Paladin Dad Chapter 456

become friends.

Zuo Yi was a little surprised that the Tarot leader would make such a request.

But he could feel the goodwill of the other party.

Zuo Yi doesn't know much about the Tarot Association.

The Tarot Society has a long history. All the earliest members were Ascetic of the European Church. It was formed to counteract the dark and decaying forces inside the church. Later it devoted itself to hunting down the evil Transcendent.

Until now, the purpose of the Tarot Society is to maintain the balance between ordinary people and Transcendent. They oppose the development of World in the Desolate World and believe that all World Stones should be destroyed to ensure the security of the main world.

Moreover, the Tarot Society also believes that Transcendent should not take precedence over ordinary people. At the same time, it holds an anti-war and anti-nuclear position and requires governments to destroy all nuclear weapons and nuclear facilities, including nuclear power plants.

This caused the Tarot Society to have huge contradictions and conflicts of interest with various governments, so it was included in the list of dangerous organizations.

In fact, the Tarot Society is not an extremist organization. They have been fighting the True Knowledge Council for thousands of years, which has largely suppressed the development of the latter and has contributed to this world.

Although many people do not agree with their ideas.

The Tarot Society's philosophy is conservative and isolated, like those old Antiques with embarrassment.

But they are clearly not in the evil camp.

The fool says that the enemy's enemies may not be friends. This is undoubtedly true.

But Tarot will indeed be friends with Zuo Yi.

Zuo Yi didn't immediately respond. He played with the U disk in his hand, suddenly asked: "Aren't you Chinese?"

The fool faintly smiled: "I have a quarter of China bloodline, and I have no hostility to China."

Zuo Yi nodded put away the USB flash drive, and extended his hand to the other party: "I have accepted this gift, thank you."

"you are welcome."

The fool shook hands with him and said, "Taro will have no obligation to deal with the Council of True Knowledge. If you need any help, please speak up.

Zuo Yi is polite: "OK."

"Then meet again."

Fool said with a slight smile: "Left Chief, looking forward to seeing you next time."


Watching the silhouette of the fool disappear on the rugged mountain road, Zuo Yi thoughtfully.

The first feeling that the Tarot leader gave him was low-key, low-key to the extreme, and encountered on the road under normal circumstances. If he did not deliberately perceive, he would only treat him as a passerby, not a World's top powerful presence.

The fool must have countless secrets. In fact, Zuo Yi intends to better understand each other, but the timing is not right now.

After leaving Western Mountain, Zuo Yi returned to the city.

Instead of going home directly, he came to the Extraordinary Management Office and handed the fool's USB stick to the technicians of the Extraordinary Management Office for processing.

Although Zuo Yi's perception of the fool is good, it is not 100% trusted.

After checking by the technicians of the Extraordinary Management Office, it was determined that there was no problem with the USB flash drive, and Zuo Yi was brought home.

After dinner, he came to the study and opened the data stored in the USB flash drive with his computer.

Fools don't provide much information. In fact, only one document is really useful, but this document records the list of hundreds of true-knowledge members and the corresponding information.

These true-knowledge members are mainly admirers and dagger holders, suspected stealth holders and staff holders!

Among them, there are two stick holders. Although there is no 100% evidence to prove it, the Tarot Association has inferred through various signs that the probability is more than XNUMX%.

But these two staffs are high-profile and highly influential figures. Tarot would not have strong evidence and would not dare to take action against them.

The same is true of the wearers and stealthers on the list, which are not easy targets.

And the dagger holder is very difficult to find-as a killer walking in the dark, the dagger holder is best at hiding his whereabouts.

Compared with the huge True Knowledge Council, the power of the Tarot Society is undoubtedly much weaker, and the Tarot Society is also included in the list of dangerous organizations, which makes them often fettered in dealing with the True Knowledge Council and cannot easily cross the Thunder Pool .

The fool gave this list to Zuo Yi, and the implications were quite rich.

Zuo Yi didn't care about this. He needed to eradicate the True Knowledge Council as soon as possible, and to find Saul's soul separation to solve this hidden danger completely, so the more such a list, the better.

Tarot will have scruples. He doesn't. Tarot will not have enough power. He is not afraid of any opponent!

Staring at the computer screen, Zuo Yi's eyes flashed a sharp rays of light.


At this time, Bao'er ran in from the outside.

The murderous intention in Zuo Yi's eyes disappeared instantly, and he turned around and asked, "What's the matter, Baby?"


little girl opened her arms.

Zuo Yi laughed dumbfounded, reaching out to lift her up and sit on her lap.

Bao'er laughed, saying, "Father, today I took the math and language exams. Do you know how many points I took?"

Zuo Yi was surprised: "Really, how many points did you take?"

little girl The current Tianqi School is a special school. Students learn in it except for Extraordinary courses. Ordinary culture courses are customized according to age and original education.

Although there is no need for high school entrance examination or college entrance examination, the course of cultural courses is still done with reference to regular schools.

There are also exams.

Bao'er face smug: "Guess."


Zuo Yi thought about it and answered, "One hundred mathematics, one hundred Chinese?"

Bao'er was shocked: "How did you know? Did Zhang Teacher tell you!"


Zuo Yi explained: "I guessed it, because my baby is so smart, I can definitely get double hundred."

Bao'er proud: "I'm very difficult to deal with, right?"

Zuo Yi affirmed: "Bao'er is the best. Well, father has a reward. What do you want?"

"I didn't think about it …"

Bao'er replied earnestly: "Tomorrow will also have foreign language and science exams, I will tell you after I have finished all the exams."

"okay then."

Zuo Yi said: "Father will be on a business trip tomorrow, and it may take a few days to come back. Tell me then."

"Ah?" Bao'er pouted; "Are you going on a business trip again?"


Zuo Yi touched her face and said, "Father still has a lot of work to do."

Eradicating evil and guarding peace is Zuo Yi's job!

This world is becoming more and more unstable. Since he has taken on this heavy responsibility, Nature has to fulfill his duties.

"Let's work together and look forward to your good results."


Bao'er vigorously nodded: "I'm going to review my homework, goodbye father."

"Don't be too late, rest early."

Watching the little girl bouncing away, Zuo Yi became more and more determined to completely eradicate the Council of True Knowledge!
