Paladin Dad Chapter 560

Zuo Yi hasn't felt it for a long time, so it feels like a woman is relying on it.

His relationship with Gu Yunxi is quite subtle now.

The two were their first love. See you after many years. Gu Yunxi gave birth to Bao'er without his knowledge. He ran for two Worlds in order to get back Gu Yunxi …

love? Friendship? Family relationship?

It seems to be able to touch the dots, but it is unclear what the road is.

Zuo Yi is not the kind of slimy and indecisive person, but he does not want to break the tacit understanding between the two for the time being.

Just let it be Nature.

Gu Yunxi suddenly asked, "Zuo Yi, can you tell me more about what you are in that World?"

Zuo Yi was a little surprised, but did not refuse: "OK."

After recovering Gu Yunxi from the Desolate World, he told the latter about his journey to Sadya World.

At that time, Zuo Yi only explained a few words, not at all how much substantive content, otherwise the detailed story could not be finished in three days and nights, and there would be no problem in writing a super-long novel of ten million words.

Now that Gu Yunxi asks again, he briefly tells about his experience at Sadya World.

When Zuo Yi said that he had been trapped in a plane for decades, Gu Yunxi could not help but hold his hand: "Are you afraid?"


Zuo Yi thought about it: "Maybe a little bit, I thought I might die there all the time."

It's really nothing to think of now, because it was that trapped experience that made him a rune Master Craftsman.

Gu Yunxi bit her lip and whispered, "Can you tell me the girl you like?"

Zuo Yi could not help but glance at her.

Gu Yunxi lowered her eyes, her pretty face was red against the bonfire.

"Her name is Vivienne …"

When Zuo Yi said the name, a silhouette of the little witch in a purple robe appeared again in his mind, and the blinking crafty smile rose from the deepest memory, and her ears seemed to linger around her. Laughter.

The first encounter on the journey, the companionship of each other, the life and death of Abyss after the war …

Every scene reappears like yesterday.

It took Zuo Yi a long time to finish his story with Vivian.

He didn't want to say so much, but he unknowingly said it.

Zuo Yi woke up and said apologetically, "Sorry."

"Do not."

Gu Yunxi quickly shook the head and wiped away the tears in the corner of his eyes: "It's me who apologizes, I shouldn't ask."

She didn't know what happened to her, and she wanted to cry while Zuo Yi told her story between her and Vivian.

It is not jealousy or sorrow, but an indescribable emotion.

"It's late."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Get off early."


Gu Yunxi nodded.

But sleeping is a problem because there is only one tent and only one mattress inside.

Zuo Yi said: "You accompany Bao'er to sleep, I'll watch the night."

Gu Yunxi hesitated: "Then you stay in the middle of the night, I stay in the middle of the night."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "You stay with Bao'er, don't worry about me."

If there is a need, don't talk about it for a night, even if he doesn't sleep for a month.

After driving Gu Yunxi to the tent to rest, Zuo Yi sat back to the campfire.

He used to spend so many long nights alone in Sadya World, but now he is not alone.

Meow ~

Mephiss stepped forward and rubbed his arm affectionately.

Zuo Yi took it into his arms again and asked, "Do you want to stay here or come back with us?"

After several months of stocking in the trial space, Memphis has grown into a true Extraordinary creature with a lot of predator capabilities, far from being comparable when it was first adopted.

It's here, Bao'er often misses it, so Zuo Yi let it choose.

Meow meow.

Memphis raised her head and called twice.


Zuo Yi nodded: "Then we will come back to take you home next time."

Mephis hopes to stay in the trial space for a while, it wants to make itself stronger.

Because it found out that it wasn't Tyke's opponent.

It's just that the black cat doesn't know, even if it works ten times harder, don't even think of Tyke with extraordinary natural talent.

Zuo Yi knows, but doesn't say-it's a good thing to have the motivation to work hard.

He picked up Memphis and threw it forward. The black cat incarnation became a black panther in the air, and disappeared immediately after it landed without a trace.

Dark night is its home field, it is time to sharpen itself!

The long night passed quietly.

When the bonfire was burned and turned into ashes, the horizon of the East was white.

The sun slowly rises, the sun shines on the ground, and a new day of trial space begins.

Inside the tent, Gu Yunxi opened his eyes.

At first glance, I saw Bao'er clinging to her arms, and her mood brightened instantly.

She couldn't help kissing a kiss on Bao'er's forehead.

Then she looked at the little girl and smirked.

If Bao'er felt something in his sleep, frowned pursed his lips and murmured vaguely.


Gu Yunxi's smile suddenly collapsed, and there was a terrible impulse.

But such a thought made her guilty, so she cautiously rolled over and got out of the tent.

"Are you up?"

Zuo Yi was lighting the oven and asked Gu Yunxi casually.

Gu Yunxi pretty face Yihong, said, "Me, let me go out."

She ran to the nearby grove.

Zuo Yi suddenly laughed, set fire to the stove, and prepared today's breakfast.

When Gu Yunxi came back to solve the problem, he handed over bottled water and toiletries.

It is so convenient to have a large-capacity space ring, and you can put everything inside.

When Gu Yunxi finished washing and returned to the campfire, Zuo Yi smiled and asked, "Would you like to practice in the morning?"

Gu Yunxi froze for a moment, pretty face flushed.


Zuo Yi reacted and explained quickly: "I mean, let's discuss it?"

Gu Yunxi's face turned redder.

It was not that she had misunderstood something, but that "morning" and "che shu" were one of the secret words that only two people knew when they were in love.

Although she knew Zuo Yi didn't mean that, it was too easy to associate.

Zuo Yi said with a bitter smile: "Sorry, let's call Bao'er first to get breakfast."

"Let her sleep more."

Instead, Gu Yunxi shook his head, his eyes expressing a eager expression: "How do you want to learn?"

She knows that she and Zuo Yi are not at all a level, but this does not hinder her efforts.

She also understood what Zuo Yi meant.