Paladin Dad Chapter 580

Riding Tyke through thunderstorms, Zuo Yi felt like he was back in Abyss World.

There are hundreds of layers in Sadya's Abyss World, and the environment of each layer is different, such as endless desert, lava, dark forest, rotting swamp and so on.

In some places, the wind is endless, and in some places thunderstorms continue all day long.

It's just that the thunderstorm power in Abyss is much stronger than here. Occasionally, a thunderbolt fell on Zuo Yi's body and was easily blocked by the protective Battle Qi without causing any impact.

Zuo Yi moved towards The thunderstorm center, where the thunderstorms are most dense and intense.

Zuo Yi has a faint feeling, there is most likely exactly where he traveled!

Suddenly his gaze narrowed, and he reached out Pats Tyke's neck.

Tyke's rushing leg immediately came to an emergency brake, and his forepaws plowed a long mark on the scorched earth.

Zuo Yi jumped from its back, and leaned forward two steps to dig out a deep blue gemstone from glittering and translucent.


This gem is very similar to the thunderstone sold to him by the tavern Boss, except that it is larger in size and more pure in texture. When Zuo Yi picked it up, his fingertips shone with a hint of electricity.

The lightning energy it contains is more abundant and powerful than that of the mine.


Tossing the thunderstone just discovered, Zuo Yi felt that this time was not in vain.

Although he couldn't think of the use of this Energy spar for the time being, even in Sadya World, similar gems are not a big deal, and have the value of collecting and digging.

Tyke came in curiously, and the huge dog's nose lightly touched the thunderstone in Zuo Yi's hand.


With a flash of lightning, Foodie Ty could not help raising her head and sneezing strongly.

How itchy!

It twitched its nose and looked a little upset at this thunderstone.

"A task for you."

Zuo Yi pats his head: "Help me dig this stone, the more the better."

Tyke crooked his head: is there a reward?


Zuo Yi sneered: "Take care of yourself if you eat and live, and you need to be rewarded for doing some work? I think you are itchy!"

For three days, he didn't hit the house to expose the tile. This guy was so pampered and proud that he was usually spoiled by the little girl and dared to talk to him about the conditions.

wu wu ~

Tyke winced quickly, trying to squeeze a charming expression.

It remembered that Bao'er not at all, who loved him most, was around, and he decisively and resolutely confronted the Great Demon King.

Zuo Yi took off the space ring and hung it on the collar of Tyke's neck.

This space ring is small-capacity, and contains his commonly used weapons. Now Tyke is loaned to install Thunderstone.

Tyke is a smart creature and an Extraordinary Magic Beast. Mastering the use of a space ring is easy for it.


Having taught Tyke the use of a space ring, Zuo Yi once again pats his head: "Work hard, it's your advantage."


Tyke hastily ran and went to look for Thunder Stone all over the world.

Zuo Yi didn't worry about its security and went on alone.

The closer to the center, the more dense and horrible the thunder and lightning, and the more times they hit Zuo Yi.

As if this space was trying to resist his invasion.

However, the thunder and lightning that contained the powerful Energy could not penetrate Battle Qi of Zuo Yi's bodyguard, nor could it hinder his pace.

After more than half an hour under the violent lightning strike, Zuo Yi finally reached his destination.

Although you can't see the surrounding reference objects in the center of the minefield, and the ground that has been struck by thunderstorms all year round is scorched earth, but intuition tells Zuo Yi that this is where he crossed to Sadya World that year!

Countless roads of lightning converge into a thick pillar of thunder, which hangs straight down from the high sky, but pauses about ten meters away from the ground, as if hitting an invisible barrier.

At the bottom of the thunder column, a blue purple stone with a diameter of about five meters is hovering!

Electricity lingers around the stone, and the sprayed Energy moves like breathing.

World Stone!

Although it is completely different in color from the World Stone that Zuo Yi saw on the ground of the Xia Chaolian General Union Base, Zuo Yi still recognizes it as a Sukra square at a glance.

There is even a Sukhara block, which is World Stone, which is totally beyond Zuo Yi's surprise!

Sukhara cube is a kind of Rare Item in the large Multiverse. It exists in many planes. It is not particularly rare. The large one may have a square of 1000 meters and a small diameter of several centimeters.

But regardless of size, the Sukhara cubes are all cubes and ignore gravity.

The floating rock in front of Zuo Yi completely conforms to the characteristics of the Sukhara block. The most important thing is that it contains a special Energy, which is the source of the thunderstorm area!

Some Sukhara cubes have special capabilities, some can awaken people to become Transcendent, some can affect the surrounding environment, and some contain endless inexhaustible and powerful Energy.

The value of this type of Sukhara cube is very high. This World Stone is bigger than Zuo Yi's, and its value is inestimable.

Zuo Yi doesn't know if it has the ability to transmit planes like the other seven World Stones, but since you see it, you can't let it continue to damage the environment here.

Suddenly leaping tall, Detective Zuo Yi grabbed at World Stone.

The moment he touched the World Stone with his finger, a powerful current instantly broke through his protective body, Battle Qi, straight into the arm along his palm and passed into the body!

Changing it to someone else, even if it was Alpha Powerhouse to withstand this blow, only the result of the ash fly on the spot.

And Zuo Yi just erected the hairs all over his body, like eating ice cream on a hot summer day, and the body was lightly trembled, without taking a little HP.

He included World Stone into the space ring.

The shooting process was a bit problematic and it took Zuo Yi's considerable amount of Mental Power to complete it.

What surprised him was that this Sukhara cube took up most of the volume in the space ring. It could no longer accommodate other objects in a large area all around, squeezing Zuo Yi's original collection to the side. go with.

Very overbearing.

Zuo Yi knows very little about Sukhara cubes. Although he once owned a Sukhara cube, there is no way to compare that Sukhara cube with this one, so it is impossible to judge whether this situation is normal.

Can only take it back to study slowly.

He fell back to the ground.

As soon as Zuo Yi stole the World Stone, the sky full of lightning flashes disappeared instantly.

The whole world was restored to tranquility, and the dark clouds were quietly spreading out. A golden sunlight swept above the scorched earth through the gaps between the clouds, and the ruin of destruction disappeared.

In its place, it has a renewed taste!