Paladin Dad Chapter 442

The earth was roaring, thousands of bisons were desperately running forward, and the rising momentum scared the lions and wolves in the vicinity away from them, fearing that they would be accidentally caught in the meat and stepped on. .

ao wu ~

Tyke raised his head and raised his head. It was chasing after the huge herd with great excitement, and felt that Wang Sheng had reached Peak.

"All right."

Zuo Yi pats, this crazy guy, beckons him to stop chasing.


Forced by the great power of the Great Demon King, Tyke suddenly slowed down the chase, and he gave a reluctant glance at the herd of bison, a little downcast.

It's a pity that there are so many tender steaks.


Bao'er leaning in Zuo Yi's arms touched the back of his neck and said, "You are so good."

Tens of thousands of bisons were chased by several dozen li roads by Tyke. There is really no more powerful cattle dog in the world than it.


Tyke immediately raised his head proudly again: Wang Zou was so powerful!

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "We are back."

In the past two days, he took Bao'er to walk around the surrounding mountains and rivers, climbed the peak to gallop on the grassland, and swim in the sea.


The little girl asked, "When will we come back next time?"

Zuo Yi thought about it and responded, "Wait for your summer vacation and come and play for a few more days."

For others, this is a dangerous place for trials, for him it is a holiday Holy Land.

It is really difficult to find such a pure natural and pollution-free primitive landscape in the main world.

Bao'er was a little disappointed: "It's so long."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about Memphis, I believe it will be fine."

He could see that little girl was still worried about Memphis.

But as the so-called jade is incomprehensible, Memphis has the ability of Extraordinary, and it will only be abolished when it is nested at home. How can it keep up with the growing Bao'er in the future?


Taking the little girl back to the lakeside village, Zuo Yi returned to the main world through the portal.

Then head to Beijing.

It was more than a thousand kilometers away, but this time Zuo Yi only took a night off on the way and arrived in Beijing the next afternoon.

The Millennium Imperial Capital, China's political and cultural center, is now also a very large-scale modern international city.

This big city with a population of more than XNUMX million has a magic power that countless people yearn for.

As a former travel expert, Zuo Yi is not the first time to come to Beijing.

But at that time he was just an ordinary tourist.

After a long distance, on the high-speed just entered the range of Beijing's outer ring, Zuo Yi felt that the city in the distance was shrouded by an invisible atmosphere, huge, vast, and thick!

The closer you go to the center of the city, the stronger this aura is, like a dormant giant beast, which will wake up at any time and burst into terrifying power.

This is the power of World Stone!

The World Stone managed by the China Extraordinary Federation, the gateway to the pretty Desolate World is in Beijing, and is guarded by Alpha powerhouse Qin Wuyang. Beijing is also one of the safest cities in China and even the World, bringing together the most High Level Transcendent!

Zuo Yi drove Daqie quietly into the city.

According to the navigation guidance of the on-board computer, he took Bao'er to the Grand Hotel in Beijing's second ring road.

The hotel room was booked for him by Qin Family. The top-level luxury presidential suite alone has a living area of ​​more than XNUMX square meters. In addition to the primary and secondary bedrooms and children's rooms, there is an exclusive indoor heated pool.

The price of one night stay is more than thousand thousand, and all the costs are paid by Qin Family.

Zuo Yi is certainly not bad for this money, but this is the respect and courtesy that Qin Family deserves to a VIP VIP.

After checking in, Zuo Yi took Bao'er to the suite.

Just after settling down, he received a call from Qin Wuyang: "Chief Zuo, are you here?"


Zuo Yi said, "Thank you, the room is nice."

"You are satisfied."

Qin Wuyang said, "I'm sorry I ca n't come over. Please wait for Xiaoxue to come to you. If you have any requirements, just ask her to do it. You're welcome."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "OK."

This time Qin Wuyang invited Zuo Yi to Beijing, apparently not to celebrate his golden wedding. As for the real reason, it will not be known until the meeting tomorrow night.


As soon as Zuo Yi put down the phone, Bao'er ran over and blinked his eyes and asked, "Can I swim?"

"of course."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "I first ask if there is a bathing suit that suits you."

The little girl learned to swim when she was three years old. Last time Zuo Yi took her to the cape to play, she showed her swimming skills in the sea and became a friend with a small killer whale.

Zuo Yi called the hotel reception desk with a landline phone in the living room and asked, and soon the waiter sent two suits suitable for her.

Putong !

Bao'er, who had changed his swimsuit, jumped out of the pool and was as happy as a little beauty fish.


After a swim, she lay beside the pool and shouted at Tyke, "Come down and play with me!"

Tyke, who was usually ordered, shook her tail in a hard way, and secretly backed away.

If it ranks its most annoying things, then swimming and bathing must be at the top.

Unless swimming and bathing in lava.

ding dong ~

At this moment, the doorbell rang.


Tyke barked quickly: Wang went to open the door!

It hurried to the living room, for fear of being dragged by Bao'er.

Although it is a big head, Tyke is really difficult to open such a small thing, it jumped up to the door and jumped up, and opened the door by pulling the front paw.

A beautiful woman wearing Chanel's latest spring dress stood in front of the door and looked at Foodie Ty who opened the door for her.

woof! woof!

Tyke: What to see, haven't you seen Wang open the door?

After expressing his contempt, it turned around and eagerly ran to the bedroom.

The beautiful woman settled down, and she went into the room and greeted respectfully in front of Zuo Yi: "Hello Chief Zuo."

Zuo Yi nodded: "Hello."

This beauty is the direct descendant of Ye Yingxue, the Ye Family of Jincheng, and the famous Tianzhijiao and iceberg beauty in the top circles of Beijing and Tianjin, but in front of Zuo Yi, she behaved like a girl from a big family.

Ye Yingxue clenched his hand a little cramped, saying, "Uncle Qin asked me to come over and let me be your assistant during your stay in Beijing. Please tell me if you have any needs."

In fact, Ye Yingxue will not be so nervous in front of others, including Qin Wuyang, and it won't be like seeing a cat of a tiger.

From that time in Linjiang City, Zuo Yi's strength easily crushed her pride and confidence.

Let her have a deep awe of the young man in front of her!
