Paladin Dad Chapter 431

Below the base control center, there is another wide space.

A tall cabinet is arranged neatly and neatly, it looks like black forest at first glance, countless red, blue and green LED indicator lights are shining, the buzz of the machine is endless.

Zuo Yi jumped on the dark gray floor, glanced left and right, and found no sign of anyone.

The countdown warning of the base's self-destruction has entered the last two minutes.

Zuo Yi walked in this machine forest unhurriedly. Although his knowledge of computers is not much better than ordinary people, he can also see that a supercomputer is displayed here!

This supercomputing is undoubtedly the core of this secret council's secret base, and it is bound to store a lot of secrets.

Zuo Yi did not understand supercomputing or how to get these secrets, and he had very little time left.

But that doesn't mean Zuo Yi can't help it.

He rushed forward staggeringly, flickering like a ghost in the huge computer room, wielding a blast of sword energy, cutting all the cables and cables connected to the supercomputer in an instant!

The next moment, all the computing servers disappeared and were received by Zuo Yi in the space ring.

Simple and rude to the extreme!

If the red robed old man who committed suicide just now knows in hell, he will be angry with soul destruction.

Because this supercomputer has more than 300 million high-performance CPUs and its peak speed reaches 350000 TFlop / s, the computing ability is enough to rank among the top ten in the world!

In order to build this supercomputing, he paid most of his net worth, and would rather destroy it completely than leave it in the hands of others.

As a result, Zuo Yi was taken away.

"Warning, warning, the self-destruct system has been turned on, all personnel are evacuated immediately, and the last countdown is 60 seconds …"

The harsh warning sounded again, instead of returning along the same path, Zuo Yi waved Scarlet Dragon Sword towards the left wall.

Between his breaths, Zuo Yi broke through three barriers.

The last of the walls was made of alloy, but it couldn't stop his breakthrough.

It's a dark, deep sea outside!

Zuo Yi urged Battle Qi to condense a defensive shield outside the body, resisting the huge pressure from the surroundings, and at the same time floating up at a very fast speed.

He has fought underwater more than once, the deepest one being over 1000 meters, so he has long mastered the coping skills.

Oh la la !

The water splashed, Zuo Yi rushed out of the sea and jumped into the air, and the wings of light spread instantly behind him.

The glow of the moon fell on Zuo Yi's body, and in front of it was the gray gull port with the lights on.


At this time, the entire port and the surrounding Sea Territory suddenly trembled, as if an earthquake had occurred, and many houses shook violently and collapsed. Numerous water bubbles were floating on the sea surface, and the sea water was boiling.

Shouts and cries suddenly sounded, and the harbour seemed to be smashed into an ant's nest, and countless people fled to escape.

Zuo Yi knows that the secret base of the real council just self-destructed.

His retaliatory action has come to an end. Next, he needs to dig deep into the true knowledge of the council until the dark organization is completely eradicated, and Saul's sub-soul is eliminated, leaving no trace of trouble!

Looking down at the chaotic harbor below, Zuo Yi is preparing to return to China.

Suddenly he felt something strange, turned his head and moved towards the high sky, and saw six red dots moving towards his direction at high speed!

The person is not good!

Zuo Yi immediately launched the spiritual network to welcome the past.

He was surprised to find that the six red dots turned out to be three planes, and they were also America's most advanced fifth-generation F45 stealth fighters!

The F45 is known as the strongest fighter on Earth. It brings together a number of black technology technologies. The first exposure caused a huge sensation, and the American Air Force and Navy were installed five years ago, becoming an important part of America's military deterrent.

Zuo Yi knew that there was an American military base on Galle Island, and the Gabi Sea Fleet of America was stationed at Saipan Port on Galle Island, but did not expect that the secret base of the True Knowledge Council had just collapsed, and three F45s ran over.

What a coincidence?

Think of the scale of the True Knowledge Council's secret base, and it is located under the eyes of America's military forces. I also know with my toes that there must be something tricky!

I really know that this pond of the Council is deep.

While Zuo Yi was thinking, three dark grey F45s passed over the Grey Gull Harbor at high speed.

The roar of the engine followed, and hong long long resembled thunder in the clouds.

After flying forward a certain distance, the three stealth fighters suddenly dispersed in different directions. One of the F45s pulled a long arc in the air and turned around.

Zuo Yi suddenly frowned, he felt like he was locked!

The next moment, the F45's belly hatch opened, and an air-to-air missile dropped and fired, flying towards Zuo Yi floating above the sea!

Courting death !

Zuo Yi did not expect that the other party dared to attack himself. Without a second thought, he reached for a large number of steel javelins, and drank a missile moved towards it.

Dozens of rebar javelin impregnated with Battle Qi were instantly transformed into a hot stream of flames. Under the guidance of Zuo Yi's powerful Mental Power, air-to-air missiles were enveloped in a blink of an eye.


A brilliant spark burst into the air.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

The F45 pilot who attacked Zuo Yi apparently did not give up. The nose of the fighter jet spewed out flames, and the onboard Vulcan gun fired a string of powerful shells.

Like the death whip waving in the air, fiercely drew towards Zuo Yi!

At the same time, two other F45s approached Zuo Yi from different directions and launched air-to-air missiles at the same time.

Suddenly Zuo Yi fell into the siege of three state-of-the-art fighters!

But Zuo Yi was not afraid, and the wings of light trembled suddenly. When he flew into the sky instantly, avoiding the Vulcan artillery and missile attacks, he proactively urged the fine divine wind storm and placed all three F45s on it. Within the scope of influence.


The three pilots who controlled the F45 all screamed. The world's most advanced fighter jets they controlled could not protect them from the blow of the fine wind. They all felt like their heads had been inserted into a burning red. Steel brazing.

And still stirring vigorously!

boom! boom!

Two F45 drop-shaped canopies exploded back and forth, and two pilots ejected.

The other F45 crashed into the sea and disintegrated. The pilot died on the spot.

Zuo Yi ignored the two ejected pilots, because the other party had no chance of surviving, he caught up with two out-of-control F45s and put them into the space ring!
