Paladin Dad Chapter 596

Nine in the morning.

Five black Mercedes cars parked back and forth in the driveway in front of the Grand Hotel.

Without waiting for the doormen to come forward, all the car doors opened in unison, and a group of men in suits wearing sunglasses quickly came out of the car.

Every expression is cold and solemn!

Such a situation made the knowledgeable porter also feel a trembling feeling. He subconsciously glanced at the opponent's vehicle number plate, and found that it turned out to be a red letter on a black background, both in color and number, which were completely different from regular license plates.

Without his reaction, the men in suits strode into the hotel.

Soon, they took over the hotel's security work, and then more people followed, blocking the road in front of the hotel and guiding the passing vehicles to the nearby parking lot.

As for the guests who need to leave the hotel, they are arranged to go out through the side entrance instead of going through the main entrance.

And all of this was completed in only half an hour, and it was shocking and shocking!

At XNUMX minutes, a convoy was escorted by four police cars and appeared on the main road in front of the hotel.

The leader is impressively a Xialong 1898!

Xialong is China's top domestic car brand. Its annual output is much less than that of Rolls Royce. It is also handmade and extremely expensive.

Xialong Automobile is not sold to ordinary people. It belongs to the state affairs and guest cars. It often appears on various large celebrations and is often used as a gift to foreign leaders.

Xialong 1898 is the most classic style of Xialong automobile, and only 10 cars are produced in a limited number.

Although Beijing is the political center of China, the vast majority of Beijing people have never seen Xia Long 1898 running on the road in the boundary of Beijing.

In addition to the leading Xialong 1898, there were two long Xialongs in the back, followed by a slippery car.

When Xia Long stopped in front of the Grand Hotel in 1898, an elevator inside the hotel just arrived in the lobby.

The elevator door opened, and a seductive middle-aged man came forward and hugged.

At first glance, it is a big-class character.

Next to the big guy is a beautiful and beautiful woman, who has a charming face—a face that is familiar to people all over the country.

Under the attention of others, the middle-aged man moved towards the hotel door without squinting. As a result, he was stopped by a security officer without taking a few steps.


Security personnel said politely: "The hotel's main entrance is temporarily unavailable, please go this way."


The middle-aged man's face suddenly sank.

He didn't expect anyone to dare stop him, and asked him to go through the side door.

How is this different from hitting his face on the spot?

"Go away!"

The boss disdain to talk to the small characters, his own followers came forward and negotiated with the other party: "If you don't want to lose your job, disappear quickly, don't give yourself trouble!"

Of course, this threatening word was suppressed, so as not to be heard by passersby, the impact is not good.

Big guys pay attention to image.

But the deterrent is absolutely sufficient.

However, the tried-and-true tricks hit the iron wall this time. The security personnel not only did not dread, but watched the other side indifferently: "The first warning."

His tone barely fell, and there were many men in suits near him at once.

Cold eyes passed through the sunglasses and fell on the middle-aged man entire group!

The gangster was shocked.

He immediately realized that the identity of the other party was not simple. He was definitely not an ordinary security officer working in the Grand Hotel.

Ordinary security, there will be no such Murderous aura!

The situation was unknown, and the middle-aged man quickly reached out and held the furious younger brother, taking a few steps back.

At this time, the entire group entered the hotel lobby through the main entrance.

middle-aged man looked at it subconsciously.

Suddenly sweating!

He finally understood why the seven-star Emperor Hotel would be closed, and he dared to come for a big shot.

Although the middle-aged man is considered by many to be a big man, he has a lot of Energy in the foot of Beijing, but his identity and status are not very rare.

There are three in sight!

The prime minister of China, Zhang Zonghan, the head of China Extraordinary Federation, Alpha Powerhouse Qin Wuyang, and Marshal Xiao Li, commander of the China National Defense Forces!

Any of these three could easily crush him, and the three came together …

The middle-aged man who didn't dare to take himself as a big man quickly lowered his head when he thought that he almost ran up, and hurriedly led people back to the corner.

Zhang Zonghan, Qin Wuyang and Xiao Li not at all noticed his presence. The three of them accompanied by the accompanying staff to the VIP exclusive elevator room and took the special elevator directly to the top floor of the Grand Hotel.

In the small Conference Hall on the top floor, these three top Chinese figures met Zuo Yi who was already waiting there.

"Chief Zuo, have kept you waiting."

After some humiliation and introduction, the four giants who were enough to control the China National Games sat around the conference table.

"The original big brother is coming too …"

Qin Wuyang said, "But something happened over Dragon City, so he can't get away for now, so let me say hello to you."

Zuo Yi smiled: "Mr. Fan is very polite."

To be honest, when he received a call from Qin Wuyang in the morning, he was a little surprised.

Zhang Zonghan and Xiao Li, the two Chinese military and political leaders, actually came to meet and talk with him at the same time.

Seeing this, China's top management attaches great importance to Thunderstone!

Qin Wuyang looked towards Zhang Zonghan, who coughed and said, "Chief Zuo, in view of your contribution to China, our cabinet has made a preliminary decision after deliberation."

On the bright side, Zuo Yi 's first contribution to China was that he replaced Fan Hailiu in the Dragon City fortress at the Desolate World some time ago, killing the first powerhouse Ganggu in the Wolf Tribe in one fell swoop.

The fall of the Alpha-level wolf Divine Knight not only led to the defeat of the wolf Legion, but also severely damaged the wolf tribe that threatened the Dragon City fortress for decades, and won valuable development opportunities for China's expansion in the wild Desolate World.

The significance and far-reaching significance of it are beyond doubt!

As the chief hero, how to reward Zuo Yi for merit has undoubtedly become a headache for Chinese executives.

The higher the reward, the harder it will be, and the lower it will not be. How to be just right and in line with Zuo Yi's identity makes the cabinet quite tangled.

That's why it has been delayed until now, and the timing of Zuo Yi's trip to Beijing is the solution.

Of course, the Thunderstone deal is the top priority, and the resolution plan just issued by the cabinet side also includes this part.

The Cabinet of China has decided to grant Zuo Yi Earl a title, and it is still an honorary title.

In the past XNUMX years, the people who have been awarded the title of knighthood in China have counted with a slap!