Paladin Dad Chapter 606

Jiangnan Extraordinary Management Office.

Wu Yongjian personally welcomed Zuo Yi at the gate.

"Left Chief …"

The Chief Executive Officer of the Extraordinary Management Office shook hands with Zuo Yi and said with a smile: "It's time to call you Left Earl."

The relationship between the two is very good, Wu Yongjian is a little joking, but more serious.

"It's still the original name."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "What happened?"

Wu Yongjian immediately converged with a smile and said positively, "Let's talk to the Conference Hall."

In the Conference Hall of the Extraordinary Management Office, Zuo Yi met several unexpected characters.

"Zuo Yi Sir!"

A man in Knight costume said in a husky voice, "We are here to ask for your help!"

This man with a somber look, weak eyes, and long fire red hair is the first prince of the Kingdom of Selles!

Last year, Oder led a delegation from the Kingdom of Selles to China for a visit and to Hangzhou.

Zuo Yi first met each other at the year-end auction held by Garbo Bank on the West Market third floor. At the time, Oder's son, a Brat, wanted Ty's to be held by Bao'er, and the conflict was triggered.

In the end, Aude apologized to Zuo Yi and compensated a precious magic crystal.

Speaking of which both sides have grudges, but at this moment, Oder puts his posture very low in front of Zuo Yi, giving the impression that he is desperate for the desperate situation.

Accompanied by Ord was also Gandalf, the tower mage of the Kingdom of Selles. Zuo Yi also knew.

Gandalf participated in the research and development of the sub-air combat weapon, and has been co-chairing the research and development of life-awakening medicine type Ⅱ and type Ⅲ in the Jiangnan laboratory with Professor Chen Yi.

Zuo Yi's impression of the Archmage is still very good.

But tonight Gandalf was worried, and he looked like he wasn't keeping his soul.

Oder's tone barely fell, and he said, "Zuo Yi Sir, we really need your help this time!"

Zuo Yi said calmly, "Let's sit down and talk."

Until now, Zuo Yi didn't know what happened, but it is not difficult to judge from the words of the two that it should be the major event of the Kingdom of Selles!

In fact, as Zuo Yi judged, the Kingdom of Selles was in great trouble.

The crisis of national extinction!

Just five days ago, the Horde of the Orcs, the Blood Lion, and the Moon Fox broke through the Great Wall of the Kingdom of Selles, the Rock Fortress fell, and the Legion in the western part of the Kingdom suffered unprecedented damage. Army Commander Hurd Fight to death.

Hurd is the town-level powerhouse of the Kingdom of Selles. His death, the fall of the Rock Fortress, and the collapse of the Legion of the West Xinjiang, caused the kingdom to lose the most important barrier on the Western Front, and the core hinterland was completely exposed to the Orc Tribal Alliance. Under the front.

Two days ago, Legion, the kingdom guard led by Oder, blocked the tribal coalition on the black soil plains. As a result, more than half of the 200,000 guards were wounded and he was forced to lead the remnants to the city of Ungolo.

The city of Angolo is the last line of defense for the capital city. If the fortress city falls, the orc tribal alliance will soon descend on the capital city!

In fact, in the past two years, the Orc tribe's coalition forces have been attacking the western frontier of the Kingdom of Selles. They have been blocked by the Western Border Great Wall and the Rock Fortress.

Absolutely did not expect that the orcs suddenly launched a violent offensive, hitting a completely unprepared Legion of Western Xinjiang, and also put the Kingdom of Celes into an extremely dangerous situation.

In desperation, Oder rushed to the Dragon City fortress as quickly as possible, and used World Stone to teleport to China for help.

And came here personally.

He was desperately hurrying for the past two days and hadn't taken a good rest, so he looked particularly shy.

Realizing what happened, Zuo Yi asked, "Did Takayama and Green Forest not support you?"

Takayama refers to the Kingdom of Atoa, Green Forest is the Kingdom of Santa Fein, the Kingdom of Celes has the nickname of the country of the river, Three Great Kingdoms are connected to each other to help and guard the Human Race Bloodline of Desolate Wilderness Continent.

Three Great Kingdoms of course understands the reason for the cold and cold teeth. Once a kingdom encounters a huge threat from the orcs, the other two kingdoms will send powerhouse and Legion to support it.

Without such a mutual covenant, Three Great Kingdoms would have been broken by the brutal orcs.

"Atoya and Santa Fean's reinforcements are on the way …"

Aude said with a bitter smile: "They can't draw much power, especially the town-level powerhouse."

When Selez faced the crisis of Life and Death, the border between Atoa and Santa Fean was also not peaceful. Several major tribes of the orcs tacitly attacked the territories of the two countries and restrained their main force, Legion. Already.

Not only China, but also America, Europe, Euro, Tislan, and other major countries in the Earth, have received help from the wild Human Race.

Because Three Great Kingdoms has realized that this time the orcs are going to be real, and erase Human Race from the wild land!

"The three tribes of the Bear, Blood Lion and Moon Fox sent a total of 700,000 coalition forces …"

Orde swallowed saliva and said, saying bluntly: "There are at least five town-level powerhouses, and their commander is the Lion Divine Knight Leon of the Blood Lion Tribe!"

The town-level powerhouse of the Desolate World is equivalent to Earth's Alpha. The five Orcs Alpha plus 700,000 troops have steadily overwhelmed the Kingdom of Seleth in strength.

There are only three township powerhouses in the Kingdom of Selles. After falling down, there are only two left.

And Fan Hailiu, who guards the Dragon City fortress, is not enough.

And Zuo Yi once killed the Wolf God Warrior Gangu at the Dragon City fortress, and Nature became the life-saving straw of the Kingdom of Selles.

"Zuo Yi Sir …"

Oder stood up and bowed deeply towards Zuo Yi: "Please save us Selles, no matter what conditions you need, we all promise!"

Earth only Transcendent can be transmitted to the Desolate World through World Stone. China 's power in the Dragon City fortress is very limited. Even if it is all joined in the war against the three orc tribal coalition forces, it will not be possible to change the strength comparison between the two sides.

The Kingdom of Selles is in dire straits, and China, an ally of Different World, must not stand idly by. The senior officials of China are currently holding an emergency meeting to discuss, but the former has little time to wait.

What Celestial Kingdom needs most right now is the top battle strength like Zuo Yi, who immediately joins the battle to help guard Angolo.

Wang Du's last line of defense!

"Then let me go now …"

With the eager gaze of Oder, Zuo Yi stood up and said, "I will help you keep Ungolo."

Oder suddenly rejoiced: "Thank you, thank you Sir!"

Wu Yongjian, who had been silent just now, said, "Helicopters can go to the airport on the roof."

"It doesn't have to be that trouble."

Zuo Yi shook his head and said, "I'll just go straight."

Directly past?

Everyone froze for a moment.