Paladin Dad Chapter 433

Ask the two F45 who want to sell it cheap!

Zuo Yi's words are simple and plain. It's like talking about a trivial transaction. It doesn't matter if you can find a buyer.

But it fell into Wu Yongjian's ears like a thunderbolt, and his whole brain was buzzing.

The hairs of the whole body are all blown up!

This is F45, the world's most advanced five-generation fighter, America's most cutting-edge Technology weapon!

Although China also has a fifth-generation stealth fighter, it is undeniable that there is still a certain gap with the F45 in terms of power engines, airborne radar, airframe materials, and stealth technology.

If two American F45s are in the hands of the Chinese military …

Wu Yongjian thought about it and was so excited that he couldn't help but asked, "Chief Zuo, are you really kidding me?"

Although Wu Yongjian knew very well that Zuo Yi could never make such a big joke with himself, but with the previous example of capturing submarines, he actually believed 80-90%.

The only doubt is that Zuo Yi brought ten F45 back?

This is not a model airplane!

"No kidding …"

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "It is possible to inspect the goods on the spot, and Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai deliver goods to your door."

Wu Yongjian sucked in a cold breath, he forced himself to calm down and said, "Please wait a moment, I need to report to it, and I will contact you later."

Zuo Yi: "No problem."

At Wu Yongjian's level, I really don't have the right to decide such a large "buy".

Zuo Yi at that time included two F45 into the space ring, and now it is very good to want to sell some money.

The overall development and construction project of Linjiang City is like a giant beast that swallows a lot of wealth continuously. Although Zuo Yi has prepared sufficient funds through the sale of Escaping Death Golden Medal, China has just compensated him for XNUMX acres. Land.

So much land must not be left vacant and wasted. If it is also included in the development project and is planned to be constructed in the second and third phases in the future, the existing capital of 20 billion may not be enough.

Of course, Zuo Yi can make financing loans, raise funds through the development of commercial projects, and don't even need to do their own work. The Yan Family is responsible for the completion and guarantees that it can be done properly.

But this is largely contrary to Zuo Yi's original intention of rebuilding Linjiang City, and it is the last choice.

Escaping Death Golden Medal, Zuo Yi has no plans to continue selling, because the materials he has are limited, use a little less, can not continue to spend on it.

In fact, just returning to Earth for only half a year, Zuo Yi has consumed nearly XNUMX% of the wealth resources brought from Sadya World. If converted into the currency unit of the main world, it is definitely a terrifying astronomical figure!

The degree of his failure is also in the ranks of Shenhao.

Therefore, from now on, Zuo Yi really has to open source and reduce expenditures, and can no longer splurge at will. A "mosquito meat" like F45 can shave a little bit, and it is good to exchange more cash.

"Hello, is this Mr. Zuo Yi?"

About half an hour later, a strange incoming call broke into Zuo Yi's mobile phone: "I'm Tan Zhenye, director of the Military Defense Division, and I heard that you want to sell two F45? America's fifth generation fighter?

The opponent's voice was calm and powerful, but with a hint of incredible doubt.

In fact, if Zuo Yi is not an Alpha-level powerhouse, and there are cases of capturing advanced submarines, Wu Yongjian will report the news to it, and it is impossible for anyone to believe that only if Wu Yongjian took the wrong medicine.

So it is normal for the military and military division chief to be skeptical.


Zuo Yi replied: "Let me state first that the two F45s I ​​got were incomplete, the pilots ejected, and there were no canopies and seats. Would you like them?"

Tan Zhenye hesitated for a moment, and seemed to say a few words to others, and then asked, "Is the two F45 missiles still on?"

F45 is the most advanced five-generation fighter, and the missile Nature mounted in the built-in pod is also the most advanced.

"Wait a minute, let me see …"

Zuo Yi probed the two F45s in the space ring with Mental Power, and replied: "Both have five missiles, three small and two large."

Tan Zhenye said without hesitation: "That should be three short-range fighting shells and two medium-range rounds!"

"I don't know much about military equipment."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "If you want, these missiles are a bonus."

Tan Zhenye was silent for a moment and said, "Although it is incredible, I believe Mr. Zuo will not make such a joke, so how much do you need?"

Before calling, he had been authorized by the upper management.

In fact, even if Zuo Yi has nothing, the Alpha Transcendent signboard is worth tens of billions of dollars.

"I remember watching the news. An F45 costs 200 million dollars."

Zuo Yi said: "I'm a second-hander, and the product is not good and damaged, so take a 200% off, two XNUMX million, and pay me XNUMX billion Xia."

Tan Zhenye was speechless.

It 's not that Zuo Yi 's price is too dark, but it 's too cheap. The price of F45 is 200 million US dollars. That 's right, but that 's a low foreign trade. And America only sells to a small number of allies. No.

The authorization given to him above is 10 billion, as long as it is within XNUMX billion, Zuo Yi can speak freely.

As a result, Zuo Yi reported XNUMX billion.

"Well, I can deliver it to your door, and you guys point it out."

Zuo Yi added: "By the way, I also picked up a supercomputer at the Zhenzhi Council base. Do you want it?"

Picked up a super computer …

"cough cough !"

Tan Zhenye was almost strangled by his own saliva: "Yes, we all have to!"

He no longer wanted to ask, how did Zuo Yi bring two F45 and a supercomputer from Galle Island, a few ten thousand li away, back to China. Anyway, as long as it is a good thing, it must be won.

"That line."

Zuo Yi said, "I don't know how much this supercomputation is worth, anyway you just watch it."

Is there too conscience? The conscience to Director Tan wants to cry!

It only took a few minutes for Zuo Yi to negotiate the deal with Tan Zhenye.

After more than half an hour after the call was over, Tan Zhenye sent a satellite coordinate to Zuo Yi.

The F45 is too sensitive, so the delivery location over there must be secure and concealed. The military and military division chose a place in the northwest, more than XNUMX kilometers away from Hangzhou.

For Zuo Yi, who just flew back and forth across the Pacific Ocean, this distance was nothing at all. After replying to a message, he flew directly.

Go early and return early, and have lunch at home at noon.
