Paladin Dad Chapter 636

Spring City Prison, Visiting Room.

The visiting time prescribed by the prison is from XNUMX am to XNUMX pm. Normally, the visiting room is not open at night, but there are exceptions in special circumstances.

When Zuo Yi and Fang Xiaohui came to the prison, it was already more than eleven in the evening. After waiting for a few minutes in the visiting room, they finally met Gao Feng.

Gao Feng was wearing normal clothes, T-shirts and jeans, but he looked very bad, his hair was messy like a bird's nest, his face was extremely poor, his eyes were bloodshot, and his eyes were dull.

It feels like a huge blow.

When he came over, he was carrying his body, his pace was very slow, and he seemed to be suffering.

But there were no scars on the surface.

Gao Feng opened his eyes wide when he saw Zuo Yi sitting in front of the window through the thick glass window.

The expression suddenly became excited.

He flew directly to his seat and couldn't wait to grab the intercom microphone: "Old Zuo, why are you here?"

"Zhao Lili called me."

Zuo Yi said solemnly: "I knew you had an accident, so I rushed over."

Gao Feng couldn't believe it: "You came from Hangzhou?"


Zuo Yi motioned him not to get excited: "Tell me, what is going on?"

Gao Feng blinked, trying not to let himself cry.

He held his inner emotions down and said in a low voice, "Old Zuo, go back and leave me alone."

Zuo Yi stared at him: "Since I'm here, I won't go back without saving you."

In fact, with the strength of Zuo Yi, Gao Feng can now be rescued as soon as he reaches out, let alone the tempered glass in front, even the tank armor can't stop it.

But when the truth is unknown, he will not use this method of breaking the rules and Order to save people.

Gao Feng clenched his fists: "Old Zuo …"

"Did you offend the Bai Family?"

Zuo Yi interrupted his persuasion again: "If I was afraid of the Bai Family, I would not be here now!"

Gao Feng was shocked.

He told Zuo Yi to leave him alone, indeed because he was afraid of involving Zuo Yi.

However, Zuo Yi was so confident that it gave him a glimmer of hope.

Weighing again and again, Gao Feng said the reason for the matter.

After leaving Hangzhou and coming to Spring City, he applied for a local nursery company in Spring City, but resigned for various reasons after only one month of work.

But while working at the nursery stock company, he accumulated some industry experience and opened a small flower shop by himself after coming out.

Spring City has a lot of flower shops and the competition is very fierce. At the beginning, Gao Feng's business was very difficult.

However, he persisted tenaciously, and gradually gained a foothold through the characteristic operation of the online store and the circle of friends.

A few days ago, Gao Feng bought a batch of orchids from a flower grower.

These orchids are one of Gao Feng's main products for online sales. They are packaged and sold through split planting, coupled with customized small flower pots, decorations and fertilizers, and they sell quite well.

But in the process of cultivation, Gao Feng discovered a very strange orchid.

This orchid blossomed overnight, not only the flower pattern is very beautiful, but also exudes a pleasant fragrance.

Not only that, after placing this orchid in the room, all the mosquitoes are extinct!

Gao Feng did some research on it, and found that this orchid does not belong to any known variety, and it is speculated that it should be the product of a genetic mutation, such as Supreme Treasure.

You have to know that there are many varieties of orchids, one for a few dollars and one for several million. This unexpected discovery made him very excited, and it felt like a big pie falling from the sky.

Of course, Gao Feng couldn't support such a good thing, so he contacted a boss he knew.

The other person is an orchid hobby person. After seeing the photos sent by Gao Feng, he went to the house to admire the orchids.

He offered Gao Feng a 200,000 acquisition.

The price of 200,000 is not low, but Gao Feng did not sell it.

Because Gao Feng felt that the value of this orchid was far more than 200,000, and he thought of looking for someone else.

The Boss didn't increase the fare either, and left with a smile.

As a result, the next day, this morning, a member of the inspection team of the An Yue Nature Protection Bureau suddenly came to Gao Feng's store, saying that he had stolen the country's rare and protected plants and directly caught him in the prison.

Gao Feng felt really wrong. He bought orchids from flower farmers, and the other side was an orchid grower. There was no smuggling of protected plants.

But his defense was useless.

During the interrogation, an interrogator said, he said, he offended the people of Bai Family and was destined to sit through the prison!

Gao Feng has been coming to Spring City for almost a year. For work reasons, I have dealt with some third-rate people at Three Sects, and I know what the Bai Family is like in Spring City.

He never dreamed that he had offended the Bai Family, and he was really desperate!

It is for this reason that Gao Feng does not want to drag Zuo Yi into the water. He must know that the Bai Family is not just in name only, but also in reality.

"Old Zuo."

He finally said: "You really don't care about it, I beg you, you let Lili leave it, I …"

"I reap what you have sown!"

Gao Feng already wanted to understand that he must have been offended by the boss. He shouldn't have been greedy if he knew it. If he sold it directly to the other side, then there would be nothing.

It's too late to regret now.

"I understand."

Zuo Yi expressionlessly nodded: "I know how to do it."

He put his hand on the front glass and said, "Take care and wait for my news."

Gao Feng immediately felt that his chest became hot, and a warm current poured into the inside of the body, all the pain and tiredness disappeared instantly without disappear without a trace, and the whole person seemed to be comfortable in the hot spring.

He was involuntarily nodded.

Zuo Yi hung up the intercom phone, took a deep look at the good friend inside, then got up and left the visiting room.

Around ten minutes.

Fang Xiaohui was waiting outside. When he saw Zuo Yi coming out, he was a little surprised: "Are you finished?"


Zuo Yi said, "Let's go out and talk."

After leaving the prison and returning to the car, Zuo Yi took out a mobile phone.

He unlocked and looked at the call log, and then called up a number labeled "Zhang Boss": "Secretary Fang, I have to trouble you again, help me check this person."

This phone is Gao Feng's, which Zuo Yi brought from Zhao Lili.

Looking through the call log, you know that Gao Feng was in contact with this Boss, who was probably the culprit for eight-nine!

Just now Zuo Yi didn't ask Gao Feng directly because the visitor room was monitored.

He can also see that Gao Feng has suffered a lot in it!