Paladin Dad Chapter 569

In the slums of St. George, which is full of illegal buildings with broken houses and old houses, the long-established Paul repair Dao Academy can be called a clear stream in the sludge marsh. Its architectural style is rigorous and solemn, with distinctive European characteristics.

However, the gangster who took Paul to build Dao Academy obviously did not have the concept of protecting cultural relics. In addition to the main chapel, most of the attached prayer rooms, homes, dining rooms and other buildings were in dilapidated condition, and the ground was full of garbage.

The fountain pool on the small open square in front of the chapel was flattened, and a rough stage was set up. There were actually acoustic instruments on it. A guy with dirty hair was busy in front of the mixer.

Hundreds of men and women were around the stage. Some shook their heads in response to the rhythm of the music, and some held together with no one close to each other.

There was a strange smell of monster in the air.

When Zuo Yi followed several Hellfire members into Dao Academy, many people cast their eyes on it.

Surprise, curiosity, mockery, indifference, humiliation …

"Wait here."

The tattooed man dropped a sentence and strode into the chapel.

Zuo Yi stays in the small square and is guarded by two gangsters.

While waiting for the tattooed man to return, some members of Hellfire came over to ask them a few words, and then looked towards Zuo Yi's eyes quite meaningfully.

It's like a hunter who sees a fat prey.

After four or five minutes, a man in a checkered shirt came out of the chapel and hugged him. The tattooed man was just behind him.

"Are you here to redeem?"

The checkered shirt was thin and 1.7 m tall. He came to Zuo Yi in the step of not recognizing one's family, raised his chin and asked arrogantly, "Is money brought?"

Two back of a tiger and waist of a bear robust man standing behind him, facing Zuo Yi glare like a tiger watching his prey.

"Brought it."

Zuo Yi pats with the backpack in his hand, asked, "What about people?"

"Your courage."

A checkered shirt showed a weird smile: "You are the first Chinese person who dares to appear here."

He speaks English well, at least much better than tattooed men.

"For the first time in everything."

Zuo Yi said lightly, "Trading now."

The checkered shirt gave Zuo Yi a deep look, as if to remember his appearance in his mind, and raised his hand to swing it.

Soon two people with black cloth bags on their heads were taken over by members of the Hellfire, and a checkered shirt pulled out the cloth bags.


The two screamed at the same time, their eyes were suddenly stimulated by strong light, and both of them showed a frightened expression.

Although not seen for ten years, Zuo Yi recognized them at a glance.

Gu Yunxi's parents Gu Kai and Zhang Yun!

He was nodded, unzipped the backpack, and pulled Tyke out of it first.

(⊙o⊙) (⊙o⊙) (⊙o⊙) (⊙o⊙)

The members of the hellfire around were stunned-is this what the hell?


Tyke barked, and a stack of hundred-dollar bills in his mouth immediately fell back into his backpack.

Zuo Yi threw the guy to the ground, and threw his heavy backpack to a checkered shirt.

Although the checkered shirt looked like a candid look, but his skill and response were not bad, he grabbed the backpack.

Glancing at the half-dollar backpack full of dollars, he took a moment to look at it, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Zuo Yi said, "Let people go."

The corner of the checkered shirt was torn, and he raised his hand and slammed his fingers: "Yeah."

The two Hellfire members pushed hard, pushing Gu Kai and Zhang Yun towards Zuo Yi.

The two feet rushed forward and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Zuo Yi's eyes were swift and his hands were fast.

"Uncle, Aunt, are you all right?"

At this time Gu Kai's vision recovered a lot. Looking at Zuo Yi who was holding himself, he couldn't believe his eyes: "You, are you Zuo Yi?"

When Zuo Yi was in love with Gu Yunxi, Zuo Yi and her parents had met a few times. Gu Kai has a deep memory of Zuo Yi, the guy who almost took off his pearl.

So although Zuo Yi is much more mature now than he was then, he still recognizes it.

"Zuo Yi? How are you?"

Zhang Yun, who also restored vision, was also extremely shocked: "What about Yao Ming?"

"Don't say this first."

Zuo Yi said, "I'll send you back."

Gu Kai and Zhang Yun woke up and looked at the members of the Hellfire around in fear, nodded in a hurry.

Since being abducted yesterday, they are shocked and scared. They are exhausted physically and mentally and can't wait to get out of danger.

However, when Zuo Yi and the two turned around to leave, several members of Hellfire holding weapons blocked the door!

The gangsters giggled, and their eyes were full of satirical expressions.

Zuo Yi frowned, turned and said to the checkered shirt, "I have paid the ransom, is there any problem?"

Checkered shirt chuckled.

He touched his chin, slowly pulled out a cigar from his jacket pocket, bit off his hat and put it in his mouth, then grabbed a stack of dollars in his backpack and pulled out a pinch.


A member of Hellfire next lit the lighter, and the checkered shirt picked up the dollar bill between his fingers and lit it, and then used the burning dollar bill to light the cigar in his mouth.

Throwing the stack of dollars back into the backpack he was holding, he smoked a cigar in the United States and spit out the smoke and said, "I just ordered it, the amount of ransom is wrong, one less, so you cannot go. "

Gu Kai and Zhang Yun thought they had escaped.

They absolutely did not expect that the other party was so rogue that they had paid the ransom and had not let it go.

Zhang Yun burst into tears: "How can you do that?"

All those members of Hellfire around are laughing heartily!

The checkered shirt also laughed strangely following "gā gā gā": "Who makes you Chinese people so rich!"

Being rich is the original sin!

"Since you don't talk about rules …"

Among the people present, the only expression that has not changed is Zuo Yi: "Then there must be a sense of commitment."

His tone barely fell, and Gu Kai and Zhang Yun immediately felt that they were lifted up by an invisible force, and were lifted into the air involuntarily in an instant.

Just when the two were scared to soul destruction, thinking they were about to fall to the ground, a huge gryphon emerged out of thin air, just holding them on their backs.

With a sudden wave of wings, the griffin instantly rose to a height of several hundred meters!

The gang members in Hellfire's turn were aggressive this time, and it felt like what had just happened was like a dream.

Too unreal.

And at this moment, Zuo Yi's voice sounded in everyone's ears: "I declare that you are guilty!"