Paladin Dad Chapter 618

Zuo Yi landed slowly from the air and returned to the ground.

In front of him is the Lava Lake formed by Self-destruction of Campas. The area has expanded to thousands of square meters. The hot slurry tumbles violently and penetrates into the surrounding seams. The air is filled with a thick sulfur breath. .

Remind Zuo Yi of Sadya's Abyss World.

The beast god Campas can be considered fierce enough. In fact, k had a chance to escape and return to Divine Kingdom, but in the end he still hesitated to break the Self-destruction split, intent on re-creating Zuo Yi, and even fighting together with Zuo Yi.

However, Zuo Yi has participated in many wars of God, and has already seen similar tactics. He did not relax his vigilance when he took the absolute upper hand, so Campas completely lost his mind.

Zuo Yi estimates that this split body is complete, and it takes at least a few decades of sleep to recover.

This is the biggest blow to the barbaric beasts-and the greatest luck for the barbaric Human Race!

Unfortunately, Zuo Yi did not get Power of Faith because Desolate World was not his theme.

This world without his True Name mark, of course, it is impossible to provide him with Faith power, but in fact, because the beast god Campas was killed, at this moment Zuo Yi has felt that the desolate World 's rejection of himself has suddenly increased. Several times!


The dark clouds in the sky did not dissipate due to the end of the fighting between the two sides, but became more and more dense and manic. The thunderbolt of the hong long long fluttered one after another, and lightning snakes swam back and forth in the clouds.

The wind howled, the earthquake shook, as if the maliciousness of the entire world had focused on him!

Change to someone else, even if it is a town-level powerhouse, facing such a high-level suppression of the World Law, it will crash on the spot if it doesn't last three seconds.

However, the Divine Soul of Zuo Yi was too powerful, so he resisted forcibly without being shaken.

But even so, his power in the Desolate World has been weakened again, and if he continues to stay in this world, then he will encounter many inexplicable situations, and he may be choked by drinking water!

After hesitating, Zuo Yi decided to leave.

There are seven stars in the Sukhara ring that he wears. As long as he excites the power of World Stone, he can return to the main world at any time.

And just as Zuo Yi was preparing to inject Mental Power into the ring, the light in his corner of his eye suddenly caught sight of something just floating in the nearby lava lake.


Suddenly Zuo Yi's gaze was fixed and he reached out without thinking.

His powerful Mental Power then turned into an invisible long whip, and instantly passed the distance of several dozen meters, wrapped around that thing and pulled it back into his hand!

This is a fist-sized scarlet spar, showing an irregular rhombus shape, glowing like a burning coal fire, with a surface of blood energy, exuding a violent atmosphere.

Immediately after the blood crystals started, Zuo Yi immediately felt a domineering sense of divine rushed into within the body, trying to make waves!

He could not help but coldly snorted, the light power within the body suddenly condensed into the arm, besieged the divine sense, and spent a little time purifying.

This manic divine sense is of course unwilling to be annihilated in this way, it growls, struggles, and bumps back and forth, trying to break through the siege of the bright Holy Force.

But at Zuo Yi's home court, its resistance was doomed to futility, and it was purified only after a few minutes!

At this moment, the blood crystal in Zuo Yi's hand has become glittering and translucent, and it is no longer hot. The blood energy lingering around him disappears, and it looks like a super-sized high-quality pigeon blood ruby.

But Zuo Yi is clear that this is not a gem, but Divine Crystal!

He suddenly startedled.

Divine Crystal is a collection of God's origins, just like Magic Beast's magic crystal, which contains the purest divine force.

It is very common to kill God and drop Divine Crystal. Zuo Yi will not make a fuss about nothing about this. You must know that he has also obtained Divine Crystal before and is familiar with Divine Crystal.

The beast god Campas didn't actually come, but relied on the body of the beast Divine Knight Leon, and was finally self-destruction when Zuo Yi was beaten to death.

How could such a large Divine Crystal fall out?

Zuo Yi felt quite incredible. It can only be speculated that the loss of the beast god Campas was absolutely terrible. I am afraid that sleeping for decades will not be enough for k to recover.

And the divine sense purified by Zuo Yi just now is undoubtedly left by Campas. If he is not strong enough, it is entirely possible that his destroying consciousness will occupy the body and complete the final counterattack.

God is so dangerous!

In any case, Zuo Yi has now won.

He noticed that inside the Divine Crystal, there was a seal of a small unicorn, which looked like the beast of Campas just now.

Zuo Yi thought about it and injected his Mental Power into Divine Crystal.

Zuo Yi's Mental Power just touched Mini Campus, and countless messages immediately poured into his Sea of ​​Consciousness like a torrent!

Mixed with a lot of manic, violent, bloodthirsty consciousness.

However, these consciousnesses are much weaker than Dipasense of Campas just now, and they have been annihilated on the iron wall consciousness of Zuo Yi without any impact.

The torrent of information containing countless memories was quickly screened and absorbed by Zuo Yi's powerful Divine Soul.

In just a few moments, Zuo Yi got a lot of memories of the beast Divine Knight Leon and the beast god Campas, including a complete orc cultivation system.

He also mastered the common languages ​​of Orc, Elf, and Human Race Three Great Kingdoms.

If the ordinary people suddenly get so much knowledge and information, their heads will explode on the spot, but for Zuo Yi, this information can be easily accommodated a hundred times more.

The memory infusion was completed, and the mini Campas of the Crystal Interior Department disappeared.

But the divine force in Divine Crystal is still there.

There was a smile on Zuo Yi's face.

Divine Crystal is really a good thing. It is also the most precious treasure in Sadya World. It can be used to make the best law equipment. It is also the best experimental material for Wizards. It has countless uses.

And Zuo Yi has just discovered that as long as he holds this Divine Crystal, the desolate World's suppression of his rules is greatly reduced, and it is restored to the level before the original killing of Campas, and it is even easier.

This time Zuo Yi don't have to rush back to Earth.

With a little thought, Zuo Yi tried to deposit the Divine Crystal in the Sukhara Ring.

As a result, the Sukhara Band was accommodated very smoothly!

You should know that since the fusion of the Sukhara cube and the space ring, only the Thunderstone can be stored in it.

There are now more Divine Crystals, and after being put into the ring, the suppression of World Law's resistance not at all weakens in the slightest.

Intuition tells Zuo Yi that he can not only use this Divine Crystal to weaken the hostility of the Desolate World, but also develop more spell-like powerful skills.

This Divine Crystal can completely make up for his previous efforts!