Paladin Dad Chapter 461


The phone was crushed in Zuo Yi's hand, and the cursing sound just heard from the handset came to an abrupt end.

With debris from pats' hands, Zuo Yi opened the door and walked out of the box.

There was no one in the corridor outside, but there was noisy people downstairs. Many people shouted and sweared and demanded to leave here immediately. The whole club hall seemed to be like a dynamite barrel that was about to ignite, and the atmosphere was very tense.

But the atmosphere did not affect Zuo Yi in the slightest, and he went straight to the door of a room at the end of the corridor.

The dark brown door closed tightly, and the electronic lock fixed on it flashed a faint rays of light.


Zuo Yi punched strikers on the door lock and hit a hole directly. Under the crushing violence, any high-tech gadgets were furnishings.

The sturdy door opens automatically, and inside is a luxuriously decorated study.

Duke Club is the nest of Duke Leslie. Not only does he have fun here, he usually lives here most of the time.

The wealth and secrets of this family member of the Leslie family are also stored here.

Because of Duke Leslie's confession, Zuo Yi easily found the safe hidden in the study.

The size of the safe is very large and the specifications are very high. To open it, you need to use Duke Leslie's fingerprints, irises and voiceprint, plus a ten-digit password.

A few hundred thousand dollars worth of goods, its sturdiness and security is beyond doubt, but encountering Zuo Yi is completely different.

Zuo Yi didn't have the biological data of Duke Leslie who had been transformed into fly ash. He didn't even ask for the password, and pulled out Scarlet Dragon Sword directly, and cut the thick and tight box door of the safe with one sword.

I saw piles of dollar bills and gold bars in the safe, and a lot of jewellery. In the top box, two silver pistols, bullet boxes, and several passports were stored.

Zuo Yi glanced and swept these things into the space ring.

Finally, he found a black diary and a removable hard disk in the dark compartment of the safe.

This is the most important thing in this safe. It records the list of people who joined the True Knowledge Council through the Duke club, and the evidence of crimes committed by the Duke Lesley and the Lesley family for many years.

According to Duke Leslie himself, the evidence was kept for his life-very interesting.

"Do not move!"

Zuo Yi just took out the diary and mobile hard drive from the safe, and behind him came a somewhat familiar voice: "Put your hands slowly where I can see!"

Zuo Yi smiled.

He straightened up without hesitation and looked towards the woman standing at the door: "Police Officer, we have met again."

The opposite was the policewoman who had previously seen Zuo Yi posing as a nightclub maiden. At this time, she changed her outfit and held a revolver in her hand.

"Mr. Zuo Yi …"

The policewoman affiliated with NYPD smiled wryly and asked, "Excuse me, what are you doing here?"

"Looking for something."

Zuo Yi held up his diary and mobile hard drive and said, "It's found now."

"This is evidence!"

Policewoman said with a sneer: "I now accuse you of trespassing to a private home and you have the right to remain silent …"

"I have to go."

Zuo Yi was too lazy to spit with the justice police officer Miss: "Organic will meet again."

"and many more!"

Policewoman suddenly changed complexion.

But Zuo Yi had already smashed the floor-to-ceiling window of the study and disappeared instantly.


The policewoman rushed forward, but where can I find Zuo Yi's silhouette.

At this moment, a lot of siren sounds came from far and near.

Zuo Yi unfolded the wings of light straight into the sky, he flew above the night sky, overlooking this super international metropolis.

After a hover, Zuo Yi moved towards the northwest.

His destination is the Pritch Manor, the nest of the Leslie family!

This manor was built on the outskirts of Newlay City, a century ago. It has been the foundation of the Lesley family, and members of the Lesley family have gone out from generation to generation.

The Pritzcher Manor is not displayed on the digital map and cannot be reached by satellite navigation. Although Zuo Yi had previously asked Duke Leslie, it took some time to find it.

The area of ​​Pritzcher Manor is very large. It consists of white villas and a continental castle. It is surrounded by large green areas and woods, and there is a quiet lake nearby.

A long stream flows past the castle and merges into the sea to the east. The scenery is very beautiful.

But the tranquility and beauty here are about to be broken by blood fire!

Zuo Yi was about to land directly in the castle, and suddenly his heart moved, his eyes looked towards a place not far from the manor.

It was a rolling hill.

He flew over and landed on the grass hill.

Just a dozen meters away from Zuo Yi, a man stood.

He is about 30-40 years old. He has handsome black hair and blue eyes. He wears a black priest robe and holds a thick scripture in his left hand.

The moonlight fell on the priest, exuding a holy breath.

"Mr. Zuo Yi …"

Father Black hair stared directly at Zuo Yi's gaze, and said, "You have crossed the border."

Zuo Yi smiled, "Are you St. George?"

America, like China, has a total of two Alpha powerhouses, namely Old Wood, one of the seven heroes, and St. George, with the name "America Guards Angel".

St. George was a true priest. He joined the church at the age of five, and then awakened the Extraordinary strength, step by step, becoming an alpha-level powerhouse.

He is also the bishop of the Major Sect Church in Nilai, and has the responsibility of guarding the largest city.

Zuo Yi did not expect to meet St. George here, and the other party seemed to be waiting for him on purpose.

And St. George said that he was out of bounds, referring to the tacit agreement that has always existed between Alpha powerhouses-demarcation of autonomy in the main world, everyone minds their own business.

Of course, this does not mean that Alpha Powerhouse cannot go abroad, but Alpha Powerhouse cannot easily take shots, especially against ordinary people, especially on sites that are not their own.

It's like a lion on the grassland, with its own territory, and can't break into other people's place.


St. George nodded: "I hope you leave now, our peace is hard-won, don't destroy it easily."


Zuo Yi said lightly, "Do you know why I came here?"

St. George was silent: "Mr. Zuo Yi, Duke Leslie has died in your hands, do you still want to destroy the entire Lesley family?"

Zuo Yi said frankly, "Yes."
