Paladin Dad Chapter 633

A ball of white golden metal liquid floated silently on the workbench.

Its size is close to that of a football, and its rays of light are round, as if it were a mini sun, emitting infinite light and heat.

Zuo Yi held the metal ball in his left hand, burning the incomparable Battle Qi Flame on the palm. The hot high temperature ensured that the solution of Scarlet Crow Gold, Baifeng Steel and Stardust powder would not solidify.

His right hand five fingers spread out and aimed at the liquid metal ball.

Under the control of Zuo Yi's power, a drop of pearl-sized metal solution separated and flew into the Dragon King Battle Armor.

At this moment, the Dragon King Battle Armor has been fully opened. Its size is larger than the I domestic battle armor. The built-in control position is relatively more spacious and more like a mini Mecha.

The separated metal solution quickly merged into different parts of the Battle Armor, and each collision flashed a slight rays of light.

Zuo Yi is upgrading the main part of Dragon King Battle Armor.

The alloy materials used by Dragon King Battle Armor are extremely advanced and very defensive, but this power is only for Earth's existing Technology, which is far from meeting Zuo Yi's needs.

He incorporated all the metal liquids he formulated into all alloy parts.

This will bring changes to Dragon King Battle Armor shedding body, exchanging bones!

This work lasted for almost two hours, from top to bottom, from inside to outside. When the last drop of metal liquid was incorporated into the feet of Battle Armor, the first and most important step was announced.

That is, Zuo Yi's strength is now strong enough, otherwise it will not persist.

The Dragon King Battle Armor, which has completed the initial transformation, seems to have no change. The appearance is still the same, the painting is still the original painting, and there is no difference in color.

But if you look closely, there is a faint golden rays of light underneath its paint.

Temperament is very different!

Scarlet Crow Gold, White Front Steel, and Stardust powder are all important materials used to make rune equipment and Law of Creation. Dragon King Battle Armor is able to carry the blessing of High Level rune after incorporating so many expensive materials.

But Zuo Yi not at all is in a hurry to engraving Rune for Dragon King Battle Armor, because there are still many details of this weapon that need to be modified.

It has only just begun.

He expected that it would take him almost a week to actually transform the Battle Armor.

This is already very fast for large-scale equipment with upgrade targets of the legendary class.

The next step is to start tomorrow.

Zuo Yi checked the Dragon King Battle Armor from beginning to end, and after confirming that there were no leaks in the first transformation, he stored it in a metal safe.

He returned to the workbench and reached out to open the wooden box on the table.

The wooden box has a length of one meter. After the cover is lifted left and right, a long sword displayed in it is immediately revealed.

This sword is less than three wide and has a very simple shape. There is no pattern decoration on the sword body, grid, and sword hilt. The sword body is silver white, which can clearly reflect the human face.

Zuo Yi once promised to build a weapon tailored for Gu Yunxi. This sword was cast after he got Meteorite Core Iron, and it took him five days.

Four high level runes have been imprinted on the sword: "Immortal", "Front Speed", "Penetration" and "Frost".

The four High Level runes make this sword extremely powerful, it is extremely fast, it can penetrate the hardest armor, never wear and never decay, and it can also stimulate the power of frost!

Zuo Yi named it "Frost".

The Ningshuang Sword was almost finished in the last process. He held the sword hilt with his hand, and raised the sword in front of him, injecting a bright Holy Force.

The sword body suddenly emits thousands of bright rays of light, and the entire basement is fully illuminated.

When all the rays of light dissipated, the Frost Sword restored to its original appearance, with a hint of sacredness.

After Zuo Yi's "opening up", this long sword is based on four High Level rune blessings, and it has an extra attribute.

That's breaking evil!

The bright Holy Force of Zuo Yi restrained all ghosts and evil spirits, used to deal with Spirit Physique, evil is no disadvantage, so the Ningshuang sword blessed by Bright Holy Force has a stronger power to cut monsters and remove magic.

Would you like to give it to Gu Yunxi now?

Zuo Yi thought about it, or decided to find a more suitable time to surprise his lover.

dīng líng líng ~

Just then, his cell phone on the table suddenly rang.

Zuo Yi glanced at the screen that just turned on, and immediately reached out to get connected: "Old Gao, how do you remember calling me?"

The caller name displayed on the screen was Gao Feng.

As Zuo Yi's best friend, Gao Feng left Hangzhou last year to Spring City, more than XNUMX kilometers away.

For more than half a year, Zuo Yi has been in touch with Gao Feng, knowing that he is doing well.

However, in recent months, Gao Feng has not heard from him.

Zuo Yi not at all cares, because the friendship between the two of them will not fade even if they have not contacted for a few years.

But what Zuo Yi did not expect was that Gao Feng's voice was not heard in the receiver, but a woman.

"Zuo Yi, something happened to Gao Feng!"


Zuo Yi sank in his heart and asked, "Lili?"

Zhao Lili is Gao Feng's ex-girlfriend. The two have been in love for many years. They were originally a pair of happy friends.

After the last break up, Gao Feng found a girlfriend again, and then realized that he had missed the most important person in his life, so he left everything and went to Spring City.

Because Zhao Lili works in Spring City, he just wants to live in the same city as the one he once loved.

Zuo Yi originally learned that Gao Feng opened a flower shop in Spring City, and he did not take the initiative to find Zhao Lili.

Zuo Yi absolutely did not expect that Zhao Lili actually called himself with Gao Feng's mobile phone and said that something had happened to Gao Feng.

Zuo Yi and Zhao Lili certainly knew each other, and the relationship between the two was also good, but they have not seen each other for several years.

"it's me."

Zhao Lili choked and said, "Gao Feng, he was arrested to the prison. I didn't see him when I went to see him. I didn't know what was going on. I asked someone to help …"

Zhao Lili was very excited, and said something incoherent, but probably meant that Zuo Yi understood it.

"Lili …"

Zuo Yi said solemnly: "Don't worry, are you in Spring City now? I'll be right here!"

After receiving a positive answer from Zhao Lili, Zuo Yi comforted her a few more words and then hurriedly ended the call.

After thinking about it, he put the Ningshuang sword on the table into the space ring, and immediately left the underground studio.

No matter what happened to Gao Feng, Zuo Yi will not stand idly by!