Paladin Dad Chapter 473

Although I have told myself countless times that Bao'er was fostered in a childcare institution for her safety, even if she was adopted by others, it is better than hiding in Tibet with her, but in Chen Wan 's heart, she always has a little girl. Strong regret.

It felt like I had abandoned Bao'er.

At this moment holding Bao'er, the emotion that depressed in Chen Wan's heart burst out suddenly, tears wet Bao'er's pajamas.

"Aunt Qing doesn't cry."

Bao'er hugged her neck and said, "Girl's tears are very precious and cannot be dropped casually."


Chen Wan could not help breaking her nose and smiled, and her nose blew a big bubble.

This sentence is what she taught Bao'er before, but she didn't expect it to be taken back by little girl now.

But her mood suddenly became cheerful.

Wiping his tears hard, Chen Wan let go of Bao'er, touched her forehead with her forehead, and said to her eyes very seriously, "Aunt Qing is so happy that she can be with Bao'er again!"

Bao'er asked: "Aunt Qing, will you still leave me?"

"Do not!"

Chen Wan suddenly shook her head: "Aunt Qing will stay with you forever if you want!"

The four years with Bao'er was undoubtedly the best time in her life. Although little girl was not her own flesh and blood, she had already established the deepest relationship.


Bao'er forced nodded: "Aunt Qing, I love you."

Chen Wan smiled, sipped her mouth on her small face, and felt extremely happy and peaceful.

"cough cough !"

Standing aside Zuo Yi, who was ignored, was just lemon.


Bao'er opened his arms to him.


Zuo Yi reached out and hugged her, kissed him, and asked, "Do you want father?"

Bao'er didn't hesitate: "Think."

Zuo Yi took the opportunity to present his treasure: "Look what father brought you back."

Bao'er suddenly eyes shined: "Large conch!"

The gift Zuo Yi brought back to little girl was a huge conch shell.

This was captured by him in the sea off the unknown desert island in the Pacific Ocean. The snail meat has been dug out and eaten. Then the shell is cleaned and it is beautiful, which is just a gift.

"It's late …"

Zuo Yi set the conch aside and said, "Play again tomorrow, you keep sleeping."

Bao'er obediently: "Well."

Zuo Yi said to Chen Wan again, "You can rest, too, and say something tomorrow."

Chen Wan obediently nodded: "Well."

Agent Zuo Yi grabbed Foodie Ty lying on the bed, said with a smile: "Good night."

Touching little girl's head, he left the room.

After Zuo Yi left, Bao'er couldn't help yawning, and his eyelids began to fight.

She was still young, and it was time to snooze.

Chen Wan quickly lay down to help her cover the quilt, patted it twice, and said softly, "Baby, sleep."


Bao'er vaguely complied, and soon fell into dreamland.

Chen Wan did not have much drowsiness, she stared at the little girl infatuatedly, sometimes smiling and red eyes, and didn't know how long it took before she stumbled to sleep.

Sleep deep and heavy.

"Aunt Qing, Aunt Qing …"

The familiar call made Chen Wan suddenly wake up from her sleep, and her eyes opened, and Bao'er came face to face.

This is really not a dream!

It took Chen Wan half a minute to fully wake up. When she realized that she was not dreaming at all, she really returned to China and returned to Bao'er. The joy in her heart could not be described in words.

She couldn't help reaching out to embrace Bao'er.

that's nice.

"Bao'er …"

Bao'er grunted his mouth and said, "Aunt Qing, let's get up quickly. I'll be late for school soon."

Last night Aunt Qing's purring sounded so loud that she woke her up.

This has never been the case before.


Chen Wan knew nothing about it, and quickly turned over and got up: "You have gone to school now? Then I will help you dress, and I will take you to school after breakfast."

"No need to."

Bao'er proud: "I always dress myself and go to school by myself!"

Chen Wan: "Uh …"

At this time, the door was rattled gently, and the voice of Zuo Yi came from outside; "Did you get up?"

"Come on!"

Bao'er responded complied neatly, got up to get dressed and wash, and pulled Chen Wan to run downstairs for breakfast.

Make Chen Wan feel very useless.

In the small restaurant, she met Fang Yonghe who was preparing breakfast.

"This is my aunt Fang Yonghe …"

Zuo Yi introduced them: "This is Bao'er's godmother Chen Wan, who used to take care of Bao'er."


Bao'er, who just sat in his own position, tilted his head-who is the godmother Chen Wan?

"Aunt is good."


Fang Yonghe got up in the morning to know that there was a guest at home last night, but I didn't expect to be Bao'er's godmother, and she was still such a beautiful woman.

It 's really good, but unfortunately it 's not Bao'er 's mother, otherwise…

Fang Yonghe greeted enthusiastically: "Sit down and have some breakfast, don't be polite."

Chen Wan was a little embarrassed, but quickly integrated into the atmosphere of Zuo Family.

Because she got up late in the morning, Bao'er ate quickly. She devoured her breakfast and immediately jumped out of the chair: "Father, aunt, Aunt Qing, I'm going to school!"

Fang Yonghe distressed: "What are you doing so urgently?"

"Be late!"

Bao'er took Chen Wan's hand and said, "Aunt Qing, I'll go first."

Although she was very reluctant in her heart, she wanted to spend more time with little girl, but when she saw her so anxious to go to school, Chen Wan said nodded, "You go."

"Goodbye father, goodbye aunt, goodbye Aunt Qing …"

little girl bouncing upstairs, "A'Ty!"


Tyke eagerly followed her.

Seeing Chen Wan's look of doubt and worry, Zuo Yi explained: "There is a Transmission Formation upstairs, which can be directly transmitted to Tianqi School, which is Bao'er's school, so she passed by herself."

Transmission Formation?

Chen Wanfeng was messy and felt like she had come to a new World and needed to update her common sense.

"I went shopping."

Fang Yonghe finished the second breakfast and said to Zuo Yi and Chen Wan: "Eat slowly, eat at home at noon, I'll buy more food and come back."

After Fang Yonghe left, Zuo Yi and Chen Wan were left in the house.

Zuo Yi asked, "Do you have any plans?"

Chen Wan shook the head in a daze-her mind was still a little messy now.

"How about this…"

Zuo Yi said: "I have a house in the city, and you will live there in the future. Do n't worry about safety. As long as no one can harm you in the city of Hangzhou, you can use your own Identity life. "

"Also tell me what you want, as long as it is within my ability, then there is no problem!"
