Paladin Dad Chapter 449


Bao'er took Zuo Yi's hand and said, "She is a good friend I just met, called Xia Yunqi."

She turned to Xia Yunqi and said, "Kiki, this is my father."

Xia Yunqi said timidly, "Uncle is fine."

"Hello there."

Zuo Yi slightly smiled.

This little miss is about the same age as Bao'er. He looks very cute, and he likes it.

Unfortunately, tomorrow he will take Bao'er back to Hangzhou, otherwise it would be a good thing if the two could become little girlfriends.

After thinking about it, Zuo Yi took out a string of bracelets from the space ring and handed them to each other: "Uncle's gift for you."

This bracelet was made in his spare time, with a protective function.

Xia Yunqi did not pick it up immediately, but looked towards Qin Wuyang next to him.

This is exactly the same as Bao'er. Without the consent of the elders, he will not take other people's gifts.

Qin Wuyang Wen Yan said, "Thank you yet, Uncle."

Xia Yunqi cleverly took the bracelet with both hands: "Thank you Uncle."


Bao'er showed his wrists: "Look, you are the same as mine. Are you pretty?"

Zuo Yi's bracelet for Xia Yunqi is the same as for Bao'er.

Xia Yunqi made a comparison and was pleasantly surprised: "Really!"

The two Little Brat chirp chirp twitter twitter talked again and have forgotten the storm just now.

Qin Wuyang and Zuo Yi looked at each other and smiled.

"Xue Xue."

Qin Wuyang told Ye Yingxue: "I have something to do with Chief Zuo, and you will stay here to take care of them. If anyone dares to make trouble again, I will never spare him!"

Where would anyone dare to cause trouble? His daughter, grandson and cousin were all kicked out of Zongfu, and the rest of the body could not hold Qin Wuyang's thunderbolt in anger!

Ye Yingxue quickly said, "You can rest assured that I will take care of them."

The heavenly coquettish girl secretly made up her mind to improve her strength anyway, so that the stigma that had just been completely suppressed by Scarface Men would not happen again!

Zuo Yi was nodded at her, then left the playroom with Qin Wuyang.

He didn't worry about Bao'er's safety. Leaving aside the harsh words of His Majesty Qin Wuyang, Bao'er not only had Tyke, a small partner that rivaled A-Rank powerhouse, but also carried multiple pieces of self-defense equipment.

Even if attacked by Alpha powerhouse, there is enough time to support him.

It's just that Zuo Yi is curious about Xia Yunqi's identity.

Probably I saw Zuo Yi's thoughts. On the way back to the elegant room, Qin Wuyang explained to him briefly.

Xia Yunqi surnamed Xia, China's Xia, Xia Liehou's Xia, she is the son of China Imperial Family, and she is still unrelated.

A hundred years ago, Xia Yunqi was the true Princess.

However, the Imperial Family has abdicated for a hundred years. The Imperial Family that once mastered China has long since disappeared. Although there is still some prestige among the people, it is far worse than the Aristocratic Family of gate valves such as Fan Family and Qin Family.

The relationship between Qin Family and Imperial Family has a long history. Intermarriage has continued for hundreds of years. Xia Yunqi has been fostered in Qin Family since she was a child.

As for why an Imperial Family Princess would be fostered by another family, Qin Wuyang did not explain, and Zuo Yi would not ask questions.

The larger the family, the more privacy and secrets, what kind of entanglement Xia Yunqi's family has with the Qin Family is not a problem that Zuo Yi needs to care about.

The two returned to Yajian, and Fan Hailiu and Zhang Zonghan were still drinking tea.

After Zuo Yi and Qin Wuyang regained their seats, Fan Hailiu lowered his tea cup and asked, "Resolved?"

He didn't ask what happened just now, and he didn't go out to watch the excitement before. It was both respect for Qin Wuyang and his own hostility.

Qin Wuyang nodded: "Ashamed."

He did not explain in detail, the two sides have a tacit understanding.

The four continued the previously interrupted topic. Fan Hailiu took out a USB flash drive and handed it to Zuo Yi: "This is all the information related to the True Knowledge Council."

It is no secret that Zuo Yi's grievances with the true knowledge council. The true knowledge council sent a submarine to break through the seabed defense line of China and sneak into Zuo Yi's territory with missile sneak attacks on Zuo Yi. This was not only the strongest provocation against Zuo Yi, but also serious Breakthrough China's bottom line.

The current True Knowledge Council is both an enemy of Zuo Yi and an enemy of Zhang Zonghan, Fan Hailiu, and Qin Wuyang.

The enemy of China!

Fan Hailiu needs to sit in the Desolate World Dragon City fortress. It is not easy for him to return to the main world. Qin Wuyang has to be responsible for guarding World Stone and Imperial Capital, so they cannot directly participate in the action against the Council of True Knowledge.

But this does not prevent them from providing all aspects of support for Zuo Yi.

Zuo Yi was not polite: "Thank you."

Fan Hailiu waved his hand: "It should."

"I really know that cancers like the council must be eradicated!"

Zhang Zonghan said calmly: "The Cabinet will soon formulate a plan to eliminate the True Knowledge Council, and the Chinese military will also fully cooperate with the eradication action, and China will return to the world!

In the recent period, the True Knowing Council has been very active, and many of its incidents have their silhouettes behind them, which has already aroused the vigilance and prevention of many countries.

The situation in China is still the best. I really know that the council is like a mouse crossing the street, and everyone can't make a big storm.

However, in many countries, the power of realizing the development of the council is quite huge, and they are all in the middle and lower levels.

It 's really the first copy of a hard leap from the Pacific Ocean like Zuo Yi to Galle Island from ten thousand li!

"Mainly in America, they have supporters of the Insight Council in Congress, and even the military …"

When Zuo Yi and the four of them talked about the topic of the True Knowledge Council, Bao'er and Xia Yunqi in the playroom were centered around Tyke.

"Tyke is amazing!"

Xia Yunqi cautiously touched Tyke's head and exclaimed: "It just grew so big!"

"When you grow up, you have the strength to deal with scoundrel!"

Bao'er said, "Kiki, don't be afraid. When I grow up, I will protect you."

Destiny Witch is so confident!

Xia Yunqi moved: "Bao'er you are really good."

If Bao'er is a male child, now Xia Yunqi is definitely willing to devote one's life to.

"But I'm going home tomorrow …"

Bao'er said sadly, "The day after tomorrow will go to school."

Xia Yunqi blinked and asked, "Bao'er, where do you go to school?"

Bao'er replied without hesitation: "Tianqi School."

"I tell you, Tianqi School is fun, I have a lot of classmates, and Teacher, they …"

She was very happy to tell Xia Yunqi about the fun and interesting things in Tianqi School, and she heard Xia Yunqi relaxed.

An idea came into the heart of this Little Princess.
