Paladin Dad Chapter 603

The long fishing line was threw away several dozen meters away in a short distance. In the sunlight, it seemed like a flying light, and the bait "pa ta" bundled on it fell into the clear lake.

Standing at the bow of the yacht, Zuo Yi skillfully swayed the fishing rod in his hand, and at the same time rocked the fishing wheel to rewind the fishing line, and the pseudo-bait in the water moved freely, like a small fish.

Bao'er hugged Tyke against the ship's railing, staring with wide eyes.

Oh la la !

Suddenly, the lake was bursting with splashes of water, and Zuo Yi expression condensed and lifted the pole without thinking.


The strength returned by the curved fishing rod told him that a fish was hooked.

And it's not small!

The next moment, a large silver-white fish jumped out of the water, struggling and twisting in the air, trying to get rid of the fishhook that caught his lips.


Bao'er suddenly gave a surprise cry: "Father caught the fish!"

Gu Yunxi, who was lying on a beach chair next to him, was surprised: "So fast?"

Just started fishing.

Zuo Yi hehe smiled, skillfully closed the thread and pulled it, dragged the hooked fish to the front of the yacht, and picked it up with a dip net.

Growing up on the edge of the river, he has mastered fishing skills since he was a child, and playing Luya was also a good hand.

Today is just a small test of a bullsword, so the sword is still old!

You know, he didn't use any Extraordinary power, and he caught the fish through experience and technique.

"What a big fish."

Looking at the fish on the deck, Bao'er smiled: "Father, what kind of fish is this?"

"Father, look."

Zuo Yi flipped through the tourist manual that came with the yacht.

There is a record of the fish species in the North Sea, and it is stipulated in detail that those fish can be caught, those that must be released, and the size restrictions-small fish must be released.

"This is the North Sea white salmon …"

He compared the pictures in the manual and said, "Well, the size should be enough."

Beihai white salmon is a unique species of Beihai Lake. Because of its large number, it is not on the protection list, but the length less than XNUMX cm needs to be returned to the lake.

The Zuo Yi just caught this one, which is almost 40 centimeters in size, and the size is completely up to standard!


Tyke's eyes are bright: it looks delicious.

Bao'er smiled at the dog's head: "A'Ty, don't worry, let father fish up a few more."

Zuo Yi took off the fishhook and put the whitefish just caught in the fish box, and continued Luya.

The area of ​​the North Sea is very large and the fishery resources are quite rich. However, because it is listed as a Nature Reserve, large-scale commercial fishing has been banned, and only scientific research capture and tourist fishing are allowed.

Therefore, the number of fish in the lake is very large, and the difficulty of fishing is very low. Zuo Yi only took less than half an hour to catch large and small dozens of white salmon, dolmen, and so on.

Those that are undersized are all released, and there are seven or eight big fish left behind.


Although Zuo Yi hasn't enjoyed it yet, it's almost enough to catch so much.

boom! boom! boom!

At this time, the yacht was hit by something and made a regular sound.


Bao'er was the first to discover the culprit that made the sound.

Her eyes stared round: "Father father, look at it, seal!"

It turned out that a seal didn't know when it was approaching the yacht. It approached the tail section of the yacht with its slick head and lay a pair of front fins on it.


Tyke: Get out!


The billowing seal was startled, instinctively jumped back into the lake, and quickly dived into the water.

Tyke hum: Demo!


Bao'er stroked the dog's head: "Don't be naughty."

In her opinion, this seal is a guest, and it looks very interesting. After being scared away by Tyke, there is no need to play.

Tyke wu wu wu.

At this time, the seal quietly poked its head from the stern again, a cautiously look.

Gu Yunxi said with a smile: "Does it want to eat fish?"

Zuo Yi fished a belly-turned white salmon out of the fish box, and moved towards the seal and lost it.

The guy slammed up, opened his mouth and bit the salmon accurately, and putong jumped into the water.


Bao'er clapped, "It's amazing!"

"Leave it alone …"

Zuo Yi laughed and picked up another fish and said, "Father will make grilled fish for you."

According to the tourist manual, the taste of Beihai white salmon is very delicious, whether it is cooked or grilled, or made into salted fish, dried fish, or even frozen raw.

There are barbecue equipment on the yacht, he plans to grill one to eat.

However, he had just prepared the salmon for the grill, and a familiar peng peng came from the stern.

Zuo Yi turned his head and saw three black lines on his forehead!

Bao'er marveled: "A lot of seals!"

I just sent a seal, and now I have run four or five heads. They squeezed the stern to the stern, and each and everyone's heads are one after another, struggling to stretch the neck to make a "chuck" sound.

When is this a fast food truck? It's free!

Zuo Yi really served this group of cheeky guys, and the family came to eat and drink.


Bao'er blinked and said, "They must all be hungry."


Zuo Yi reluctantly took one big fish after another from the fish box and discarded them.

But his idea was too naive.

After losing five or six salmon, the seals beside the yacht not only did not decrease, but increased several times!

Bao'er was stunned, and Gu Yunxi smiled as his stomach hurt.

Zuo Yi had a few more black lines on his forehead, winking at Tyke next to him.

Tyke, who was instructed by the Great Demon King, immediately understood and snarled: Nimen gave Wang Zoukai!

Abyss Cerberus's momentum was released, the seals were scared witless, they hurriedly dived into the water and did not dare to approach the yacht again.

Finally it's gone.

Zuo Yi relaxed, and he couldn't help but try again.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

At this time, several seals that had just resurfaced suddenly made a terrifying cry.

The water splashed, all the seals were like the end of the day, and panicked moved towards the shore.

Zuo Yi noticed that a clear waterline appeared on the lake about four and a half meters away from the yacht, as if moving away from the string, towards the seals.

Below the waterline is a black shadow of four five meters, just like the torpedo just launched, aggressive murderous intention!


Tyke, standing on the deck, noticed the onslaught of dark shadows in the water, his neck hairs were raised, his eyes became alert.


Bao'er exclaimed, a tense expression on his face.

Because she felt the fear and fear of the seals at this moment, and despair!