Paladin Dad Chapter 440

Lakeside city wall, Fisherman's Wharf.

The small city under construction in a frenzy currently has three defensive walled walls, and the other side faces the lake. Here the goblins have built a simple dock for the parking of several small wooden fishing boats.

Normally, goblins can use fishing boats to cast nets in the lake to get more food, and if the walled village is facing the calamity, this is also a retreat.

The lake connects two rivers and can be used as a waterway for transportation in the future.

Such a plan comes from the testers of the main world. The help of the XNUMX Chinese elites to the Gelug tribe is beyond imagination. The goblins provide safe logistical guarantees for the testers. The cooperation between the two parties is perfect. .

At the very center of the walled city, a majestic altar takes shape. Once it is completed, it means that the city established by the goblins and the testers has a solid foundation.

"Chief Zuo, how long do you plan to stay here?"

On the shore of the lake next to Fisherman's Wharf, Zuo Yi sat down with Qi Liantao and the old goblin priest.

The three are undoubtedly the core of the lakeside city wall. Although Zuo Yi has let go of the trial space, he has unparalleled prestige here, second only to the existence of God.

Without Zuo Yi, the Gelug tribe would not have been so harmonious with the Trials, and the Trials would not treat the Greenskin Goblins as allies.

"Take daughter for two days and go …"

Zuo Yi replied, "I will go to Beijing in two days."


At this time, a greenskin goblin stepped forward.

He knelt in front of Zuo Yi on one knee, and offered a plate of fruit like a cantaloupe with both hands, saying in a low, muffled voice, "Please taste it."

Ordinary words are spoken, apparently they have swallowed konjac.

Zuo Yi noticed that the goblin's figure was extraordinarily burly. He wore a leather armor that was quite superior, and also exuded an Extraordinary wave, with a strong breath inside and out.

"It's Utu."

The Goblin Priest was somewhat proudly introduced: "The first Knight of our tribe, the first warrior to conquer the Greystone tribe!"

Although goblins are the lower races in the trial space, they also have a complete set of rank promotion systems, ordinary goblins, goblins, goblins Knight, goblins Knight and goblin Commander.

Knight Goblin was born from the Great Goblin and required to be able to independently tame an adult wolf as a mount. Utu is the only Goblin that has completed this trial so far and is therefore the first warrior of the tribe.

It ranks second only to the old priests in the Gelug tribe and holds command of the soldiers.

But in front of Zuo Yi, the first warrior looked extremely respectful.


Zuo Yi nodded, he noticed the little girl sitting aside staring curiously at the fruit plate, so he reached for one.

"what is this?"

The old goblin priest quickly responded, "Sir, this is a lotus fruit."

Ground lotus is a precious and rare fruit. Its plants only grow in virgin forests. Its rhizomes can reach 100 meters deep underground, and the fruits are produced by rhizomes, so the excavation is extremely difficult.

Only the goblins can smell the ripe smell of lotus fruits in the soil. The lotus fruits presented by Utu are not collected by the Guru tribe, but the spoils of war that conquered the graystone tribe.

As a hero of the war, Utu has distributed the most precious spoils of war as it should be by rights, and now it is dedicated to Zuo Yi to express his respect and loyalty to Zuo Yi.

A lotus root is the size of a baby's fist, washed cleanly, and looks like a melon-like color like white jade, exuding a sweet aroma.

Zuo Yi smelled it, determined it was edible, and handed it to Bao'er: "Baby, eat it."

"Thank you father."

The little girl took the lotus fruit happily, opened her mouth and sighed, her eyes narrowed immediately.

The flesh is so sweet and sweet that it is the most delicious fruit she has ever eaten!

"good to eat."


Tyke next door cried.

"A'Ty you eat too."

Bao'er has always been generous and very fond of Tyke. He immediately gave the ground lotus fruit to Foodie Ty.

Tyke swallowed and swallowed directly into his stomach without chewing.

Actually it likes meat but not vegetarian, but watching Bao'er eat so happily, it feels very delicious and must try.

Zuo Yi shook his head and took another one for the little girl.

He took the fruit plate from Utu and put it on the wooden table. He thought for a while and said, "Don't eat your food for nothing, um, let me give you a weapon. Do you like a Tomahawk or a Hammer?"

The weapons commonly used by goblin warriors are mainly tomahawks and warhammers, and the other are shuttle guns and bone sticks, but the materials are terrible.

Utu suddenly rejoiced and bowed his head and said, "Many thanks Lord, Utu wants a Warhammer."

It's smarter than ordinary goblin, but the idea is not complicated, just like it.

"it is good."

Zuo Yi immediately took out a hundred-pound iron embryo from the space ring, put in the flame Battle Qi in his hand, and then kneaded this piece of metal material into the Sadya World like a pinch Standard Warhammer inside.

After the Warhammer was formed, Zuo Yi took a little Scarlet Crow Gold and evenly plated it on the surface of the weapon.

Although Scarlet Crow Gold uses only a little bit, it can greatly extend the service life of this weapon in the trial space when it is fused with the embryo.

Most importantly, with the addition of Scarlet Crow Gold, Zuo Yi can engraving rune on this warhammer and increase its power.

Due to the limitation of materials, he only carved two low-level runes up, namely "shattered armor" and "concussion".

This is the most commonly used rune of low-level warhammer weapons. "Broken Armor" can greatly improve the ability of the hammer to break and prevent damage, and has additional strike power on targets wearing heavy armor.

The "shock" can create a shock wave when attacking. After the hit, even if the enemy defends it, it will also be subject to secondary damage from the shock wave, which has a chance to produce a stun effect.

In just ten minutes, a dark golden rune warhammer weapon was completed in Zuo Yi's hands.

Although the style is rather rough and simple, it feels powerful!

The old goblin priests and Qi Liantao looked at them with astonishment, as they had never heard of such a means.

In fact, as Zuo Yi rune Master Craftsman, making such low-level equipment does not show his true strength at all.

But Goblin Knight Utu was already dazzled, his hands shaking as he took over the Warhammer.

"Get up."

Zuo Yi waved: "Hold it and work for the tribe."

Utu nodded immediately: "May the Lord die!"
