Paladin Dad Chapter 523

Zuo Yi took out the gifts that had been prepared and gave them to Bao'er and Xia Yunqi.

The gift was purchased in Saint-Delin. The local craftsman exquisitely made the toy. He didn't favor each other and bought a set for each of the two little girls, but the colors were different.

For Xia Yunqi's little science, Zuo Yi still pities.

This little girl from the Imperial Family is very similar to Bao'er he had just picked up from Angel Baby. He is a little introverted and timid.

Now Bao'er is too lively under the pamper of Zuo Yi, doing the naughty Elf weird things from time to time.

After receiving the gift, Xia Yunqi was very happy: "Thank you Master."

Bao'er's way of expressing gratitude is simpler. Take a sip directly on Zuo Yi's face.

Zuo Yi hehehe, old pregnant with great comfort.


He remembered one thing: "Your thousand paper cranes, how are you doing?"

The last time I left home, Zuo Yi asked the two little girls to practice in this area to exercise their ability.

Bao'er immediately gave Xia Yunqi a look: Qiqi, look at you!

Xia Yunqi opened her schoolbag and pulled out a folded paper crane on the coffee table.

Twelve in a row.

I saw Xia Yunqi folded her hands, her two index fingers gently pressed against her chin, and stared at the Qian Zhihe in front of her.

The next moment, a pink paper crane crane flapped its wings and flew up, then the second, the third, the fourth …

In less than a minute, all twelve thousand paper cranes flew up and fluttered around her and Bao'er, shaking a little light inadvertently.

Seeing such a situation, Zuo Yi was nodded with satisfaction.

In less than a week, Xia Yunqi's control of the thousand paper cranes increased from five to twelve, and the flexibility and proficiency of control increased greatly. Obviously she worked very hard during this time.

The most important thing is that she has very good innate talent in the martial arts field, otherwise progress cannot be so fast.

In addition, Zuo Yi also perceives a thick nature from these thousand paper cranes controlled by Xia Yunqi, which is equivalent to adding a layer of BUFF to these origami, which originally had no life, has a certain spirituality.

This is obviously the work of Bao'er.

Both Little Brat are good!

"Not bad."

Zuo Yi patted his palm twice, encouragingly, "You are all great."

He asked Xia Yunqi to put away all the paper cranes, and thought for a while, and said, "I'll teach you how to fold puppy."

Making magpies is a skill that masters must master, because only the masters who make them by themselves can give full play to the capabilities of masters, and origami is the most basic part of the introduction to making magpies.

Although it is the foundation of the foundation, origami also contains a lot of skills and knowledge, a master puppet master can play origami perfection, resulting in various uses.

Zuo Yi used to learn some craft making skills from the team's masters during his adventures at Sadya World, including origami. He later became rune Master Craftsman, and his handcrafting ability was even more powerful.


Bao'er was very happy and immediately took Xia Yunqi to the living room and brought a small stool.

Two Little Brat sat side by side in front of the coffee table and happily learned new origami with Zuo Yi.

Zuo Yi put away the tea set on the coffee table and took out the paper used for origami to distribute to Bao'er and Xia Yunqi.

This time he taught two little girls to fold the vigil.

The same is origami. The vigil dog is different from the thousand paper cranes. The latter is just an ordinary origami style. Although it can be given flying ability by a teacher such as Xia Yunqi, it can only play an exercise role.

The vigil dog was created by the master, and its folding method is more complicated than that of Qian Zhihe, and the finished product has more functions.

The vigil can be greatly folded. After receiving the blessing of the power of the puppet, it can act as a guard to prevent the thieves and assassins from attacking at night, so it has the name of "vigil".

And vigil dogs can't be stacked successfully by everyone, although you do n't have to be a teacher to fold, but if you do n't have spirituality and understanding, you do n't even want to fold a real vigil dog even if you have folded it ten million times.

Zuo Yi teaches Xia Yunqi to fold the vigil, as long as she wants to see her potential and innate talent.

Bao'er is by the way.

When Zuo Yi taught two little girls to make new origami, the courtyard door was opened from the outside.

Fang Yonghe came in with a big bag.


When she saw Zuo Yi, she couldn't help but startled, and immediately complained: "You don't say a word when I come back, I will buy more food."


Zuo Yi said with a smile: "If you have something to eat, don't worry about it."

Fang Yonghe asked with concern: "Is everything going well?"

Zuo Yi nodded: "It went well."


Two little girls greet together.


Fang Yonghe smiled and touched their heads and said, "You're hungry, aunt will cook now."

Although the dinner was not very rich, Fang Yonghe's craftsmanship could not be said.

For Zuo Yi, the warmth of eating at the table with his beloved family is more important than anything.

After dinner, Bao'er and Xia Yunqi continued to learn to fold the vigil with Zuo Yi.

Although the two little girls are very smart, the vigil dogs are not so easy to fold successfully. They practiced dozens of times, and the final stack of things turned out to be different, and there was no possibility of being "awakened".

Zuo Yi told them not to worry, to practice more slowly, as long as there is innate talent, that practice can make Nature happen.

At about eight o'clock, Xia Yunqi was picked up, and Bao'er also came to bathe and sleep.

Zuo Yi accompanies her in the evening.

Looking at the little girl lying on the bed, Zuo Yi touched her face: "Baby …"


Bao'er blinked.

Zuo Yi smiled: "Baby, father is going to get your mother back, can you say it?"


Bao'er asked softly, "Is it the same as Aunt Qing?"

Although Chen Wan has now changed her name, little girl is still used to the original name.

"Do not…"

Zuo Yi said softly: "mother is different from your Aunt Qing. You were born by father and mother."

Bao'er asked, "So, why isn't mother with me?"

"The reason is complicated …"

Zuo Yi said, "When you grow up, will Father tell you?"

Bao'er nicely said, "Well."

Zuo Yi smiled: "father intends to go to your mother tomorrow."

Bao'er reluctantly: "You have to go out again."


Zuo Yi promised: "Father will soon find mother back."


Bao'er closed his eyes.

Zuo Yi turned down the brightness of the desk lamp and sat in front of the bed watching her fall asleep.

Sighed slightly.