Paladin Dad Chapter 544

Although Zuo Yi no longer exerted imposing coercion, at this moment he not at all blocked his life fluctuation. Under his gaze, the blond male George could not exempt the high-order mental shock of low-order life.

Do not look directly at God.

Although Zuo Yi has not reached the level of God, it is not offensive to a B-Rank Transcendent!

He glanced over the blond male George and landed on the bearded burly Knight.

Zuo Yi doesn't know each other, but in his perception, the extraordinary fluctuation of this burly man is the strongest, so judge it to play the role of leader in the team.

"You had to die without Cantis's prevention just now."

Zuo Yi's tone is very bland, just stating a simple fact-those who dare to swing swords at him must have the consciousness to endure counterattack and death!

"So even if she owed you something before, it is now written off, do you agree?"

Facing Zuo Yi's inquiry, Burly Knight had to lower his head: "Agree, respect Sir."

Just now it turns out that Zuo Yi is really easy to kill them.

Zuo Yi asked again, "Now I have opened the door for you through Earth Palace of Tanatos Temple. Can you reach her duties and tasks?"

Burly Knight whispered, "It's enough, Sir."

He dare not disagree with Zuo Yi's words, but in fact, Zuo Yi has no problems.

Knight Captain, the guardian dragon, was just a little strange. It was obviously the Temple of Arad. Why did Zuo Yi call it the Temple of Tanatos, and directly pointed out that the pyramid is where the Earth Palace is located.

But then again, no matter what the name is, if Zuo Yi the secret of the temple, no one can stop it.


The corner of Zuo Yi's lips swelled: "I finally send you one more word. If anyone doesn't want to live, then just go in and look for the so-called immortal and immortal secrets."

He had just come over and knew who the arad temple was.

Divine Pagoda vest in Natos.

Divine Pagoda Natos is a High Level deity in the Big Multiverse. He claims to have mastered the power of death. He is the representative of Endless Styx River in the Big Multiverse and has billions of believers.

But the so-called deities in essence are nothing more than higher-order life.

Tanatos has his own vests on countless planes, Avatar or projection, and founded sect to build a temple to gather believers, nothing more than to harvest Faith.

Although the name is different, Zuo Yi saw the mark representing Tanatos on the ruins, and then he did not run away.

In the name of "Death", the temple of Tanatos can never be a treasure trove of huge wealth. The so-called immortal and immortal secrets are simply bait for dead people to attract stupid fools walking right into a trap.

Zuo Yi bet, there must be an altar of Tanatos under the Earth Palace of the pyramid. For those who enter the treasure hunt and fall into the trap, life and soul will become the materials to start the altar!

Similar to the Temple of Death, Zuo Yi has seen more than one in other planes, and I know too much about it!

That gold coin and the secret about eternal life, ten-nine was released by a certain god of death believer who got "Oracle".

The same Gold Coin may be more than one.

Although Zuo Yi knows exactly what Arad Temple is, he will not go to great lengths to persuade the other party not to go in.

Because Zuo Yi knows humanity so well, few people can resist the temptations of immortality and immortality, especially those who hold power and wealth. They are willing to pay all costs to pursue longevity, and at the same time they have made all kinds of sad and funny and unreasonable. Things come.

Zuo Yi can't change humanity no matter how strong it is, why bother trying to save people who are interested in frustration?

He gave the other party a piece of advice, all in Gu Yunxi's face.

As for talking about destroying the Temple of Tanatos, Zuo Yi has such strength, but he took it to offend Tanatos, a big multiverse in the big Multiverse?

This is not to say that Zuo Yi is afraid of Tanatos. Tanatos's deity cannot leave his Divine Kingdom. It is only Avatar or projection that can come to this world.

Although the High Level gods are powerful and incomparable, Zuo Yi can't defeat them now, but Avatar and projection are another matter.

Despite this, Zuo Yi will not deliberately challenge the big man.

Death does not create a horror-spreading plague, strictly speaking it is an orderly neutral deity, not an evil Demon god!

Having said everything, Zuo Yi held Gu Yunxi's hand again: "Let's go."

Gu Yunxi nodded, she waved at several female companions: "Juli, Monica, Winnie, goodbye."

At this moment, Zuo Yi summed up the griffin from the chapter of Canida. Under the staring eyes of everyone, he reached out and wrapped Gu Yunxi's waist, and led her to the saddle.

The mighty Griffin raised his head and made a loud cry, spreading its huge wings, and flew into the sky in an instant.

The blink of an eye disappeared into everyone's sight.

Although Zuo Yi left with Gu Yunxi, the atmosphere in the Temple Explorer camp was still heavy and depressing. The Earth Dragon Knights, who usually had high eyes, were downcast, like cocks that were defeated.

The blow Zuo Yi gave them just now is too big!

Only the female companions of Gu Yunxi did not feel this way. Their eyes had not been recovered, and their eyes were full of envy and jealousy.

Who would have thought that Gu Yunxi has such a man, handsome and powerful, impeccable and perfect!

Presumably, the blond male George, who was previously regarded as the fifth king of diamonds, is just like a young child who has not grown up, and immature impulses overestimate one's capabilities. No wonder Gu Yunxi dismisses it.

If they had a man like Zuo Yi, they would no longer like other men.

When women are imagining, Knight and mages in the temple expedition have to face a very realistic question, that is, should they go into the pyramid to explore?

The obstacles that originally blocked them are no longer there, the portal of the temple of Arad has been opened to them, and the secrets of eternal life and immortality are close to them, as if they can be extracted by reaching out.

But no one dares to ignore Zuo Yi, a reminder from Alpha Powerhouse.

Burly Knight could not help but fall into deep tangles, on the one hand, duties and mission, on the other hand, reason and conscience, he did not know whether he should lead his teammates to take risks.

For the first time, he had serious doubts about his ability!

In contrast, Zuo Yi, who flies Griffin to Gu Yunxi and flew to the Dragon City fortress, feels like a mount under his wings.

He's going home, take Bao'er's mother home!