

They thought Zuo Yi was a fat sheep, and they hit a tiger, a brutal one!

Zuo Yi put away Remington and said lightly, "Can you tell me the answer now?"

Bearded sailor swallowed saliva and said, pointing to the street behind him, "From here, go to the first crossroad, walk to the right for another 100 meters."

"Thank you."

Zuo Yi exhaled and went straight towards the direction the other party pointed.

Passing by the other side.

Several sailors kept away from him, like avoiding the viper.

When Zuo Yi stepped out of the distance of ten meters, a fierce light flashed in the eyes of the bearded sailor, and he winked at the two companions next to him.

He quietly pulled out his weapon.

The two companions looked at each other in shock, hesitated and then took out the pistol.

The situation in Galle Island is chaotic, and even the port of Saipan where the American fleet is stationed is not peaceful. Sailors like them come out to play and basically carry weapons with them.

Bearded sailor first raised his pistol and aimed at Zuo Yi's back, growling, "Go to death!"

He pulled the trigger before the words fell, and his two companions opened fire.

However, an incredible scene appeared, and all the bullets fired at Zuo Yi stopped a foot away from him, as if hitting an invisible wall, and could no longer move forward.

The bearded sailor finished all the bullets in one breath. When he saw this, he exclaimed: "Transcendent!"

Bang! bang!

Responding to him was the roar of the Remington M870!