Paladin Dad Chapter 590

Got it ~ Got it ~

At noon, the temperature was very high, and even Xia Chan hiding in the shade made a frantic tweet.

Zuo Yi leaned on a lounger in the yard, lazily basking in the sun.

The unbearable scorching sun is like a warm bath for Zuo Yi. The energy carried by the blazing sun passes through the skin and is swallowed by the Battle Qi flowing inside blood, flesh, muscle and bones.

This is one of his daily practices.

It's just that Cicada is noisy.

Zuo Yi said, "Shut up."

As if pressing the stop button suddenly, the cicada's sound stopped suddenly.

Today, the peripheral area of ​​Linjiang City is basically occupied by the growing treasure tree forest. This natal tree belonging to Bao'er is showing growing power and strength.

Treasure Tree can control all the creatures in the forest, including Insect, so no mosquitoes, flea and flea spiders can be seen in Linjiang Old Residence, keeping the noisy summer cicadas quiet.

Although Baoshu was owned by Bao'er, like Tyke, it obeyed or persuaded Zuo Yi's orders.


When Zuo Yi re-entered cultivation, Bao'er and Tyke ran to the yard.


Zuo Yi quickly got up from the lounge chair: "The sun is very hot, go back to the house."

He led the little girl back into the living room and asked, "Kiki is gone?"

Bao'er was a little glum: "Yeah."

It's late July, and Bao'er and Xia Yunqi's summer vacation is almost halfway through.

Xia Yunqi was going to return to Beijing during the summer vacation, but because she studied rune with Zuo Yi, she lived in Hangzhou for more than half a month.

Then Xia Family did not know for some reason, and sent someone over to urge several times.

Xia Yunqi left Hangzhou to return to Beijing today.

Bao'er just sent away his best friend and girlfriend, which is inevitably a little unhappy.


Zuo Yi said with a smile: "We …"

He was about to take Bao'er out to play for a few days, but before he finished speaking, the phone in his pants pocket suddenly rang.

Zuo Yi had to answer the phone first.

"Left Chief!"

He was called by Lu Guang, and the CTO of Jiangnan Extraordinary Management Office was very excited: "The core of Thunderstone Power is done!"

The news surprised Zuo Yi.

He thought about it and said to the little girl, "You go upstairs with A'Ty, father has something to do."


Bao'er obediently nodded.

Zuo Yi touched her head lovingly, adding: "father wants to take you out to play for a few days, you think about where we go first, and then tell father, okay?"

Bao'er's eyes shined: "Okay!"

Zuo Yi slightly smiled: "Go."

After the little girl took Tyke upstairs, he said to Lu Guang, "I'll be here now."

Twenty minutes later, Zuo Yi appeared in the underground testing ground of the Extraordinary Management Office.

"Left Chief …"

Lu Guang, who was here, said to him excitedly, "We have succeeded!"

More than half a month ago, Zuo Yi had been here to test the Mecha Ⅰ, a domestic battle still under development.

At the time, the Type I was facing the problem that the power core was not practical, which caused the overall research and development progress to lag far behind America and Eloy, which made China's top managers deeply worried.

Zuo Yi is not a Science Type Transcendent and can't think of a good solution to this, but he gave Lu Guang two thunderstones for the latter to study and test.

At that time, Zuo Yi did not even think that in just over half a month, Lu Guang had actually developed the core of Thunderstone Power and successfully put it into practical use!

He said with a smile: "Let me see your results."

Lu Guang chuckled, waving at the battle Mecha standing in the middle of the test field.

Compared with the last Zuo Yi test, the Ⅰ battle Mecha has basically not changed much, but only a few details have been adjusted, and the painting has also changed slightly.

But this is not the point. As Lu Guang issued a gesture command, the eyes of "it" suddenly lighted up, and the two tendons of the heel tended to emit two blue flames at the same time.

Relying on the powerful thrust of the ion engine, Battle Armor suddenly took off in the air, rushed to a position close to the dome, and stopped, then opened his arms to adjust the direction, and began a flight show in the air.

From time to time, you can dive from time to time, and around the obstacles with flexibility. Although it is not smooth and proficient in some difficult movements, the good handling of the I type with six ion engines is undoubted.

Zuo Yi wonders: "Who is testing?"

"It's Wang Xun …"

Lu Guang explained: "He provided a great solution and helped a lot."

Zuo Yi nodded.

Wang Xun is one of the main members of Lu Guang's team. C-Rank's Science Type Transcendent, in his thirties, has a quiet personality and outstanding ability.

The big cut of Zuo Yi was rebuilt by Lu Guang and Wang Xun.

Under the watchful eye of Zuo Yi and Lu Guang, the Battle Armor controlled by Wang Xun flew for more than ten minutes before landing on the ground.

He lifted his faceplate, and smiled at Zuo Yi: "Left Chief."

Zuo Yi gave him a thumbs up and said to Lu Guang, "It's great."

Zuo Yi sincerely admired Lu Guang and Wang Xun, and they were able to produce reliable results in such a short period of time. Both of them must have given countless hard work and efforts.

Just look at the appearance of the two, Lu Guang's beard has not been shaved for a long time, and Wang Xun's dark circles are very heavy. It is estimated that Tiantian Pao was in the laboratory to sleep and forget.

Such people are always admirable, they support China's backbone!

"Chief Zuo, thanks to you this time."

Lu Guang said sincerely: "Without the Thunderstone you provided, the new core of power cannot break through so quickly!"

Zuo Yi shook his head: "I didn't expect it to work."

"Not only works."

Lu Guang was excited: "It's so easy to use, its Energy is very stable, and its concentration is very high, it guides the output …"

He spoke for a few minutes of the advantages of Thunderstone in one breath, and was mixed with a lot of data and terminology.

Although Zuo Yi is not very understanding, I feel really difficult to deal with.

Finally Lu Guang asked: "Left Chief, do you still have such a thunderstone?"


Zuo Yi nodded: "How much?"

Lu Guang suddenly lighted his eyes, and blurted out, "The more the better, the more you have!"

After he said that, he scratched his head with embarrassment: "Uh, this, let's talk about this, Chief Wu just went to the laboratory over the Shanghai Sea. Our results need further confirmation and verification."

The two thunderstones provided by Zuo Yi, the small one is used for various experiments, and the large one is cut into two pieces, which has become a key part of the core of the power.

Two core components, one was loaded in the Type Ⅰ, and the other was taken to Shanghai by Wu Yongjian.

As far as the situation is concerned, the thunderstone that Zuo Yi got from Sassanth is already invaluable!