Paladin Dad Chapter 565

There is a word circulating abroad that there must be Chinatown and Chinese restaurants in places where there are Chinese people.

Of course, this statement is not 100% correct, but it is still quite realistic. The history of the Chinese people moving to Western countries can be traced back to the millennium. 500-600 years ago, there were large-scale immigration due to war and famine.

Since modern times, for various reasons, there are also many Chinese who choose to live and develop abroad, and the characteristics of their nationalities have made them choose to live in clusters, and then Chinatowns all over the World have appeared.

And in Chinatown you can see the most diverse Chinese restaurants.

The place where Zhang Yaoming met Zuo Yi was the Dragon Phoenix Tea House in Chinatown, West Georgia, a Cantonese style restaurant.

Lamborghini stopped steadily at the entrance of the tea house. Zuo Yi got out of the car and threw the car keys to his younger brother. He carried a backpack with Tyke and walked into this restaurant with Chinese characteristics.

Although it is in the afternoon, the business in the teahouse is still very good. There are many guests in the lobby on the first floor, most of which are foreign tourists who taste afternoon tea.

St. George's is a well-known tourist destination, receiving tens of millions of foreign tourists a year. Chinatown, with a history of hundreds of years, is also one of the tourist attractions here.

It is worth mentioning that next to Chinatown is Paparo and even the world's largest slum!

"Hello, how many?"

A tea shop buddy greeted him and asked Zuo Yi with a grinning smile, using very standard ordinary words.

He just saw Zuo Yi get off the super run, so he was very polite.


Zuo Yi said: "Zhang Yaoming."

Zhang Yaoming had previously said on the phone that when he got to the place, he would report his name.

"Master Zhang is on the third floor."

Tea House buddy is even more respectful: "Please follow me."

Under the guidance of his buddies, Zuo Yi came to an elegant room on the third floor of the tea house.

There are four people in the room, a white-haired red-faced old man, a suit-faced square-faced man, a beautiful woman in a long skirt, and a divine middle age person.

Zuo Yi's eyes first fell on the middle age person: "Mr. Zhang?"


The middle-aged person woke up and woke up and asked, "Mr. Zuo?"

"I'm Zuo Yi."

Zuo Yi extended the hand to him: "Hello."

"Hello there."

Zhang Yaoming shook hands with Zuo Yi: "Please sit down."

After Zuo Yi was seated, he introduced Zuo Yi: "This is President Chen of our Chinatown Self-Management Association, this is the Inspector Tang of the Western District Police Station, and this is the grandson of Huai Xia Tang."

"Hello there."

Zuo Yi one after another nodded greeted and then asked, "How is the situation now?"

"It's very troublesome."

Zhang Yaoming sighed, "Yun Xi's parents were kidnapped. The kidnapper called me in the morning. I was afraid Yun Xi was worried, so I didn't tell her the news for the time being."


Zuo Yi instead was sighed in relief.

If it was abducted, the high probability person is still alive, otherwise there would be no phone call from the kidnappers.

He asked, "What does the other party ask?"

"other side…"

Zhang Yaoming just said two words and was interrupted by the square-faced man, Inspector Tang: "This case is of great significance, Mr. Zuo. I am afraid that some things may not be seen towards you. Please forgive me."

He looked towards Zuo Yi's eyes with vigilance.

Inspector Tang's vigilance was justified. Zuo Yi was completely a stranger to them. Suddenly he came over to participate in the abduction and made him have to doubt Zuo Yi's purpose.

Although Zhang Yaoming just introduced Zuo Yi's identity, Gu Yunxi's friends are obviously not enough to win people's trust.

"I just came from home."

Zuo Yi was very clear about the other party's thoughts and took out his ID from his arms and handed it to him.

"Just came from home?"

Zhang Yaoming revealed an incredible expression: "How could it be!"

It takes more than a day to fly from St. George to Ten thousand li in China. It 's less than 24 hours since the kidnapping case happened. Did Zuo Yi come by rocket?

Inspector Tang opened his Zuo Yi's credentials with a calm face, and suddenly hesitated: "Jiangnan Extraordinary Affairs Supervision Office Chief Advisor?"

The pretty woman sitting next to him blinking her eyes, staring at Zuo Yi and asking, "Are you Transcendent?"

Zuo Yi glanced at her, raised her right hand, reached out her index finger, and gently hit the teacup in front of her.

The porcelain cup was instantly transformed into powder, and the hot tea in the cup was completely motionless, bound by an invisible force without overflowing half a drop!

Zuo Yi held out the cup-shaped hot tea with an open palm and lifted it into his mouth.

Zhang Yaoming and Tang Tang were stunned. The beautiful woman, Miss Huai Xiatang's grandson, was also pretty open.

She can do it by crushing the tea cup, but Zuo Yi has done more than just crushing the cup just now. The displayed ability has exceeded her imagination.

But to be sure, Zuo Yi is definitely a deeply hidden Transcendent!


Inspector Tang immediately became much more polite and returned his credentials to Zuo Yi.

He persuaded him, and Zhang Yaoming no longer had to worry about how Zuo Yi came over, and told Zuo Yi about his current situation.

A few years ago, Gu Yunxi's parents Gu Kai and Zhang Yun came to St. George and went to Zhang Yaoming. With his help, he opened a small supermarket and settled in Chinatown.

Supermarket business is not bad. The two have a very stable life. There is no other problem except to miss Gu Yunxi.

A few days ago, Gu Kai and Zhang Yun received a call from Gu Yunxi. They were very happy to discuss with Zhang Yaoming and decided to transfer the supermarket and house back to domestic life.

Zhang Yaoming was also happy for them and helped contact the buyer.

But absolutely did not expect that just yesterday afternoon, the house where Gu Kai and Zhang Yun lived was on fire and the two of them lost contact.

Zhang Yaoming rushed to the police and reported it to the Chinatown Self-Administration Association.

At present, the investigation results of the Western Police Department and the Self-Management Commission showed that Gu Kai and Zhang Yun were abducted in their own stores, and the surveillance of the supermarket recorded the entire process.

The captors were so arrogant that they did not hide their identities.

The kidnappers belonged to a local gang, Hellfire.

The slum of St. George, adjacent to Chinatown, covers an area of ​​more than ten square kilometers, gathering nearly 2 million poor people in this city, and has been the largest tumor of St. George.

St. George's Slum has hundreds of large and small gangs, and its criminal activities are extremely rampant. The powerful gangs have fierce force and dare to confront the police and even the army.

Hellfire is one of the most powerful gangs in St. George's Slum!