Paladin Dad Chapter 471

Central Pacific Ocean, an unknown desert island.

The sky is blue, the sea is blue, and waves are washing the white sandy beaches. The sea breeze blows through the coconut forest and makes a rustling sound, far from all the hustle and bustle of the world.

Chen Wan stood on the beach with her arms folded, feeling like a dream.

When she woke up, she found herself flying by Zuo Yi above the clouds and fainted again.

Then he woke up again and was already on this island.

The ocean is endless. Although the original unspoiled nature of the pristine island is beautiful, but standing alone for a long time, there is an inexplicable panic and anxiety.

Who is Zuo Yi? How could he fly? He won't run away and leave himself here, right? …

Chen Wan grew more and more afraid, and could not help but shouted, "Zuo Yi!"

No one answered, only the waves hua hua rang.

"Zuo Yi …"

Chen Wan shouted again, crying in her voice.

Oh la la !

At this time, I only heard a sound, the water was tumbling on the sea 100 meters away in front of her, and a silhouette rose into the sky, and landed in front of her.

Zuo Yi asked, "What's up?"

Chen Wan: "…"

Although she couldn't say anything at this moment, she was no longer terrified.

However, she found that Zuo Yi had a large net bag in her hand, which was filled with all kinds of fresh seafood, such as big lobster, sea fish, sea shell, conch, etc.


Zuo Yi lifted the net bag and said, "Please have a seafood barbecue dinner at noon."

He took Chen Wanfei away from Dormont, flew a few thousand kilometers and landed on the island to rest. He just went to the sea to catch some seafood to fight teeth.

In fact, the main or for took care of Chen Wan, otherwise, if he was alone, he flew back to Hangzhou.

Chen Wanyu: "Thank you."

"you are welcome."

Zuo Yi put down the net bag and took out outdoor parasols, beach chairs, dining tables, barbecue grills, condiments, drinks, ice buckets and other items from the space ring.

The capacity of his space ring has greatly increased, so a large amount of living materials have been stored in the past. These are only a small part.

But for Chen Wan, Zuo Yi's method is simply supernatural and completely beyond imagination.

It was just that the previous experience was too exciting, but now it is a little numb.

"What are you doing?"

Zuo Yi glanced at her and said, "Help."

"Oh oh …"

Chen Wan felt that her IQ had fallen below 80, her face turned red immediately, and she quickly set up the table.

Zuo Yi erected the grill, filled it with charcoal and lit it with Battle Qi, and then expertly handled the freshly picked seafood.

His cooking skills are average, but his barbecue skills are very high. Although he does not reach the Master Level, he is much better than the ordinary BBQ Master.

Soon, these fatty seafood were placed on the grill, and zi zi rang under the charcoal heat.

In addition to lobster and sea fish, Zuo Yi also took out two beef tenderloins to grill together.

Placing the roasted food on a plate, he picked up a champagne stuffed in an ice bucket and opened it, and poured Chen Wan a glass: "Taste my craft, you're welcome."

"Thank you."

Chen Wanxi took the champagne uneasily, and her mood gradually relaxed.

Savouring sweet and delicious champagne, eating delicious lobster and shellfish, sitting on an uninhabited island and bathing in the sea breeze, overlooking the infinite sea, this is something she could never dream of.

Chen Wan really wanted to grab her girlfriends and ask, how did the other party find such a man!

In her eyes, Zuo Yi is a huge mystery filled with the words "miracle".

Zuo Yi opened a bottle of beer and drank slowly. When Chen Wan's mood was completely stable, he said, "No one can disturb us now. You can tell me what you know."

When she was in Fasheng Teahouse, Chen Wan had great concerns and was afraid to tell the truth.

Now she knew that Zuo Yi was not an ordinary person at all, but a Superman.

Powerful presence in the comics!

It would be ridiculous if she continued to hide.

Chen Wan pursed her lips and finally spoke the truth that Zuo Yi had always wanted to know.

Chen Wan comes from a single-parent family. Father died when she was very young, and she lives with her mother.

Chen Wan's mother painstakingly raised her, and Chen Wan herself worked very hard to get Huhai University.

During her studies at Huhai University, Chen Wan met a good friend.

As the so-called unpredictable situation comes, in the year of her junior year, her mother became very ill with illness and needed a lot of money for treatment.

When Chen Wan was most frightened and helpless, her good friend borrowed more than one million dollars to help her.

Unfortunately, despite spending huge sums of money for treatment, because Chen Wan 's mother is too sick, her life that lasted for half a year is still lost.

After graduating from college, Chen Wan went to work in the South. She always kept in mind the kindness of her girlfriends and worked hard to repay her money.

Until one day the girlfriend suddenly found Chen Wan and asked Chen Wan for help.

Chen Wan Nature is incumbent.

At this time, her girlfriend had been pregnant for more than three months, and later gave birth to a daughter with her help.

This daughter is Bao'er!

Just three months after giving birth to Bao'er, Bao'er's mother left.

Because she offended a big shot, she has been hiding in Tibet since she was pregnant. In order not to involve Chen Wan and Bao'er, she was forced to flee abroad.

When she parted, she entrusted Bao'er to Chen Wan and never heard of her.

Over the past few years, Chen Wan has been raising and caring for Bao'er. In order to ensure safety, she changed her name and ran to a small city in the southwest to live a quiet life.

But at the beginning of last year, she accidentally discovered that someone was investigating herself!

Bao'er mother left a letter to Chen Wan when she left, letting her open it when she was in trouble.

It was exactly in this letter that Chen Wan brought Bao'er to Hangzhou, and secretly fostered the little girl at the Hangzhou Angel Baby Daycare Center, and listed Zuo Yi as an emergency contact person, and flew to Mai immediately take.

It's all for Bao'er's safety.

Prior to this, Chen Wan once called Zuo Yi and wanted to give Bao'er directly to Zuo Yi, but Zuo Yi's mobile phone could not be reached.

Considering that the longer she stayed in the country, the more likely she was to be exposed, so she had to be hard-hearted.

When she was abroad, Chen Wan also always cared about Bao'er, so she contacted Zuo Yi and made sure that Bao'er was safe.

I didn't expect to meet Zuo Yi today in Fasheng.

Chen Wan has met Zuo Yi not at all, but has seen Zuo Yi's photos.

After listening quietly to Chen Wan's remarks, Zuo Yi drank all the beer in the bottle in one breath.

He said, "Your girlfriend is Gu Yunxi?"
