Paladin Dad Chapter 639

"Left, Mr. Zuo …"

Zhang Longqing swallowed saliva and said, desperately extruding a charming smile: "misunderstanding, misunderstanding."

Zuo Yi looked at him expressionlessly, and a ridiculous expression appeared in his eyes.

Zhang Longqing knelt on the ground with a "putong".

He was kneeling quite simply.

Characters like Zhang Longqing are often able to bend and stretch, making people yell when they are proud, and yell when they are down, as long as they are alive, pulling their skins off their feet and stepping on the ground is a normal operation.

Of course, if he was given a chance to come back, his revenge would be absolutely vicious!

But now the situation is unfavorable, Zhang Longqing puts his mind on the floor: "Left Zuo, the villain doesn't know Mount Tai. Your adult gave you a lot of life. I will let the prison house release it now and pay 1 Millions shocked the Gao Feng brothers! "

Detective Zuo Yi grabbed the pistol floating in the air, and threw the phone in front of him.

Zhang Longqing picked up the phone with a shaking hand.

After a phone call, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "No problem, the detention center is now going through the formalities. The Gao Feng brothers can come out for up to half an hour."

Zuo Yi coldly smiled and said to Fang Xiaohui next to him, "Secretary Fang, please go to the prison to pick someone up."

"no problem."

Fang Xiaohui agreed without hesitation: "Are you here?"

"Do not."

Zuo Yi shook his head and said, "You take Gao Feng directly to Hangzhou, and I am here with Zhang Boss for tea."

Fang Xiaohui nodded: "I see. Don't worry."

"This is his phone …"

Zuo Yi took Gao Feng's phone out of his pocket and handed it to Fang Xiaohui: "Tell me, say we'll see you in Hangzhou."

Fang Xiaohui took the phone: "OK!"

He didn't worry about Zuo Yi at all.

No matter how powerful the Bai Family is, it is impossible to leave Zuo Yi in Spring City.

Seriously, he stayed here with Gao Feng and became a burden, so leaving Spring City to Hangzhou is the best choice.

As for the role of Extraordinary Management Office, Fang Xiaohui didn't care.

Because Zuo Yi will definitely not treat him badly.

The most important thing is that Spring City has already stayed enough and has nothing to worry about, so he just pulls away.

Zuo Yi pats Fang Xiaohui's shoulder: "It's up to you."

He calmly left a Holy Force mark on the opponent.

This Holy Force mark can exist for three days, which is enough to protect Fang Xiaohui's safety.

After Fang Xiaohui left, there were only Zuo Yi, Zhang Longqing and Scarface sturdy men in the room.

The sturdy man had fallen to the ground and passed out.

Zhang Longqing was quite sober, but he was more willing to pass out.

Zuo Yi didn't get him up, sat down unhurriedly at the tea table, and poured himself a cup of tea.

"Good tea."

After a sip of hot tea, Zuo Yi liked it.

Zhang Longqing squeezed out a smile that is uglier than crying-this is a top grade Biluochun of tens of thousands!

Time passed by one minute and one second, Zhang Longqing kneeling on the ground only felt like he was living like a year, his weight was nearly three hundred, the pressure on his legs and knees could be imagined, and he soon became numb.

But Zhang Longqing didn't dare to move or pretend to be dizzy.

Because he felt that if he dared to play any tricks, the consequences would be very tragic!

Therefore, Zhang Longqing could only clenched his teeth and insisted that he could not move even if his clothes were soaked with sweat.

More than half an hour later, Zuo Yi received a call from Gao Feng.

Under the threat of death, Zhang Longqing did not dare to engage in ghosts. Gao Feng had been released from the prison and met Fang Xiaohui.

"You don't need to worry about it here, you have me together."

Zuo Yi said to Gao Feng, "Goodbye Hangzhou!"

Zuo Yi asked Gao Feng and Fang Xiaohui to leave Spring City, and Gao Feng Nature was worried about his safety.

And Zhao Lili.

Gao Feng's worry was of course superfluous, because Zuo Yi had long thought about it, and before calling Fang Xiaohui to Chunxiao Tea House in the morning, he called Zhao Lili and let the latter leave Spring City temporarily.

Zhao Lili should be on the high-speed train now.

As soon as Zuo Yi put down his phone, Zhang Longqing couldn't help but said with a smile on his face: "Leader, brother Gao Feng is out now. Look at me, can I get up?"

He tried to make himself look humble.

"Not in a hurry."

Zuo Yi said meaningfully: "It's still early."

Zhang Longqing almost cried.

But even if he really cried, he still had to kneel until Zuo Yi was satisfied.

During this time Zuo Yi received several messages.

The news came from Fang Xiaohui on the train. He and Gao Feng had already boarded the high-speed rail, but they did not go directly to Hangzhou.

Because the high-speed trains and flights to Hangzhou are the closest in the afternoon.

In order to get out of danger as soon as possible, the two first went to Yangcheng and then flew to Hangzhou.

Once out of the Anyue border, the power of the Bai Family will be out of reach.

As a result, Zhang Longqing knelt until noon, almost collapsed on the floor, and the light was about to explode. Zuo Yi let him get up from the ground to solve the problem.

There is a toilet in this elegant room. Zhang Longqing didn't dare to make any moths. She struggled to go to the toilet, then returned obediently to continue kneeling.

The sturdy man woke up once, but as soon as he woke up, he was shot again by Zuo Yi.

Until more than two in the afternoon, Zuo Yi threw the phone to Zhang Longqing: "Call the Bai Family and ask them to send the pot of orchids back."

Zhang Longqing froze, "Ah?"

Zuo Yi sneered: "Don't understand people? Would you like me to repeat it?"

"I'll fight right away!"

Zhang Longqing quickly picked up the mobile phone, a ecstasy in her heart.

to be the meat on somebody's chopping block, the past few hours have been a hellish torment for him, and I want to send a message to let people come to the rescue.

But fearing the strength of Zuo Yi, Zhang Longqing didn't dare to act blindly without thinking.

Now that Zuo Yi actually asked him to call the Bai Family, it was definitely a godsend.

He believed that as long as the people of the Bai Family arrived, Zuo Yi wouldn't even run away even if he had great patience. At the same time that he was saved, he would still have the opportunity to revenge fiercely.

Zhang Longqing was afraid of Zuo Yi's remorse and immediately called the elder of the cheap brother-in-law.

After the phone was connected, he said something briefly, without much jealousy.

But Zhang Longqing thought that the other party definitely understood his situation.

"All right."

Zuo Yi waited for him to finish the phone call and said lightly, "Your task is done. Remember to be a good person in your next life."


Zhang Longqing was dumbfounded and couldn't believe his ears.

Before he could speak, a hot breath came on his face and instantly turned him into ashes!

However, Zhang Longqing was not alone, because the scarred and sturdy man followed the cremation on the spot after him, and the two could worship on Yellow Springs Road.