Paladin Dad Chapter 487

Gently holding up the purple veil, Gu Fangfei took the crystal wine glass elegantly and took a sip.

She ordered a glass of bloody Mary, a mixture of bright red wine and red lips, as if the two flames collided.

There is an indescribable charm.

Just thinking that the face under the veil has been destroyed, can not help but sigh.

Neither Zuo Yi nor Gu Shaoyang spoke.

After taking a bite of Cocktail, Gu Fangfei put down his glass and took out a box of More cigarettes from the bag he carried.

She smoked a cigarette and just reached her lips, hesitantly asked, "Can you?"

Zuo Yi nodded, raising his hand and hitting his fingers.


A flame of fire emerged out of nowhere and flew silently to Gu Fangfei, hovering.

Gu Fangfei froze for a moment, then said with a faint smile: "Thank you."

The two fiber fingers sandwiched the slender More and ignited in the flames, the flames disappeared instantly.

She took a deep breath and leaned back in her seat, exhaling the smoke through her veil.

The white jade neck is as beautiful as a swan.

Gu Fangfei just drank a cigarette and wiped out More in the ashtray.

She continued: "When Yun Xi went abroad, she asked me to take care of Chen Wan and Bao'er, because Feida Office has followed up very closely in the past two years. She followed Bao'er's instructions and fostered Bao'er in a nursery. If you do n't show up, I will find someone else to take Bao'er to take care of me. "

"I should have adopted Bao'er, but there are many people staring at me in Beijing."

Staring at Zuo Yi, Gu Fangfei's eyes flashed with strange rays of light: "Zuo Yi, I didn't expect you to be so powerful, I would tell you the truth directly if I knew it, and I don't need to wait till now."

Zuo Yi was silent and asked, "Why do you help Yunxi so much?"

He is very clear that Gu Fangfei has done so much for Gu Yunxi, and the price must be a lot, and he must also face the pressure from the Gu family and even the Fan Family.

You know, Gu Yunxi and Gu Fangfei's Bloodline relationship is actually very far.

"Because I don't want Yunxi to repeat my mistakes …"

Gu Fangfei said coldly: "I was forced to marry a person I didn't like, so I helped her escape the control of Gu's family. I originally planned to kill Gu Hongsheng when I was strong enough, but now it is also very good. . "

Gu Shaoyang could not help shrinking his neck.

Gu Fangfei's hatred for Gu Hongsheng was so deep, the madness of the in the bones made his hair all over his body.

Gu Fangfei glanced at him: "In fact, the power I have now is almost the same. I originally wanted to wait until Gu Hongsheng's company went public, and he started when he was most proud of it."

This look made Gu Shaoyang shiver.

Do not offend women!

Zuo Yi silent.

By now, with the exception of Gu Yunxi's whereabouts, most of his questions have been answered.

He really needed to thank Gu Fangfei.

After thinking about it, Zuo Yi asked, "When did you wake up?"

Gu Fangfei is a Transcendent, and also a Transcendent of C-Rank Peak. Zuo Yi can see her desire for powerful power, so she intends to repay her in this regard.

"When I cut my face with scissors …"

Gu Fangfei smiled suddenly, she reached out and took off the veil on her face, revealing her true face.

On Gu Fangfei's left and right cheeks, there are three dark red scars like centipede, each with a finger width, and two obliquely branched from the cheekbone to the chin, completely destroyed.

Such a severe scar is difficult to heal even with a clever cosmetic surgery. The most serious thing is that the knife scar is too deep to cut off the nerve, making the lower part of her face unable to make the expressions of joy, sorrow and joy, only to convey her own through the eyes mood.

How cruel and absolutely decisive!

Zuo Yi can imagine Gu Fangfei's grief, pain and despair at the time. Perhaps she was so stimulated that she awakened to become a Transcendent and gained the confidence of the Gu family.

Gu Fangfei had tears in her eyes: "It's ugly, right?"

Zuo Yi stared at her, saying, "Do you want to get back to what you were?"

Gu Fangfei's eyes froze: "How is that possible?"

After she had some strength to protect herself, she also thought about restoring her appearance through cosmetic surgery, but the answers obtained after consulting professionals were disappointing.

She hurt herself too deeply.

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "I'll ask if you want to."

He just thought of the best way to repay Gu Fangfei.

Gu Fangfei hesitated, or Hondsty was nodded.

Although she did not regret this original self-harm, how could she not have thoughts of restoring her face!

Even if she did not have the beautiful cover of Jinghua, she was very willing to be an ordinary woman who did not need to wear a veil mask and walked on the street calmly!

"it is good."

Zuo Yi raised his hand: "As you wish."

Tone barely fell, Gu Fangfei only felt an overwhelming force to confine herself instantly, making her unable to move even a little bit!

Before waiting for Gu Fangfei's reaction, Zuo Yi added a silver dagger in his hand.

The sharp dagger flashed a striking cold glow under the light.

The next moment, two blade glows swept across Gu Fangfei's face like lightning, and two bloody flesh were cut off!

Seeing this scene Gu Shaoyang was stunned, and the whole person was falling into an ice cave.

Zuo Yi turned out that Gu Fangfei's left and right cheek muscles were all cut off in an instant, exposing Bai Sensen's cheekbones and oral cavity. This was a scene in a nightmare.

Gu Shaoyang did not scream on the spot, he was already a man.

The dagger disappeared in Zuo Yi's hand, and his hands were pressed against Gu Fangfei's face at the same time, holding the part of the cut wound.

Light golden rays of light emerged in the palm of the hand, and the divine power instantly closed her wounds, allowing flesh and blood to regenerate.

Sacred Healing Technique!

Zuo Yi is not a cosmetic surgeon, and there is no means of cosmetic surgery, but Sacred Healing Technique can solve the problem.

In the easiest, roughest, and most effective way!

The Sacred Healing Technique is best suited to treat physical injuries, such as sword damage, broken bones, and broken bones. The most powerful Sacred Healing Technique can even regenerate severed limbs and pull people who have been seriously injured back from the arms of death.

Gu Fangfei's face was too badly damaged, so Zuo Yi simply cut off the unrecoverable part and used Sacred Healing Technique to perform a complete restoration.

The recovery of flesh and blood is the simplest and most effective. It only takes about half a minute. The new flesh grows to fill the original wound, and the external skin is reshaped and shaped. It is a miracle!

Gu Shaoyang had completely dumbfounded his eyes, his eyes were dull with his mouth open, like an erhu.
