Paladin Dad Chapter 567

The idea of ​​tall and sturdy man is not unreasonable.

Many countries have taken an uncompromising attitude towards hostage abductions, especially China. As long as the victim's family members report to the police, there is never a is a person. The kidnappers can take the ransom and get out smoothly, even at the expense of the hostage.

Therefore, the incidence of kidnappings in China is very low, because criminals are well aware that the risk of making money through kidnapping is too high, and unless you are desperate and desperate, you should not easily challenge the police's determination.

Back to the kidnapping of the Gu Kai and Zhang Yun couples, in the past Chinatown had been in peace with the slum gangs. It should not have happened after paying the protection fee. Iron Fist Paul broke the rules.

If Zhang Yaoming paid the ransom, it would only make the other party more unscrupulous, and the same thing would happen again.

"Iron Fist Paul …"

Zhang Yaoming certainly understood this, but he was helpless: "It's not as simple as you think."

Iron Fist Paul is the hawkish representative of Hellfire, an idol of young gangs. He has a strong appeal within the gang and has a strong ambition.

Everyone knows that he wants to unify the slums of St. George, and continually recruits troops to expand his power.

Iron Fist Paul wants to achieve his ambitions, relying only on brutal force is not enough, but also has matching financial resources.

He always thought that Chinatown gave too little protection fee and tried to let his forces enter Chinatown.

In order to achieve the goal, Iron Fist Paul can do whatever he can. If Huai Xia Tang is stubborn with him, his eight-nine will use the lives of the Gu Kai and Zhang Yun couples to show his attitude and determination.

So this Senior Brother Gao of Huai Xia Tang makes sense again, Zhang Yaoming also doesn't want to see his cousin and brother-in-law become the sacrifices of conflict between the two sides, preferring to spend money to alleviate the disaster.

Senior Brother Gao's face sank immediately. Instead of looking at Zhang Yaoming, Senior Brother Gao stared at President Chen: "Chairman Chen, you should know, I'm thinking for the benefit and safety of everyone."

He knew that Zhang Yaoming didn't wait to see himself, but President Chen was enough to suppress the other party.

President Chen groaned silently, but showed his emotions.

Sun Miss frowned, did not speak.

Senior Brother Gao coldly smiled, said to Zhang Yaoming: "Zhang Boss, please take the overall situation as the top priority, don't arbitrarily make Zhang."

His eyes glanced over the millions of dollar bills on the table, and a faint greedy gleam flashed in his eyes.

Zhang Yaoming both shocked and angry: "You!"

"You don't have to worry about it …"

Just then, Zuo Yi suddenly said, "Mr. Zhang, call them now."

Senior Brother Gao was stunned, and then suddenly furious: "What the hell are you doing, do you have a conversation here? I …"


Before he finished speaking, Zuo Yi slapped him in the palm of his hand.

Senior Brother Gao saw Zuo Yi's slap, but when he wanted to dodge, his face had been hit hard. The World in front of him suddenly exploded, and lost consciousness after spinning around for a while.

The burly body shook for a moment as if drunk, and fell to the floor!

Everyone was startled.

Sun Miss is even more horrified.

She, the Senior Brother Gao, has been developing extraordinary natural talent since she was a child. Her secret skills in Huai Xia Tang have progressed very fast. When she was fifteen, she had swept her peers. After awakening to become a Transcendent, her battle strength can be ranked in the top ten. .

The most important thing is that his father is a veteran of Huai Xia Tang, and mother is a well-known Chinese businessman of St. George's.

To many people, Senior Brother Gao is bound to become the leader of Huai Xia Tang.

Although Miss Sun didn't like this arrogant same sect Senior Brother, he also knew how strong the other party was.

In a way, Senior Brother Gao and Iron Fist Paul are similar people!

However, under Zuo Yi's hands, this battle-strength Senior Brother Gao is so unable to withstand a single blow.

It's incredible!

"Eldest Senior Brother!"

And the senior brother Gao just brought all of them panicked. Some wanted to heal Senior Brother Gao lying on the ground, and some of them were desperate to fight with Zuo Yi. The atmosphere in the elegant room suddenly became extremely tense.


Sun Miss suddenly got up and scolded: "If you don't want to die, give me a side!"

Her voice carried a deep-seated chill, like ice water poured on those hot-headed people, so that they instantly awakened, and suddenly trembled like a chill.

If Senior Brother Gao is still standing here, everyone is not afraid of Sun Miss.

But their idols are falling like dead dogs on the floor now!

After calming down the same sect, Sun Miss apologized to Zuo Yi and said, "Chief Zuo, please forgive their rudeness. We respect your decision and are willing to do our part to save Mr. Gu Kai and his wife. . "

Sun Miss is far less powerful than Senior Brother Gao, but EQ and IQ are much higher than the latter.

She was soberly aware of the strength of Zuo Yi, so she showed an attitude that is as different as heaven and earth to Senior Brother Gao.

Zuo Yi nodded: "Yes."

He was too lazy to think about the people in Huaixiatang, his eyes looked towards Zhang Yaoming.

Zhang Yaoming immediately called the kidnapper without any hesitation.

The call was quickly connected. After talking to the other party, he held his microphone nervously, and said to Zuo Yi, "Mr. Zuo, they asked us to take the money now to Paul to repair Dao Academy."

Zuo Yi asked: "Any questions?"

The problem is really big.

Paul Xiu Dao Academy is located in the center of St. George's slum. In fact, it has a history that exceeds that of slums. Some poor people worked for Dao Academy that year, built a shack wood house in the vicinity, and then attracted more poor people to live in .

As a result, the size of the slums became larger and larger, and the people in Dao Academy were forced to leave.

Although the church members were gone, the Dao Academy house was left and was taken over by the slum gangs in turn.

Now it is the place of Hellfire, and it is also the nest of Iron Fist Paul!

It is said that Iron Fist Paul believes that Paul built Dao Academy for himself, he is the master of it it should be by rights.

In fact, in St. George's Slum, there were 8,000 and XNUMX people named "Paul".

Now the other party's request is to let Zhang Yaoming take the money to redeem their old nest, and the danger can be imagined.

"Promise them."

Zuo Yi replied without hesitation: "Let Yun Xi's parents talk to you."

"it is good."

Zhang Yaoming hurried to continue negotiations with the other party and made a call.

"Sister, are you all right?"

Two minutes later, he contacted Zhang Yun as expected, confirming that the two were still safe.

"Let's go."

After Zhang Yaoming ended the call with the kidnappers, Zuo Yi swept the dollar bills from the desk into his backpack.

He wants to save people in his own way!