Paladin Dad Chapter 435

Just gone?

Zeng Jinghui and Zhang Yao looked at each other in shock, feeling like dreaming.

As a top scientist, although he has seen a variety of Extraordinary ability, Zeng Jinghui is curious about Zuo Yi's method of taking things out of thin air, and really wants to understand the principle.

Zhang Yao is also very curious, but his focus is different from Zeng Jinghui, thinking about how powerful this ability of Zuo Yi would be in local warfare or special operations.

It is simply a mobile warehouse, and it is also very large. Do n't be too cool for loading heavy logistics and weapons!

But both knew that they couldn't keep Zuo Yi and let an Alpha-level Extraordinary powerhouse complement them.


Zuo Yi, who was about to leave, suddenly turned around and handed Zeng Jinghui a purple crystal bottle: "Zeng old, this is for you."

"what is this?"

Zeng Jinghui picked it up, very puzzled: "Is it medicine?"

Zuo Yi slightly smiled and replied, "You can call it wish fountain water."

"Wish fountain water?"

Zeng Jinghui looked at the crystal bottle in his hand and laughed abruptly: "Can it fulfill the wish?"


What he didn't expect was that Zuo Yi answered very seriously: "But only certain wishes can be fulfilled, such as becoming younger or healthier, or smarter and luckier, as long as you drink it. "

Zuo Yi lost all the Five Sacred Springs water, in exchange for the treasure tree's desire to conserve the fountain water. Although the wish spring has no way to compare with Five Sacred Springs, it is better for long-term output. Already.

Last night he received a total of five bottles of wish fountain water.

Zuo Yi is very respectful of Zeng Jinghui, the backbone of the country, so he took out a bottle of fountain water and gave it to the other party.

Because he saw that Zeng Jinghui's life force was far below the normal value of his age, which must be the consequence of the other party's long-term accumulation of illnesses.

This bottle of fountain water can help Zeng Jinghui to recover his health and live longer.


Zeng Jinghui couldn't help it.

He wanted to say that it was unscientific, but thinking about Zuo Yi 's identity and the methods he had just revealed, he could n't help but jokingly and seriously said, "If you want to spend any flowers, I really want to live a few more years for the country Make more contributions. "

Then he opened the stopper.

A staff member was anxious: "Zeng old!"

Zuo Yi said so ridiculously, who knows the consequences of drinking this bottle of unknown medicine?

If something goes wrong, it will be a huge loss for the country!

Zeng Jinghui ignored the other party and raised his crystal bottle to drink it. If Zuo Yi wanted to harm him, he didn't need to have such trouble.

After drinking the wish of the fountain water, the chief engineer pursed his lips, his expression was weird.

Zhang Yao and the staff immediately became nervous, and some people reached out to help Zeng Jinghui, fearing that the latter would suddenly fall.

However, Zeng Jinghui pushed away the other's hand and he closed his eyes.

After a moment he opened it again, exhaling a long breath and saying, "It's incredible."

At this moment, the others around him were already stunned, because they saw that Zeng Jinghui's white hair had gradually turned black, and the wrinkles on his face had significantly reduced. The whole person looked much younger.

Such a miracle happened in less than a minute!

Zeng Jinghui's wish is to become young.

"Thank you."

Zeng Jinghui sincerely told Zuo Yi that he felt he could fight for another XNUMX years in his post!

It was more important to him than anything else.

Zuo Yi replied with a smile: "You're welcome."

Although he sent a bottle of precious wish fountain water, he was not unharmed.

The turbulent Power of Faith surpassed Zuo Yi's surprise!

"Commander Zhang …"

He pointed to the supercomputing next to him and said to Zhang Yao: "If you find the relevant information of the True Knowledge Council in this, please copy it to me."

Zhang Yao was nodded.

His head is a little messy.

When Zuo Yi left the CFJ10 base and returned to Linjiang Old Residence, the director of the military and military division, Tan Zhenye, was still on the plane.

The other party apparently got the news and called Zuo Yi: "Chief Zuo, do you have any more wishes for fountain water?"

He stated his intentions very directly.


Zuo Yi's answer made Tan Zhenye very happy, but the next sentence was poured with cold water: "Do not sell."


The reason is of course that Zuo Yi is not short of money now. If you can get a lot of Power of Faith, or use materials such as empty silver to exchange, then it is not a problem to transfer a few more bottles.

I hope something like fountain water is definitely coveted, but no one can buy or sell Zuo Yi.

There have been such people before, and now the grave grass is more than three feet tall.

At night, after little girl and Fang Yonghe fell asleep, Zuo Yi quietly came to the basement workshop.

He took out the rune array template and placed the soul gem on it.

Sealed inside this soul gem is the red robed old man, the soul of a staff of the true knowledge council. Zuo Yi hopes to get the secret of the true knowledge council and dig out the tumor to completely destroy it.

The most important thing is to destroy the Remnant Soul of Saul!

Zuo Yi suspects that the True Knowledge Council is planning to revive Saul. Although Remnant Soul is resurrected and there is no way to compare with the original ontology, if Saul opens the channel to the Abyss plane, it will be a huge disaster for Earth. !!

It's just that although Zuo Yi has a soul gem that can seal the soul of the red robed old man, it is not easy to get the memory of the other party, because he is not a Wizard, he has no corresponding skills, and his soul knowledge is very simple.

Therefore, Zuo Yi can only use the simplest and rude method, which is to refine the soul!

He injected Mental Power into the soul gem, forcibly purging the soul of the red robed old man to extract memory.

This method will inevitably lead to the loss of a large amount of memory of the latter, and only a small amount of important content can be obtained, and the soul after purification will be completely disappeared and cannot return to Endless Styx River.

If Zuo Yi did this to an innocent soul, he would immediately lose all Faith power, completely fall into Dark Knight, and he would never be redeemed.

But the soul of the red robed old man is full of darkness and evil, and is the true enemy of Zuo Yi. Zuo Yi will not lose Faith whatever he does to him.

On the contrary, after completely destroying the soul of the red robed old man, he can still be rewarded!

Ten minutes later, the evil Evil Spirit in the soul gem completely dissipated, and it was wiped out under the mental power of Zuo Yi's Mental Power. He also obtained many secrets of the Council of Truth.
