Paladin Dad Chapter 584

The moment of reunion always makes people happy.

Gu Kai chats with Zuo Yi in the living room, while Zhang Yun is busy in the kitchen with Gu Yunxi.

The Gu family of three have already eaten lunch, now it is for Zuo Yi Zhang Luo.

Zuo Yi was really hungry, so he didn't reject them.

Zhang Yun, while pouring oil into the hot pot, lowered her voice and asked the daughter who was chopping vegetables next to him: "Sorry, have you combined with Zuo Yi?"

As a mother, she is very concerned about this issue.

I saw Gu Yunxi and Zuo Yi hugging each other just now, Zhang Yun couldn't help but want to ask.

Gu Yunxi pretty face turned red, and quickly shook the head.

In fact, she can't tell what relationship she has with Zuo Yi now. She must be a lot closer than ordinary friends. Even daughters are there, but if they are lovers, they haven't reached the level of revisiting old dreams.

It feels more like a loved one.

Seeing the look on Gu Yunxi's face, Zhang Yun's heart was instantly counted.

She wanted to say a few more words, but forcibly held back.

The original Zhang Yun was a very snobbish person. At the beginning, she was in favor of marrying Gu Yunxi to Fan Yunlong, hoping to use it to climb the high branches of the Fan Family.

But after experiencing so many things and almost dying again, Zhang Yun's mindset and ideas have changed dramatically.

For her now, a happy and peaceful life is the happiest!

So although Zhang Yun hoped that her daughter would be with Zuo Yi again, she was unwilling to interfere with Gu Yunxi's emotional problems and let Gu Yunxi choose for herself.

In the living room, Gu Kai discusses housing with Zuo Yi.

A few years ago, he and Zhang Yun left China in a hurry, ran to Paparo to take refuge, and sold all the houses in Hangzhou.

So I can only borrow here temporarily.

Although Zuo Yi didn't mind the Gu Kai family staying for a long time at all, Gu Kai couldn't reasonably take advantage of Zuo Yi's advantage and offered to pay the rent according to the market price.

This is his dignity as a man and as the head of the family.

Zuo Yi did not refuse, but insisted on a discount on rent.

Zuo Yi is certainly not bad for this money, but he understands Gu Kai's idea.

He would do the same for himself.

Originally, Zuo Yi intends to provide another job for the Gu Kais and his wife. The development of Linjiang City is in full swing and job opportunities abound, and a suitable place for the two is placed with no difficulty.

But Gu Kai has his own ideas, Zuo Yi hasn't raised them for the time being, and I'll talk about it later.

After Zhang Yun and Gu Yunxi prepared the meal, she greeted Gu Kai and left with her husband on the grounds of going out to buy items, leaving Gu Yunxi alone at home with Zuo Yi.

Zuo Yi then ate by himself, while Gu Yunxi fed Tyke.

After finishing this late lunch and waiting for Gu Yunxi to pack the chopsticks, Zuo Yi and Tianqi School came with her.

Bao'er was still in class, and the two didn't bother her.

Gu Yunxi goes to work, while Zuo Yi sits in his office.

It is still a long time before school, and he removes the soul gem from the space ring.

Inside this gem sealed the soul of the Thunderstone Hunter's leader.

Zuo Yi was very interested in his arc shooting skills, so he used the power of the soul gem to search the opponent's memory carefully and dig out the corresponding secrets before purifying his soul.

For Zuo Yi, the arc shooting technology is actually not at all. His ending is too high, and a little bit of skill will not help improve his ability.

At best it's just fun.

But this skill is comparable to magical skills for ordinary people and even lower-level Transcendents!

Imagine that when the enemy hides behind the bunker and cannot directly attack, he shakes his hand and shoots an arc-flying bullet and hits it in a bend. The suddenness and lethality are absolutely leverage.

At the beginning, Zuo Yi not at all grasped that he could master this skill. After all, many Extraordinary abilities are awakened by innate talent, and they cannot learn and imitate at all.

However, after researching Zuo Yi, it was discovered that arc shooting is likely to be mastered by others!

This skill contains two necessary factors, first is the shooting method, and second is the use of Mental Power. Both are indispensable.

So in theory, any Mental Type Transcendent, especially Transcendent with mental ability, can master this skill as long as they have mastered the skills and repeated practice!

After thinking about it, Zuo Yi took out a revolver from the space ring.

He stood up, waved his arm forward, and pulled the trigger.


The muzzle spewed out fireworks, and the bullet broke out of the barrel of the gun instantly, drawing a nearly perfect circular trajectory within a short distance, and turned and shot at Zuo Yi.

Caught by Zuo Yi's left hand.


Zuo Yi smiled and threw the hot bullet on the desk.

As a Sacred Domain Knight, his learning ability and Mental Power are very powerful, so he mastered the arc shooting skills easily.

If he confronts the Thunderstone Hunter who has turned into flying ash again, even if he doesn't use his super strength, he can only beat the opponent with arc shooting, and he can win with 100% certainty!

This is a gap in order.

After studying the arc shooting technique, Zuo Yi went on a new exploration of the Sukhara Ring.

The found mystery contained in the Sukhara Ring is not comparable to an extraordinary skill. Although Zuo Yi is the owner of the Sukhara Ring, the ability mining has just begun.

As a matter of fact, Zuo Yi has not yet understood how the Sukhara block is completely integrated with the space ring. You must know that he has never heard of similar things in Sadya World.

This study of the Sukhara's Ring continued until the office door was opened.


Bao'er, who came in with Gu Yunxi, saw Zuo Yi sitting in it, and he felt extremely surprised.

She spread her feet and rushed towards Zuo Yi, jumping abruptly towards Zuo Yi.


Zuo Yi embraced the little girl with open arms and couldn't help but kiss her face: "MUMA!"

Bao'er was also unambiguous, took a sip on Zuo Yi's face, and asked, "Father, when are you coming back?"

"Father came back at noon."

Zuo Yi laughed and said, "I miss you."

"I miss you too."

little girl nestled in his arms, a happy expression on his face.


Tyke crouching beside him could not help but cry: Bao'er, what about Wang?

Bao'er laughed, immediately jumped down and held it in his arms: "A'Ty, I miss you too!"

Watching her intimate with Tyke, Zuo Yi and Gu Yunxi smiled at each other.