Paladin Dad Chapter 480

After Bao'er fell asleep, Zuo Yi came to the study and called Qin Wuyang.

Ask Xia Yunqi's situation.

Now Xia Yunqi can be regarded as his student disciple. If he overpaid and worshiped the teacher, he must know more.

Qin Wuyang was surprised and then sighed.

Although Xia Yunqi is named Xia, the real Imperial Family Bloodline, her life is quite unfortunate.

Xia Yunqi's mother is a Qin Family, a niece of Qin Wuyang, but his parents died unexpectedly when he was very young.

Without parental discipline, this niece's character is very rebellious, often mingling with a group of hedonistic son of rich parents in the Beijing circle, and then knowing Xia Yunqi's father.

Xia Yunqi's father is the direct descendant of Xia's Imperial Family. Life is very turbulent. It was a romantic King Xiao Yao who left it hundreds of years ago. Now it is the shame of the Imperial Family.

One was rebellious and the other was swaying, and the two of them looked right, and soon they lived together.

Xia Yunqi was born the next year!

However, in the event of unforeseen circumstances, when Xia Yunqi was not yet one year old, her father and other people dragged a car and died unfortunately, and mother left her and other men and ran abroad.

Poor Xia Yunqi was left unattended, and the Xia Family was extremely unwilling to see her. In the end, the Old Master of the Qin Family saw that the child was really pathetic and would come to raise him in the clan.

No matter how, it is also the Bloodline of Qin Family. Qin Family has a big career and is not bad for her.

It's just that Xia Yunqi's status in the Qin Family is a little awkward. Her mother has offended many people before, so although she has no worries about her life, her life is not very good.

Qin Wuyang didn't take much care of her. After all, because of the relationship, the Qin Family has many children. How could his eyes fall on a little girl who lives under a fence?

Xia Yunqi's fate turned around, the last time Zuo Yi took Bao'er to Qin Family to congratulate her.

Because of Bao'er's friendship, Xia Yunqi was seen by Qin Wuyang, and she agreed to her plea, sending someone to send her to Jiangnan Tianqi School to study.

Qin Wuyang finally said, "It's her luck to be your student."

He was lamented that Zuo Yi is an Alpha powerhouse and the youngest top Transcendent in the world. How lucky he was to be a student of Zuo Yi!

Although Qin Wuyang is not close to Xia Yunqi, she is really happy for her.

Just because Zuo Yi didn't say, Qin Wuyang didn't know that Xia Yunqi had awakened to become a Transcendent, and the awakening was still very rare innate talent.

He thought Zuo Yi was a house of love and black, because Xia Yunqi was accepted as a student because of Bao'er.


dīng líng líng ~

In the morning, Chen Wan wakes up from her sleep with the ringtone of her alarm clock.

She opened her eyes, gazed at the ceiling, and slowly woke up after a while.

She realized that she was in the country at this moment, and recovered her true identity, reunited with Bao'er again, and no longer had to worry about all day, and her life was back on track.

Although she still has a little real feeling, Chen Wan's mood is getting better.

She turned up to get up, ran to the bathroom to wash, then changed her clothes and put on a light makeup. She picked up her bag and went out.

Today is the third day that Chen Wan has officially assumed the directorship of Human Resources Department at Jiangnan Linjiang Ancient Town Protection and Tourism Development Company.

It's nine o'clock, and it's not yet eight o'clock. The place where she lives is only ten minutes' drive from the company's headquarters, but she is still ready to arrive at the company half an hour in advance as in the previous two days.

As an "airborne soldier", Chen Wan can be said to have obtained this important position through her nepotism. She did not rely on the idea of ​​a mixed relationship and devoted herself to achieving results.

So she has to work harder to get real recognition and support from others!

Take the elevator to the underground garage on the negative floor, and Chen Wan hums to the parking space.

Zuo Yi bought her a new car so she could commute to work every day.

When she opened the door and sat in the driving position, she was suddenly surprised!

Suddenly two men in the uniform of the security personnel came out. They opened the door of the co-pilot and the back seat at the same time, and got into the car instantly.

Before waiting for Chen Wan's reaction, a dagger flashing cold light was stuck on her neck!

"Chen Wan Miss …"

The man sitting on the co-pilot said darkly, "You made us find it!"

Chen Wan trembled and asked, "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

She absolutely did not expect that she would be held hostage here. She just thought that her future life would be better, but now she only knows that the nightmare not at all disappeared!

But despite the fear in her heart, she didn't mess up, trying to keep herself calm.

While asking, Chen Wan's right hand thumb and forefinger quietly pinched the bracelet worn on the left wrist, and crushed one of the wooden beads.

"You don't care who we are."

Said solemnly with a dagger: "I will ask you a word now, where is Gu Yunxi?"

Chen Wan replied without hesitation: "I don't know!"

Don't say she really doesn't know, even if she knew, she would never tell the other party.

"wrong answer."

The man holding the dagger shook the head, looking towards Chen Wan's eyes revealing the color of Mercy: "I'm sorry …"

While he was talking, the man sitting behind grabbed a rope and prepared to tie Chen Wan.

However, he just rushed forward, and an invisible power instantly enveloped him and his companions at the same time. The whole person seemed to be unable to move even a little bit like a petrochemical Magic!

Both of them showed terrified expressions on their faces.

At this time, the door of the cab was pulled open from the outside.

"Zuo Yi."

When she saw the person, Chen Wan burst into tears.

The bracelet that Chen Wan wore on her left hand was given by Zuo Yi. When she was in danger, she could crush a wooden bead, and Zuo Yi would be able to rush to the rescue as soon as possible.

Chen Wan complied with Zuo Yi's orders, but did not expect Zuo Yi to come so fast, as if she had been squatting beside her.

Of course, this is impossible. Zuo Yi transmitted it directly with the help of Baoshu.

The bracelet he gave to Chen Wan was made from the falling branches of a treasure tree. As long as he was within the area of ​​Hangzhou city, he could get a warning message by smashing one and perform positioning transmission.

If Zuo Yi is not within the scope of Baoshu's power and ca n't get the news, it 's okay. The leaf necklace worn by Chen Wan can help her return to the safe Old Residence, even if she encounters Alpha powerhouse. Escape the birth day!

Compared to mere escape, positioning teleportation allows Zuo Yi to face the enemy as soon as possible.

As soon as he took the shot, he restrained two copycats.

"never mind."

Zuo Yi comforted: "Leave it to me next."

His eyes fell on the two, and there was a flash of fierce light in his eyes.

There is no way in heaven!
