Paladin Dad Chapter 514

A quick glance at the contents of the print paper surprised Zuo Yi.

On the second note he just took out was the name of Gu Yunxi and a simple description of Gu Yunxi's identity. I hope to find more useful information here from the pawnshop on the XNUMXth to facilitate his search.

Zuo Yi was surprised that the other party took out the data too fast, and gave the result in only half an hour.

This is a bit strange.

The thirteenth pawnshop has semicolons in large cities in many countries in the world. As a secret intelligence agency, it has a huge intelligence network that can dig out even the information of holders. Although the charges are very expensive, The strength and strength are beyond doubt.

But the pawnshop on the XNUMXth is not omnipotent. They do not provide information on the highest leader in each country and the heads of the major forces, such as the Prime Minister of China Zhang Zonghan, Fan Hailiu, one of the seven heroes, or the crown wiser and Tarot The fools of the meeting, etc., are not within the intelligence scope of the pawnshop on the XNUMXth.

No matter how much money is spent, it is useless.

In addition, there are more than 70 billion people on the World. It is impossible for the XNUMXth pawnshop to collect all the information and information of all people and provide them to customers at any time.

Under normal circumstances, Zuo Yi first submits an application and pays the fees after the other party's approval. Then, on the XNUMXth, the pawnshop conducts different levels of investigation according to the identity of the target, and finally completes the intelligence summary to complete the transaction.

Zuo Yi's understanding of the XNUMXth pawnshop all comes from Wayne Leslie's memory. The holder has bought a lot of information from the XNUMXth pawnshop, and the customer level of the bronze medal is quite high.

Originally Zuo Yi estimated that it would take at least three or four days to get the information here on the XNUMXth pawnshop.

That's the question. Why can the other party print Gu Yunxi's information to himself so quickly?

Zuo Yi thought of a possible answer almost instantly.

That is, someone recently bought Gu Yunxi's information from the XNUMXth pawnshop, so it is easy to print out the corresponding information in the XNUMXth pawnshop's system-it is too much in half an hour!

Maybe because he did n't consume resources, and because he was a big customer, he gave it away for free.

It's free and free, but the content of this material is still very detailed. Many of the information is exactly the same as what Zuo Yi knows, and some are unknown to Zuo Yi.

However, this intelligence also showed that Gu Yunxi had lived in Orson for some time, and there was no news in the past two years.

On the last page of the document, Zuo Yi saw a person's name and profile.

He put the prints into the space ring and said to the antique shop Boss, "Thank you."

"It's our pleasure to work for you."

The gentleman bowed politely, "We will complete your commission as soon as possible."

Zuo Yi smiled.

He can feel the respect and awe from the other party. It is estimated that the pawnshop on the XNUMXth has a fairly accurate judgment on his identity, so this old gentleman will show such an attitude.

Leaving the XNUMXth pawnshop, Zuo Yi returned to his hotel.

In the room, he took out the intranet registrar from the space ring.

The intranet registrar does not rely on the actual network. It can theoretically be used anywhere in the world, and it is still effective even in the deep underground or underwater. The DNA is bound to an account, and one device is only for one person.

With the emergence of a large number of new generation Transcendents, today's Liwang is more prosperous and lively, but Zuo Yi now rarely enters Liwang's virtual world. Most of them use the login to check the forum and search for some useful information.

His intranet permissions are very high, so he can find a lot of high-privilege content.

This time Zuo Yi searched for one person, Sophie Roland.

Sophie Roland is a member of the Orsonro Lan Family family and the seventh heir to this ancient family. She graduated from Orson Imperial University and is currently the CEO of Orson Polaris Biotechnology.

Polaris Biological Technology was established in 14 years. Although not established for a long time, it has developed rapidly. Its main biologics and biopharmaceuticals are very popular. In 18 years, it was listed on the Inland Pyrex Financial Exchange, with the highest market value. It was over £ 300 billion.

Sophie Roland holds a 35.74% stake in Polaris Biotechnology, with a net worth of more than 30 billion pounds, and ranks among the richest people under the age of XNUMX in continental Europe.

In addition to outstanding ability and amazing net worth, Sophie Roland is also very beautiful and often appears on the cover of fashion magazines.

Although she is rich and beautiful, and Zuo Yi doesn't care, Sophie Roland is a friend of Gu Yunxi.

Gu Yunxi fled from China to the European continent, apparently receiving the help and shelter of Sophie Roland, and was able to get rid of Gu Hongsheng's magic claws.

So if you want to know where Gu Yunxi is now, Sophie Roland is the key clue!

Zuo Yi searched for a photo of Sophie Roland and Gu Yunxi on Liwang. Although there were more than a dozen girls in the photo, the two hugged and laughed seemed very close. The background was Orson Empire University.

Zuo Yi remembers that Gu Yunxi used to study in Europe for a period of time. I must have known Sophie Roland at that time. Gu Yunxi in the photo was still very young, which is exactly what Zuo Yi is most familiar with.

Countless past events came to mind, making him suddenly lost sight.

When reason returned, Zuo Yi withdrew from the Net.

The next morning, Zuo Yi left the hotel and followed the guidance of car navigation to the Polaris Biotechnology Headquarters in the Cises CBD.

This well-known new-generation biotechnology company in Europe has a 57-story headquarters building with a giant silver North Star logo shining on the dark blue curtain wall, which stands out among the modern skyscrapers.

Zuo Yi parked in the parking lot next to the building and entered the North Star Building.

After passing the security check of the gate, he walked to the lobby front desk.

"Hello sir …"

Beautiful front desk Miss asked with a smile: "Is there anything I can help you with?"

Zuo Yi said solemnly: "I want to meet your CEO Sophie Roland Miss."

He did not have Sophie Roland's personal number, nor was the information provided on the XNUMXth pawnshop. It could not be found on the Internet, and even if it did, he might not be able to pick it up when he called with an unknown number, so he went directly to the door.

Front desk Miss blinked and asked, "Do you have an appointment?"

Zuo Yi shook the head: "No."

Miss at the front desk suddenly revealed the expression of distress: "Sir, I'm sorry, but if there is no appointment …"

"I have something important to find her."

Zuo Yi said, "Tell me to tell you, I'm from China and I'm Gu Yunxi's friend. I think she will meet me."


Zuo Yi added: "I'm a Transcendent."