Paladin Dad Chapter 558


Although Bao'er didn't come to the trial space for the first time, the scene in front of her still made her sincerely surprised.

When she followed Zuo Yi into the trial space last time, what she saw when she stepped out of the teleportation gate was a very primitive town wall, rough wall and sentry tower, and houses made of rocks and trees. , Plus a goblin dressed in animal skin skirts, a thick wild wind.

Now only in the past few months, the place has changed a lot. The original walled city has been promoted to become a medieval castle. The surrounding buildings are simple and sturdy. The tall walls stand in front, giving a great sense of security. .

Goblins are more numerous, but they either look clothed or leather armor and look a lot cleaner.

The area where the teleportation gate was located turned into a small square, and Zuo Yi actually saw a store opened nearby!

Compared with the strict guard on the main world side, the atmosphere here is too relaxed and relaxing. The bright sun shines on the square, bright and warm, with a layer of holy light covering the entire castle.

Much like a scene in a fairy tale.

"This is the trial space?"

Gu Yunxi, who came here for the first time, looked around with a curious look: "It's great!"


Zuo Yi found something wrong and asked, "Did you not feel any problem?"

Gu Yunxi suddenly froze: "What's the problem?"

It's nice and beautiful here, the air is very fresh, and the sky is particularly blue. Except for the hot eyes of the goblin, she found no problems at all.


Zuo Yi thought about it, reached out and said, "Give me your necklace."

Although Gu Yunxi was strange, he took off his necklace and put it in Zuo Yi's hands.

This necklace was given to her by Zuo Yi.

As soon as the bodyguard necklace entered Zuo Yi's hand, it disappeared instantly without disappear without a trace.


Gu Yunxi's face suddenly changed.

The moment she took off her protective necklace, an invisible pressure suddenly enveloped her, as if adding a heavy shackle to her body and mind, making her breathing difficult.

The original beautiful World suddenly showed hostility and hostility towards her!

In such an environment, Gu Yunxi felt that even 10% of his ability was difficult to achieve.

She couldn't help asking: "What's going on?"

Zuo Yi smiled: "This is the rule of World."

He immediately took out the body necklace from the space ring and put it on again for Gu Yunxi.

Gu Yunxi was relieved immediately, all the stress disappeared instantly, and the whole person became extremely relaxed.

But she was still worried, she just didn't want to repeat it.

Zuo Yi has figured out the answer.

Gu Yunxi is the Transcendent of C-Rank. Under normal circumstances, as soon as she enters the trial space, she should be able to immediately feel the suppression and weakening of the rules of space, rather than nothing.

Through a small experiment, Zuo Yi understood that it was a body necklace, or more precisely the leaves of the treasure tree, to help her resist or adapt to the effects of the trial space.

The things contained in it are very intriguing.

The leaves Zuo Yi uses to make body necklaces are not ordinary treasure tree leaves, but a hint of Earth's original power.

As for this discovery, Zuo Yi has no intention of writing articles to change the current status of the trial space.

Bao'er glanced at Zuo Yi and Gu Yunxi, and blinked.


Tyke, who was next to her, barked suddenly.

At this moment, a large group of people and goblins were rushing over, the leading goblin warrior was the fastest, and suddenly rushed to Zuo Yi's body and saluted on one knee, kneeling: "Lord!"

This Greenskin Goblin was the first Knight Utu of the Geluo tribe. Zuo Yi once gave it a rune warhammer and gained its loyalty and support.

I haven't seen it for a few months. Utu's body is even more burly and tall. He is about to catch up with Qi Liantao who came with it.

Qi Liantao saluted Zuo Yi: "Good sir!"

Qi Liantao is Captain of the First Special Operations Squadron of Trial Space, and is also China's director of Trial Space Castle Base.

Others and goblins followed saluted.

"How are you."

Zuo Yi waved his hand and said, "I just brought my family here to play today, you don't need to worry about me."

Utu and Qi Liantao suddenly froze.

"I am not kidding."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "You guys, please go."

After that, he led Bao'er and took Gu Yunxi towards the city gate, leaving a group of people there to look at each other in shock.

This fortress-type castle is still under construction, but the city wall and city gate are basically completed. At this time, the city gate is open and many goblins come in and out.


Bao'er looked up and asked, "Where can we find Memphis?"

"It's not in town now."

Zuo Yi touched her head and said, "You can rest assured that father will find it."

Leaving the castle and coming out into the wilderness, Zuo Yi unfolded his spiritual network, and moved towards all around released a strong wave of consciousness as a signal to call Mephiss.

As long as Memphis exists within the sphere of influence, it is bound to be felt.

Just a few minutes later, a strong shadow suddenly burst out of the forest not far away, and the three of them moved towards Zuo Yi at an amazingly high speed.

Gu Yunxi subconsciously blocked Bao'er behind him!

This black shadow is a slender black panther. It has satin-like smooth hair and healthy muscles, and it is full of the deterrence of top predators.

Ao wu !

Tyke growled and rushed forward, his body swelled tenfold in an instant, and he hit the Black Panther head-on!

They hugged tightly together and rolled on the grass.

Bao'er leaned out from behind Gu Yunxi, loudly shouted: "A'Ty, Meimei, don't fight!"

As soon as the black panther appeared, she knew it was Memphis.

Tyke also knows that the two guys are not fighting in Life and Death, but are habitually fighting!



Juhua Tyke and Black Panther immediately separated.

The black panther suddenly jumped into the air, its body quickly shrank, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a black cat and rushed to the little girl.

Bao'er giggled, stepped forward and opened his arms, just holding it in his arms.

Meow ~

The black cat yelled, holding his head to the little girl's chin affectionately.

Seeing such a situation, Tyke did not to be outdone, it quickly recovered to its original state, ran back to the side of Bao'er, and waved his tail.

Bao'er had to squat down and hold it in his arms.

Gu Yunxi was relaxed. She turned her head and looked towards Zuo Yi. The two looked at each other and smiled.
