Paladin Dad Chapter 611


Zuo Yi's actions were simple and plain, but the tone of speech was flat, but in the eyes and ears of Master Rollin and Marquis of Cote, the pores of the two high-level characters of the Kingdom of Celeste were erected, a cold Qi straight into the forehead.

As if Zuo Yi's palm turned into a knife and struck their throats, Murderous intention was tremblingly cold!

As the Devil Teacher, Rollin 's Mental Power is far superior to the Marquis of Kote, so he was the first to get rid of the impact of this inexplicable fear. He cautiously asked: "Zuo Yi Sir, are you implementing beheading tactics against the Orc Alliance ? "

Beheading tactics are a conventional method in war, especially in the Powerhouse Hengqiang World, the core of the soul of an army is often the strongest commander, and destroying it will directly defeat the army.

But after understanding Zuo Yi's intentions, both Mage Rowling and the Marquis of Kurt felt incredible.

There are a total of seven Lions Divine Knights in the three Orc tribal alliances, and only two of them are on their own. Even if decapitation tactics are to be implemented, aren't the best choices for each defeat?

Zuo Yi actually dislikes the dispersal of the seven lions, Divine Knight, and wants Rowling to find a way to get them together. What is this operation?

The two look at each other in shock.

The Marquis Kurt coughed and said, "Zuo Yi Sir …"

Zuo Yi raised his hand to stop him from speaking, and his eyes looked towards Luo Lin.

Rowling frowned and fell into thought.

He didn't think that Zuo Yi was crazy and couldn't think of sending him to death. In the current extremely bad situation, he couldn't think of a way to deal with the Orc Coalition. So why should he oppose Zuo Yi's idea?

It's dead all the time, why not giving medicine to a dead horse!

To be a Teacher of the Devil, Rowling's IQ and EQ are very high. He immediately made a decision: "Zuo Yi Sir, I think I can try it."


Zuo Yi smiled nodded: "Let's end this war together."


As night fell slowly, a few stars shone in the sky, and the boundless darkness covered the Angolo Fortress and the Orc Alliance camp.

The defensive aperture produced by the Magic array is even more conspicuous, like a large transparent bowl covering the fortress.

In the camp of the orcs, a bunch of bonfires were lit. Countless orcs shared their dinners around the fire, and the thick smell of barbecue was scattered on the plain.

Compared to the depression and silence of the Angolo Fortress, the atmosphere in the orc camp is too lively and hustle and bustle. A few hunted thousand orcs warriors are in high spirits. They bite bloody barbecues and talked about breaking Ango excitedly. Things after the fortress.

For the orcs, Human Race is the object of preemption and seizure, the target of treacherous silver plunder, and the meat on the table!

This time, the three major tribes of the tyrannosaurus, blood lion, and moon fox assembled a total of 700,000 coalition forces, and the daily food consumption is extremely amazing, so any orc with a little brain knows that the siege of the Angolo Fortress is not May be long lasting.

Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, a fierce siege battle will begin.

Orc warriors have never feared fighting. They long for blood and slaughter. The tomahawk in their hands is already hungry and thirsty!


Suddenly, the low trumpet sound passed into the ears of all orc warriors from far and near, accompanied by the drum sound of hong long long, making the earth tremble slightly.

The orc warriors stood up one after another, they stopped laughing and eating, and moved towards looking in the direction of the sound.


The fortress of the Kingdom of Selles has seen a surprising change. The Magic circle that covers the fortress emits extremely bright rays of light, covering all buildings including the central giant tower.

what happened?

The same problem emerged in the minds of the orc warriors, and they couldn't help looking at each other in shock.

The entire Orc Alliance camp was alarmed.

The blood lion tribe, the lion king's account.

Zheng Xun sat on the throne, expressing his enthusiasm with the blood lion king Leon, who banqueted, and put down the gold bottle in his hand.

The first powerhouse of the blood lion tribe is extremely burly and tall. The arms are thicker than the maidens of the rabbits next to it. The lion's mouth is wide and the eyes are sharp. A dark red hair is like a burning flame, which looks extremely powerful. fierce.

"what happened?"

He solemnly asked, looking towards the red robe big shaman sitting in the left position.

The red robe was a big shaman frowned, and the detective found a Crystal Ball from the pelt pocket.

The big shaman murmured a few obscure incantations, and the Crystal Ball lit up immediately, immediately projecting a light and shadow picture in the center of the golden account, and it was exactly the Angolo fortress.


The image projected by Crystal Ball stunned the red robe and said, "What does Rollin Cecil want?"

Also a top caster of the Desolate Wilderness Continent, the Great Blood Lion Shaman is no stranger to the Rollin Lord Teacher who guards the Angolo Fortress.

The sight shows that Rollin Cecil is fully mobilizing the strength of the Fortress of Angolo to defend the Magic formation, raising the energy level of this large array to the highest level.

This is totally contrary to common sense.

The urban defense magic array relies on the Energy pool built under the central high tower to operate. Once turned on, it continuously draws magic power energy stored in the Energy pool to maintain its operation.

This consumption is significant.

Under normal circumstances, the urban defense magic array is closed, and it will be turned on only when it encounters external threats. However, the defense level is set according to the threat level to minimize the consumption of the Energy pool.

Until now, the orc coalition not at all launched a full-scale attack on the Angolo fortress. The shaman of the orcs were unmoved, and Rowling Cecil, who was in charge of the central high tower, suddenly raised the energy level of the Magic formation. The highest level makes him very puzzled.

Is the Energy Pool too full and must be consumed, or …

The blood lion shaman smelled a strong conspiracy-the first assumption was simply impossible!

He immediately told his idea to the Blood Lion King Leon, and made his own judgment: "Rollin Cecil may be conducting some kind of large-scale Magic experiment, or he wants to break through!"


Leon's expression suddenly became stubborn: "Want to run?"

As the commander of the three major tribal coalition forces, if you let the Rollin Cecil Demon Teacher run away under your eyes, it will undoubtedly be a blow to his prestige in the orcs.

This is what Blood Lion King Leon simply cannot tolerate!

Moreover, this war was waged on the will of the Supreme Beast God.

Leon shouted in a deep voice: "You immediately notify Sandru and Jelena that they are coming, hurry up!"

The blood lion big shaman was nodded, he stretched out his thin right hand and pressed it on the Crystal Ball to communicate with the other beast Divine Knight.