Paladin Dad Chapter 587

Battle Mecha is a battle strength multiplier for Transcendent.

China, America, Eloy, Continental, and other world-class powers and powers, as well as the next-level strengths of India, Tislan, Fessen, and East Asia, have invested a lot of human and material resources in this area Form the future mobile Battle Armor Legion.

This invisible gun race has begun as early as a decade ago.

The practicality of battle Mecha is undoubted. After being equipped with Battle Mecha, a Frank-Strengthening Type Transcendent can completely crush the E-Rank and even the D-Rank, and the combat effectiveness is more powerful in large-scale battles.

So far, relying on the creative ability of Science Type Transcendent, the combat Mecha projects in various countries are becoming mature, and many parts and accessories can be put into practical use. The only thing that restricts the outbreak of Battle Armor technology is the core driving force.

If the motivation is solved, there will be no obstacles.

In the field of high-energy power, it is precisely China's weakness. Even if there is a large number of Science Type Transcendents and there is not enough Technology background and technology accumulation, it is not possible to suddenly burst out Black Technology technology.

Now seeing that America and Eluo have made breakthrough progress in this regard, China's top nature is restless.

America and Continental are allies. There is a long-term technical exchange between the two parties. Once America officially launches the battle Mecha, then Continental will surely get corresponding support soon-even if it is castrated.

China and Eluo also have a mutual covenant, but Eluo is not less prepared against China than the European continent, and the Yiro people are greedy and want to get their power technology, they must pay a very high price.

People in China are accustomed to self-reliance, and unless forced to do so, the purchase of Elo technology is the last option.

"I want to see our Battle Armor."

As a member of China, the law-abiding Zuo Yi is willing to contribute to the country, but although he has some ideas, he must not speak at will before seeing the real thing in the Battle Armor.

"no problem."

Wu Yongjian was well prepared and immediately took Zuo Yi to the secret laboratory of the Extraordinary Management Office underground base.

China 's combat Mecha project is codenamed "Child of the Dragon" and has a very high level of confidentiality. Except for Wu Yongjian and Lu Guang who participated in the project, Qin Qin is not eligible to enter the Battle Armor laboratory.

On the test bench in the underground laboratory, Zuo Yi saw two fighting Mechas filled with various cables.

"This is Ⅰ …"

Lu Guang pointed at the silver red-painted Battle Armor and said, "Master battle Mecha!"

Then he pointed to another darker-colored Battle Armor introduced with a larger size and thicker armor: "This is the Dominant Type I, auxiliary battle Mecha."

The "Dragon's Son" project is led by the Chinese cabinet. The China Defense Forces and Xia Chaolian are the main R & D teams, and the three major laboratories of Imperial Capital, Huhai and Jiangnan Extraordinary Management Office jointly participate.

At the beginning of the project, "Dragon Son" identified two different models to meet different combat needs.

As of now, the completion of the first type of Ⅰ has reached 89.7%, and the completion of the first type of Ⅰ is 92.5%, all of which are stuck on the core of the power, especially the type of Ⅰ, as long as it is qualified The package can be directly listed.

Without a strong motivation, they are a breeze!

Zuo Yi noticed that a square metal bag was mounted behind the Ⅰ and the tyrant Ⅰ.

"This is a high-energy fuel package …"

Lu Guang noticed Zuo Yi's gaze, explaining: "Limited by volume, battery life is poor."

The high-energy fuel package is an Energy source for Battle Armor engines.

The Type Ⅰ and tyrant I models were all equipped with six miniature ion engines. If they were only to assist in combat, the reserves in the fuel package were sufficient, but once they were launched, they would be seriously insufficient.

The current fuel package is only enough to support the first type Ⅰ flight for more than half an hour. If the altitude and speed are increased, the time will be greatly shortened.

The heavier and heavier Type Ⅰ is even worse.

Another big problem is that such a large high-energy fuel pack is too easy to be the target of enemy attacks, even if it covers the armor, it is also a fatal weakness.

In addition, the armor of the fuel pack is thickened, which also affects the endurance, which is an unsolvable bug.

In contrast, America's Titan Battle Armor and Eluo's Warrior Armor have no similar problems. Their core of power is obviously placed inside the Battle Armor, which is technically a transcendent lead!

After listening to Lu Guang's introduction, Zuo Yi touched his chin and asked, "Can you still use it if you remove the fuel pack?"


Lu Guang replied without hesitation: "The fuel pack is a modular external plug-in standard. We have considered technical factors before, so we also designed a battery pack."

The battery pack is much thinner than the fuel pack, with a stronger weight and better defense, and it will not explode if it is penetrated by ammunition.

The problem is that the battery pack cannot drive the ion engine, so the Battle Armor loses flightability after replacement, and can only provide power to the built-in electronic system and firepower system, which can serve as auxiliary power at most.

In this way, the Battle Armor's mobility is greatly reduced, and its battle strength is much weaker. It can be used, but don't expect to compete with your opponent.

"Then replace the battery pack …"

Zuo Yi said with interest: "Let me try Ⅰ."

It is definitely not possible to change to such a request from someone else. You must know that the "child of the dragon" project has a very high level of confidentiality. Only the Lu Guang who is in charge of the project in the Jiangnan Extraordinary Management Office can directly get started. Wu Yongjian did not use equipment. permission.

But Zuo Yi's permissions are enough.

Lu Guang immediately instructed the laboratory staff to remove the test device of the first type I, and then disassembled the high-energy fuel pack and replaced it with a thin battery pack.

This Battle Armor has a high degree of redundancy in design. Unless the user's body is very special, most people can equip and use it, and Zuo Yi is no exception.

With Lu Guang's help, Zuo Yi quickly equipped the Model Ⅰ on himself.

Limited to technology, the battle Mecha is far less powerful than the iron man's battle clothes in the comics movie, but it has many similarities in terms of functions. The Type Ⅰ is equipped with an advanced intelligent control system and fire control system, which has good control performance.

Guided by the Smart Battle Armor system, Zuo Yi easily mastered its basic use method, and then conducted the first test in the test field next door.

From starting to running, to melee combat and long-range weapon attacks, it only took more than half an hour, and Zuo Yi had already played the Type Ⅰ to the point where he could use his arms.