Paladin Dad Chapter 506


With the sound of high-pressure gas leaking out, the sealed door blocking Zuo Yi opened slowly.

The space here is more than 50 meters deep, and the thickness of the alloy metal door is XNUMX-XNUMX cm. The level of its building facilities has reached the level of preventing strategic nuclear weapon attacks. Theoretically, it can withstand the bombardment of hydrogen bombs.

However, this valuable asset left to Ilya before the collapse of the former Elo Empire and cost a lot of money to build a high-standard military base has now become a lair of gangsters, no doubt full of irony.

Behind the door was a long corridor. As Zuo Yi moved forward, a slender laser beam continuously scanned over him, and the obtained data was transmitted to the main control computer inside the base in real time.

The security system established by Peter Maxim for this underground lair can be described as a metamorphosis. Zuo Yi has already passed three security inspection procedures, and has performed face, fingerprint, and voiceprint recognition. Continue to undergo security checks.

Under normal circumstances, no camouflage can deceive this molecular-level scanning. Once it is found to be a threat, the power of the originally harmless scanning laser beam will be increased by XNUMX times in an instant, and the Intruder will be cut into countless flesh in an instant. Piece.

However, this high-technology device can't see through the camouflage of "Thousands of Faces", because at this moment, Jao Lucifer, played by Zuo Yi, all the biological information conforms to the original body, like a clone.

So he passed the last Dao Sect account very smoothly.

The metal door at the end of the promenade opens automatically, and a spacious Conference Hall appears in front of Zuo Yi.

Dark gray carpet, light gray walls, silver gray tables and chairs, the entire space inside presents a minimalist style of cold gray, except for a large display hanging on the wall, there is no other equipment and decoration item.

When Zuo Yi entered the Conference Hall, the more than thirty chairs around the conference table were almost full, except for the seat to the left of the main seat.

On the main seat, a man with a big belly was sitting. He was about fifty-sixty years old, his head was bald, his nose was thick and his ears were big. His thick lips were holding a huge cigar and squinting his eyes. Seems to be thinking about something.

Peter Maxim!

The holder of the Council of True Knowledge, the uncrowned king of Rano, is also the largest gang boss of Ilya!

Although he is the actual ruler of Rano, with huge power and amazing wealth, Peter Maxim has never appeared on TV news and newspapers and magazines, and he could not find any photos on the Internet.

Zuo Yi has read Jason Lucifer's memories, and of course he can recognize each other at a glance.

And Zuo Yi could clearly feel the Extraordinary fluctuations from this true-conscious board staff.

Cold, ruthless, evil!

Instead, Zuo Yi was relieved, because the opponent 's Extraordinary fluctuations reached the level of A-Rank, proving that Peter Maxim was a real body instead of a substitute, allowing him to find the real goal.

In addition to Peter Maxim, there are several Transcendents present, but the one with the highest level of strength is C-Rank.

These small miscellaneous fish were directly ignored by Zuo Yi.


The metal door closed behind Zuo Yi, and everyone's eyes fell on him.

Many of these people are the leading figures in the city of Rano, involving military, political, business and other aspects. Their strength together constitutes a huge force of the Maxim gang, like a huge net firmly controlling the city.

"Jason …"

Peter Maxim raised his chin and said, "You're late."

Zuo Yi came last.


Zuo Yi was coldly nodded, walked over and sat down beside Peter Maxim.

For his indifferent attitude, everyone, including Peter Maxim, did not feel the same, because Jason Lucifer's personality was the same, even in front of his loyal BOSS.

Everyone knows that Jason Lucifer is Peter Maxim's most trusted subordinate and the sharpest blade!

"Since everyone is here …"

Peter Maxim dropped the cigar in his hand and said, "Let's get started."

The cigar, which had been burning on Mars, fell on the table, but it was frozen instantly and the surface was covered with a little frost.

"and many more!"

While others were sitting with their chests upright, Zuo Yi suddenly raised his hand and said, "I have something to say."


Peter Maxim froze for a moment, turning his head to look at his most powerful man, and there was a look of discomfort in his eyes.

Instead, someone would dare to do such a thing, Peter Maxim must give the other party a little color to see, but Jason Lucifer is different, so he and Yan asked with delight: "Jason, you want to say what?"

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "I said, you are all guilty."

His tone barely fell, and golden beams of light broke through the void and dropped from the sky, covering all the people present!

Evil Detection!

More than thirty members of the gang, including Peter Maxim, suddenly as if was struck by lightening, revealing black rays of light, countless twisted gray shadows appeared out of thin air, tearing around them desperately.

The black glow emerging from Peter Maxim is as thick as substance, tangled with countless blood lines, the evil breath rises to the sky, baring fangs and brandishing claws are like roaring Demon!

As Zuo Yi said, they are all unforgivable sinners, and have nothing to do with Evil Detection!

"who are you!"

Peter Maxim screamed with anger, an unprecedented fear shrouded his heart, letting him smell the breath of doomsday, and the fat in his body was shaking.

Suddenly, the staff member of the Council of True Knowledge stood up, raised his right hand and opened his fingers to point at Zuo Yi. The whole arm was moved with gray blue rays of light, and his fingertips shone from the starting point.

The temperature in the Conference Hall suddenly dropped to the freezing point, and the mineral spring water bottle placed on the table instantly frozen into ice cubes!

Everyone except Zuo Yi was miserable, and was suddenly ashen-faced frozen, and even a few Transcendents were shaking tremblingly, unable to counter the influence of Peter Maxim's sudden outbreak of the power of ice.

But they weren't cold anymore.


Zuo Yi snapped his fingers, and the fiery flames burst out at the feet of Peter Maxim and the others, wrapping them all in between his breaths, also dispelling the amount of ice super-ability cast by Peter Maxim.

But this is obviously not what they want.


The screams of incomparable screams suddenly sounded, and the members of the Maxim gang quickly turned to ashes under the sacred flames, paying the due price for their crimes.

This is Light Adjudication from Zuo Yi!